One Day (26)

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Chapter 26: One Day

~ Jaxons POV ~

I think giving Rebecca the promise ring I bought her had to be the best thing I've ever done in my life.

She's amazing and everytime I think of her, I smile, knowing that one day she will be my wife.

One day I'll see her in a wedding dress looking gorgeous as ever as she walks down the isle towards me. I could just imagine us having a house and children when we get older, where we're gonna grow old together.

Many of you are probably asking..

Aren't you sexually fustrated?

When are you guys gonna have sex?

Do you miss having sex?

Of course I miss sex, but I perfer not having it then lossing Rebecca for being selfish. I'm patient just for her and I'll wait for her until she's comfortable.

One day we'll make love.

One day.

Rebecca and I exit that mall and into a crowd of paparazzi outside. At this point Rebecca's used to it since they have been places that when have gone to. The same questions are asked each time,

" Ms Rey are you pregnant with Jaxons child?"

" When are you to getting married?"

" Is that a ring?!"

I chuckle." She will be married soon." I wink at the paparazzi taking photos and enter the car with Rebecca. I start the engine and I start driving.

" Do you really mean that?" She ask.

I face her." Mean what?"

" That we're gonna get married again.. Do you mean that?" She ask curiously.

" Of course I do, Why would I lie about that.?"

" I don't know.. you were but under pressure back there, with the paparazzi and stuff." She says awkwardly.

Her big brown eyes twinkle and her cheeks start to flush in red. I love it when she blushes, she looks adorable.

Even more then she always is.

I inlace my hand with hers." I love you."

" I love you too."

* Rebeccas POV *

I look at the magazine covers with my face on the front off it. Theres a side picture of my ring that Jaxon gave me. This people are going crazy and its exhausting.

'From Rebecca Rey to Rebecca Trey?!'

The caption says on the bottom. Ever since he gave me the promise ring the media has gone crazy! On TV thats the only thing that comes out, me, Jaxon and the ring.

I truly love the ring, especially since Jaxon gave me it.

But the ring is just making everything complicated and exhausting.

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