I'm A Good Girl(13)

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Chapter 13: I'm A Good Girl

* Rebeccas POV *

I never thought my life would come to this..I never thought I would be hacking into a phone because there's a private video in there. It's illegal right? To hack someone's device without them knowing?

Well, duh.

I was considered the good girl my whole life. Everywhere I went I would be called the baby of the group since I was never in trouble. Just a few hours ago I got into a fight and now I'm hacking a phone....

I wonder what would be my consequences?

"Ha! I got in!" Kara jumped in excitement.

I run to her and snatch Sarah's phone out of her hand and scroll through her camera roll. I search and search through everything again and again until I finally found what I was looking for.

The tape.

I click the delete button and sighed as I sat down in the couch finally relieved.

" It's done... The video is gone." I say in relief as Jaxon enters the room.

He walks towards me and I jump on him. He gives me a warm tight hug, which I really needed. He understood why I needed that video gone even though it didn't really bother him. What bothered him was me being miserable because of the video.

" What are we gonna do with the phone." He questioned.

" I'll handle it, don't worry." Kara replys.

" No, I'll take care of it. You guys don't worry." I say.

They both look at me in denial but they end up agree with me. I grab my stuff while Jaxon and Kara does as well. We head to the door and then I think and turn around confused.

" Where's Charlotte and Josh?" I ask.

" They're probably making out in the bathroom. Don't worry they'll be fine." Jaxon shrugs.

I nod and we all head out.

I say bye to Kara as she gets in her car and goes her own way. I didn't bring my car so Jaxon is now taking me home.

" What are you gonna do to Sarah's phone?" Jaxon asks while driving.

" That's for me to know and for you to not find out." I say turning my head towards him, smirking.

One of his hand in on the wheel and the other one is softly stroking my thigh. I grab his hand and inlace our fingers together.

" I wont do anything bad, I'm a good girl." I smile.

He gives me a million dollar smile and puts his focus on the road.

Only if he knew what I was gonna do...

Its quite for a while and his thumb strokes the palm of my hand. I look up at him and I could see by his face expressions his thinking. He's thinking really hard.

He finally breaks the silence.

"Sleep at my place tonight?"

I nod with a smile." Sure."

We finally arrive at his place. I enter and a cold breeze greets me when I enter. I always loved the feeling in Jaxons flat. It was a modern place and yet it made me feel happy, just like he does to me.

I put my stuff down and take me shoes off to let the carpet warm up my feet. I sit down in the couch and close my eyes for a bit since it was really late. I open my eyes and see Jaxon holding a box of Chips Ahoy cookies with a smirk on his pink lips.

I smile and he sits down as he hands me the box.

" You don't have to work you know? You can live with me and I'll take care of you." He says softly.

I turn to face him." I like working. It makes me feel independent, just like I've been my whole life."

" As for living with you, I think we should do that.. in the future."

The whole time I speak he looks at my lips while twirling my hair in one finger. I lean in and kiss him.

" You're the most important thing I have right now Jaxon." I whisper into his ear and I can feel him.

He bits my ear and starts kissing me down to my mouth. Our lips go in sync as he slides his tongue in while he lays me down on the couch as I wrap my legs around his waist and his hands slide down my thighs. He kisses me down to my stomach and up as he gives me one last kiss and whispers.

" And you're my favorite thing."


-1k where ya at? Ilysm <3


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