Easily Trusted(10)

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Chapter 10: Easily Trusted

* Edited*
*Rebeccas POV*

You know that feeling that you get when you finally get something that you've always wanted, but then it gets ripped away from you. Like it was nothing.

That's how I feel right now.

I thought that I could be happy with Jaxon. I thought that I would get loved like I've always wanted to be loved by someone. I thought after committing to him it would've gone smooth for a while. I thought I would be able to have a happy relationship with him. My mind wondered if maybe we would get married and have kids.

But I never thought I would get blackmailed.

I drive to the closest Wallgreens to get some ice cream since I was still crying and I felt like dying. I walk to the isle with tears still running down my cheeks as I grab the ice cream and close the refrigerator door.

I look at my reflection and see my eyes red and puffy.

I looked like a zombie.

" You looked fucked up." A female voice said.

I turn and see a dark skinned girl in her 20s with bright fun clothing and fun hair holding bags on chips on both of her arms. She smiled showing her white teeth and dimples.

" Y-yea. I am fucked up right now." I let out a smile chuckle.

She paused and looks at me up and down.

" You high?" She asked curiously.

" What? No, Im not high I-im just going through something." I retort back, almost laughing.

She starts laughing like crazy and I just stand there trying to get my head together.

" You wanna share this chips? I bought them for myself but I think you need it more then me." She says nicely.

" But I barely know you..." I say confused.

" And? We can become friends. You look like hell and I'm the perfect person to share your feeling with." She says using her hands to motion to herself.

" My name is Kara and it looks like I'm your new friend. So lets go." She says as she grabs my hand and takes me to the cashier.

I'm still confused as hell but I go with it since Kara looks like a fun person and I need to make more friends. She's sassy and bright, you can tell that by just looking at her.

We pay for our stuff and head to my apartment.

How am I trusting her so easily?

I unlock the door to my apartment and we head in. Kara skips in eating some chips we opened in the car and looks around.

" Nice place, I like it." She flops onto the couch.

I giggle. " Thanks, how did I trust you so easily?"

" I don't know to be honest. We were crying I felt like you need someone, you got any other friends?" She asked.

" Yea I do, but she's still in class on campus."

" So tell me why were you crying before? Is it boy drama?" She ask.

And I look at her basically saying yes without a word.

" Fuck yes, give me the tea."

I tell her everything including the mistaken dry humping in the middle of a hallway. Somehow I trusted her alot and she was a really good listener.

" I can't believe you basically dry humped him! You could have been smarter though, there's cameras everywhere how were you that dumb Rebecca?!" She said in shock.

" It wasn't even on purpose! It literally for only a minute!" I face planted myself. " I don't know Kara, everything's just horrible right now."

" That blonde bitch. Ama rip her weave off if I see her." She said stuffing her mouth with hot cheetos.

" But this Jaxon dude seems the shit, you really like him? Weren't you guys only suppose to be friends for a stupid project?" She asks.

I nod. " Yea, I can't be with him or she'll leak the video and I don't want that to happen. Its not about me it's about Jaxon. His family reputation could be destroyed by that one video."

" Don't worry I know what to do."

The doorbell then rings and I look at it knowing who it is. Kara stares at it as she continues to stuff her face with hot cheetos.

I get up and so does she to open the door.

I open the door and see Jaxon with a confused face as he looks at Kara. The second his eyes landed on me his face washed over with relief.

" Rebecca why didn't answer any of my texts or my phone calls?" He says walking in.

I look at him with sadness.

" That's him?" Kara whispers into my ear.

I nod.

" Well I'll be going Rebecca, call me if you need anything." She says handing me a paper with her cell number.

She gives me a sympathetic smile and leaves closing the door behind her.

It only me and Jaxon left in the room...

And I really wanted to kiss him.

-Two Chapters In a Row ;)


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