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"Can I borrow that lip gloss?" Sadaf asked Mi Yun, who was checking herself out in Sadaf's locker mirror

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"Can I borrow that lip gloss?" Sadaf asked Mi Yun, who was checking herself out in Sadaf's locker mirror.

"Here." She passed the tube of lip gloss over to Sadaf, who gladly took it to apply some on before continuing to use her eyeliner.

She was doing her makeup at her locker, something she did every morning.

Mrs. Bagheri didn't approve of makeup because according to her, it broke hijab. That never stopped Sadaf from getting dolled up though. She said she wore it for herself, not for male attention, and that was perfectly fine in my eyes. There was nothing indecent about a woman looking good for herself.   

"Brice asked me for a pencil yesterday, and we talked for a couple seconds after that," I told the girls, and they peeked over at me.

"Wow." Mi Yun bobbed her head, looking impressed. "That's progress."

I finally mustered the courage to start sitting beside him. We didn't talk much, but I was gradually getting there. It was only a matter of time before we transitioned to having full-blown conversations.

"I don't get it, Es." Sadaf shut her locker closed with her gaze on me. "It shouldn't be this hard to talk to some guy."

"Patience," I said. "It's a virtue."

"It's been more than a month, but you hardly talk to him," she pointed out. "Maybe it's a sign."

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked with a frown.

"Maybe Brice isn't the guy for you."

"That's my future husband you're talking about," I joked while shoving her shoulder back. "He just doesn't know it yet," I added.

Mi Yun moved to stand beside Sadaf, and they both faced me.

"Call me weird or old-fashioned," Sadaf went on, "but I think a guy who you can talk to with ease is the one who's right for you, and that's not Brice."

"Us not talking isn't his fault," I said. "It's mine."

"Because something is holding you back," she said. "I personally think people who are a good fit for each other can converse without much effort. You don't have to wrack your brain for something to say, and you don't have to force yourself to talk to them. It just happens."

"This isn't a fairy tale, Sadaf," I said with a scoff. "It's the real world. People get nervous around each other. People get tongue-tied. A lot of things happen."

She rose her hands in surrender. "I just think people who are really meant to be together don't have to put so much effort into talking to a person."

"Whatever," I muttered and turned to walk off but halted at the sight of two boys coming our way.

"Hey, Sadaf." Oliver waved with a grin as he and Jax stopped before us.

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