| Sixteen || Intimacy and Sharing |

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Estella and I walked along a trail in Rowe Park, talking about what happened between her and Mi Yun

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Estella and I walked along a trail in Rowe Park, talking about what happened between her and Mi Yun.

Well, I listened, and she ranted.

"Can you believe Sabrina?" Estella said with a glare directed at no one in particular. "Butting her way into my and Mimi's friendship, and she had the nerve to try and confront me. As if I was in the wrong."

I didn't understand why Estella disliked Sabrina so much.

"You don't know Sabrina, Estella," I pointed out. "They're not wrong about that. You are kind of making a scene when you don't fully understand the situation."

Estella stared at me with her mouth dropped. "You're on their side."

"No," I said. "I don't know Mi Yun, and I'm not in Sabrina's life anymore." She perked a brow. "I'm biased towards you, and you know that, but I'm also seeing things from their perspective. People have a tendency to dislike and distrust Sabrina, for no reason."

"She's sketchy."

"How would you know?" We stopped at a popcorn stand, and I bought one bag of popcorn for us to share. "Do you know Sabrina? Do you know her personality? Do you know where she lives? Her life situation? Do you know any of that?"

She kept her mouth shut as she held the bag of popcorn.

I thought so.

Sabrina was an enigma. No wonder she was misunderstood. I thought I knew her, but she ended up breaking my heart and then getting her heart broken by Brice. Now, she was hooking up with a girl.

The girl was full of surprises.

"Give Sabrina a break," I said while grabbing some popcorn from Estella. "She's actually really broken on the inside. She could use all the support she could get, and if Mi Yun is as sweet as you say she is—"

"Mi Yun is a sweetheart," Estella said, "just like you."

I almost smiled. "Then Sabrina could use a person like Mi Yun in her life. She needs it."

Estella sighed. "I still don't like her. I don't know why, but I don't. She rubs me the wrong way." She glanced at me. "Has that ever happened to you? Have you ever disliked someone for no reason?"

"No," I replied. "I don't care enough."

Estella rolled her eyes and put some popcorn into her mouth. "Of course not." She jogged slightly ahead of me and turned around to start walking backwards with her eyes on me. "What did you mean earlier?"

"What are you talking about?"

"You said you're not in Sabrina's life anymore," she said. "So that means you used to be in her life?"

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