Chapter 12. Girlfriend

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Cocos POV:

I have spent all day trying to keep my nerves under control. I had been doing a good job until now. I am finishing off my hair before leaving with Luke for dinner. Amongst my nerves I am exited. Right now I am wearing a white summer dress and a fur jacket. Zoe has been getting restless as I haven't shifted for a while. I can't blow it yet though. I grabbed a pair of white and trainers. This way if my feet get sore I can put them on. I was getting restless with my hair. Then a knock at my door took me out of my trance. The scent snapped me out of it. He's here.

Luke's POV:

I straightened my collar as I looked into the mirror. You better not blow this Axe said. I know, I won't. I think I'm ready. I then went ahead and knocked on our door. She opened the door and I saw her in all her glory. A true angel. She had a white flowing summer dress with white heels. She had a fur jacket draped over her shoulders with a matching bag. She looks like she's from the heavens. A smile spread across my face. She smiled back blushing.
"Your an angel" I said
"You look amazing" She said
"Shall we?" I said offering her my arm.
"We shall" she said taking it as we walked downstairs arm in arm.
We headed towards my ford outside. She had no idea where we were going. After all I had left it as a surprise. While we strapped in I could see the curiosity on her face. I smiled as I started the engine and began the journey. I drove us to our pack territory. I brung her deep into the forest to an opening. I had a lights draped on the trees with a table and chairs laid out. When she saw it she smiled a smile that I had never seen before. I saw the delight spread across her face. This day couldn't get any better.

Coco's POV:

When he brung me to the pack territory I was intrigued. But the forest. It was even more. When I saw the lights on the trees and the table with the chairs I was beyond happy. It couldn't get any better. When he pulled out my chair and pushed it in Zoe was screaming. This couldn't get any better. When he then sat down he clapped his hands and guards came in holding pizzas and drinks. Wow. He's perfect. What have I done to deserve him. He's flawless and I'm full of flaws. After pizza the guards carried in ice cream. When we were eating Luke got a bit on his nose. I started laughing hysterically.
"What is it?" He said
I reached over so that I could wipe it off his nose. Instead as soon as I got it off, he grabbed my hand and pulled me onto him. He smirked as I was taken by surprise. I giggled a bit and leaned into him. We gave up on our Icecream and sat together on the grass. We lay together hand in hand. Then he looked at me with a killer smile.
"Coco, may I kiss you?" He said
"Yes you may" I said as we both leaned in.
We both leaned into each other as the sparks were intensifying. Then he started placing light feathery kisses on my neck. Me and Zoe were both struggling not to let out a moan. Then he found one place that was magic.
"May I mark you?" He asked
"Yes" I said
His teeth then brushed against my neck and then broke the skin. I then screamed. The scream then turned into a moan as he released his teeth. He then smiled at me as I lay on his chest.
"Coco, will you be my girlfriend?" He asked out of the blue
"Yes, but first I need to tell you what I am" I said
He then nodded deep in thought.
"I'm not a human, or a werewolf as you know. I'm a shape shifter" I said
He then looked a bit taken back, but in a good way.

Hey guys! This will be the last update for today! Will update tomorrow! Sorry I left you on a bit of a cliffhanger. It's just to get you warmed up for the next parts though! This is to thank everyone for over 50 FOLLOWERS!!! I only had 2 yesterday! Thank you sooooo much! Will shout out people if u want or answer any questions you have, just comment them down below. Thanks again! Bye!

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