Chapter 9: Goodneighbor (part 1)

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(time skip)

We walk further towards the city, sneaking away from more raiders. The sky was starting to get darker and darker with a hint of green.

(y/n)- " Ash whats going on?" Thunder was coming in, was it going to rain?

(Ash)- " Rad Storm, we gotta move somwhere inside" he pulls my arm to get ahead of him, the thunder comes again echoing throughout here. We spot a truck it was perfect for a ramp. We climbed over and kept walking. To our right there was a super mutant, it was like it was waiting there for something. He started to fire at us but Ash pulled me aside.

(Ash)- " There-- lets go here" he shoves me gently to a way with a sign in bright colors. Goodneighbor, interesting name-- is everyone like friendly? We hurried into the door away from the super mutant. We stood at the entrance of Goodneigbor, people were eyeing us but looked away. What? Are we not important?

(stranger 1)- " Hold up there. First time in goodneighbor? Cant go walking around without insurance."

(Ash)- " Unless it's " keep-dumb-assholes-away-from me" insurance, we're not interested" Ash said to this guy, is he serious?

(Stranger 1 )- " Now don't be like that. I think you're going to like what I have on offer. You hand over everything you got in them pockets, or "accidents" start happenin'  to ya. Big bloodly, "accidents".

(Stranger 2)- " Whoa, whoa time out" another person in the back in a red faded coat. As he came closer his face was like burned-- his nose is gone! What happened to this man? Ash was staring at this man as well, he was examining him.

(Stranger 2)- "Someone steps through the gate the first time, they're a guest. Lay off that extortion crap." He approaches the guy infront of us who was trying to scam us or something.

(stranger 1)- "What'd you care? They aint one of us."

(stranger 2)- "No love for your mayor, Finn? I said let them go"

(Finn)- " You're soft, Hancock. You keep letting outsiders walk all over us, one day there'll be a new mayor"

(Hancock)- "Come on man. This is me were talking about, let me show you something..." This hancock approaches Finn and places his hand on his back like he was gonna lead him somewhere. Hancock suddenly stabs finn in his abdomin multiple times. Finn falls on the ground lifeless, his body is limp. He just killed a man, in his own town!

(Hancock)- "Now why'd you have to go and say that, huh? Breaking my heart over here" as he speaks to finn's dead body.

(Hancock)- " You two alright?" as he looks up at Ash and I. How are we safe he when the mayor can kill his own people?

(Ash)- " Yeah thanks"

(Hancock)- " Just remember who's in charge. Goodneighbor is of the people, for the people, you feel me? Everyone's welcome"

Ash nodded his head. I, on the other hand was curious to what happened to his face.

(y/n)- You're face....what happened?" I asked him shyly.

(Hancock)- " Like it? It sort of gives me the king of the zombies look. Big hit with the ladies" as he winks at me with a grin.

(Hancock)- " I'm a ghoul, you see? Lot of walking rad freaks like me around here, so you might want to keep those kinds of questions on the down low next time"

(y/n)- " I didn't know.." I mumbled

(Hancock)- " For next time" as he leaves Ash and I to go do mayor things.

Ash turns around to face me, he looked embarrassed.

(Ash)- " You can't do that"

(y/n)- " Do what?"

(Ash)- " Ask what happened to their faces-- he could have killed us too you know"

(y/n)- " I was curious-- but we're safe aren't we?"

(Ash)- " Yeah.. Lets just rest here for tonight and leave tomorrow morning"

(y/n)- " What now?"

(Ash)- " Find a place to stay-- lets head somewhere inside, rad storm is still coming"

I follow Ash going further into Goodneighbor. It looked like we were taking the alley way of some neighborhood but honestly it wasn't that bad of a place. There I see a place called the Memory Den, What is that? It looked.....interesting. There was a Hotel Rexford right next to the memory den-- Ash points to it, looks like there is the spot. We enter inside the hotel, it looked actually nice-- people were here in the lobby relaxing. Ash went to the front desk to get us a room.

I stayed in the middle of the lobby to look around and admire what they did to this place.

(Ash)- " (y/n), lets go" as he cocks his head to the side. I caught up to him, we went up three flights of staircases...jesus that was a lot. We made it to the top of the floor. A door opens and out comes a man in a yellow trench coat.

(Vault-Etc rep)- "No, it can't....It''s you! From santuary hills right?" pointing to Ash.

(Ash)- " Wait...hold up, are you from vault-tec?"

(Vault-tec Rep)- " I am Vault tec! Twenty years of loyal service....."

I nudged Ash's arm, I wanted to go to the room. Ash points to the room by tilting his head to the side. I opened the door and enter in, Finally a bed to sleep in. The mattress was....oddly colored but a beds a bed. I set my things on the floor,I slowly laid down and stretched as far as I can. I felt so comfortable, Ash enteres the room closing the dor behind him.

(y/n)- " So what happened to vault-tec?"

(Ash)- " He felt a little down, I told him to go to sanctuary-- thought it be good for him to be with the minute men"

(y/n)- " That was nice of I guess we're sharing the same bed?" I had to ask.

(Ash)- " You can take the bed I don't mind the couch"

(y/n)- " Theres two mattresses making it into one, I can sleep on the left and you can sleep on the right. I don't want you sleeping on the not so comfy couch"

(Ash)- " Alright, I wont argue with that" as he chuckles.

(y/n)- " what is there to eat in this place-- I'm starving....and thirsty"

(Ash)- " I saw a bar or something here, we passed it by outside. You wanna go?"

(y/n)- " Yes" as I jumped out of bed.

(Ash)- " Lets get going"

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