Chapter 31: Following Ash & MacCready

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(y/n)- " Hey, I gotta leave you in the house for a while" I say petting him gently. I place the papers on a near by desk. I grab my bag and start to fill it with items I will need on this trip. Ammo, Stimpaks, food, a knife. sleeping bag.....hmm.. I think I am set. I set my bag on my back ready to go out. I adjusted my hat-- making sure it's firmly on. I went upstairs over to Ash's things..he had an extra gun, a laser looking thing, but its a rifle-- so its the same thing. I left the house once more heading over to Piper's place. She noticed me coming in, and came towards me.

(Piper)- " Hey-- any good news?"

(y/n)- " Yeah I found something, I have a favor to ask"

(Piper)- " Shoot"

(y/n)- " Will you keep an eye on Dogmeat while we're gone? I don't want him to be all alone" Piper giggles and smiles.

(Piper)- " Sure thing Blue two"

(y/n)- " Thanks Piper, I'm going-- I'll be back. Wish me luck!" I say as I was heading out.

(Piper)- " Good Luck!"I hear her shout just before the door closes.

(time skip)

Wondering the streets of Boston.....oh the commonwealth its scary as hell. I take steps very slowly and cautious, never know what I might step on. I held onto the laser looking rifle tight, but packed behind me, but I can whip it out when something comes up-- walking on my own without MacCready being on my back, it feels strange him not being here, I feel safe when he's around but now that he's not...I feel...well.. Good but scared someone might get a jump on me. I looked at my pipboy map, I knew where I was going, we passed the Boston common on the way to Diamond City. I can do it, I can just sneak around if I see any trouble my way-- Can't wait to see the look on their faces, ' Oh (y/n), you made it here all by yourself? Wow, your so cool, I'm proud of you'. I will prove I can be on my own without MacCready being with me all the time, maybe even go out on my own to go help settlements. Maybe even leave MacCready at home, oh shit-- now were talking.

I heard something just up ahead of me, I ducked down and hid behind cover. My heart was racing already, plus not to mention the suns starting to go down-- fuck...I looked up to see if there was anyone there. I saw nothing but a bird.

(y/n)- " Piece of shit bird" I say as I got back up and continue to walk. Damn, its starting to get really cold out now. I hug myself for warmth-- I just want to get where I'm going and fine these two and kill them. As I walk down the streets, to my left and right-- from a distance there were raiders, they were distracted by ferals. Shit, I better get moving fast.

There it is, Boston common. That building off to the corner must be where they went, I'm already close behind I take the path of the street, towards the middle there was a wooden sign, it wasnt really my concern but it was interesting. I turned a corner and there was a door. Jesus-- wonder what things live there. At least if Ash and MacCready went through here-- they would have taken care of whatever is down here. I slowly went down, step by step-- my hands start to get sweaty. I got this, nothing is down there-- if I keep thinking that, it may be true. I went through the door to and the smell was just pouring into my nose. It reeked of pure metal and garbage. I held my nose-- the metal smell was still coming through. I went further into the station, the smell of metal was blood. There was about 4 bodies-- must be the work of those two. Why would they kill normal human beings? The smell was getting stronger as I walk passed the bodies. I quickly glance at them and they had multiple bullet wounds on them-- they got no mercy. Jesus Ash....

As I was a far distance away from them, the smell was disappearing....but as I turn a corner leading down further into the station-- the smell was back. More bodies piled up around here, this was probably them-- but I don't want to believe it. Are these like not good people or what? They dress like the old days, hmm...strange. I follow the bodies leading up towards the train tracks-- body here, body there. I was at the end of the tracks when I spotted more bodies and there was a big vault door. Vault 114, there's another one-- was this a unsuccessful one too? I stepped on the first step to get to the ramp. Bringing me more flashbacks-- images of nora's lifeless body. Be strong (y/n). It's just a damn, stupid vault....I walked over on the ramp getting inside the vault, it was a mess in here. I knew where I was going-- just gotta follow the bodies... This is gonna take a while to go through here. 

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