Chapter 46: Med-Tek (Part 1)

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Thank god for Mods, Am I Right? <3

His new Outfit :D


(Few Days Later)

These past few days, traveling with MacCready has been....easy. Usually he would give me a hard time by making fun of me or with his rude comments. I think he's been nice to me because we're going to med-tel to go help his son...I still can't wrap my head around that he has a wife and a son...this is MacCready we're talking about.

(MacCready)- " Hey! Don't day dream..look, we're here" he points ahead. Just up ahead was a massive building, Med-Tek...oh boy...wonder what's living in there, I'm scared to find out. I'm kinda hoping for Raiders, ferals....maybe even Gunners, but I'm just hoping nothing is there.

(y/n)- " MacCready! Stop going so far.."

(MacCready)- " Sorry..I'm just really eager to get inside" he stops and waits for me catch up.

(y/n)- " We're doing this together, no need to go all--Super Mutant suicider in there"

(MacCready)- " I wasn't planning on it."

(y/n)- " Can't afford to lose another friend" I grinned

(MacCready)- " When this is over-- I plan on sticking aorund for a long time, I owe you"

(y/n)- " Don't say anything just yet, I wanna record this when we get back home. "

(MacCready)- " Don't ruin my reputation" he scoffs withe a chuckle.

We walked up the steps of building....There was a smell coming from around here. I covered my nose to block the scent. MacCready covers his nose with his jacket sleeve. We stopped right in front of the doors, MacCready places his hand on the handle to open.

(MacCready)- " Ready partner?"

I nodded, I got a rifle in my hand, ready to go. He nodes back and opens the door. The smell hits us so bad but it went away. He goes in first, looking left and right with his rifle. I follow him, sticking really close....I wouldn't want to get lost in here, worse....lost and ambushed.

(MacCready)- "All Right, let's find that executive terminal. Sinclair said that's the only way we can override the Facility's lockdown" he says walking ahead, I nodded and just followed him.

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