Chapter 40: He's Such A.....

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Holy shit, already 40 chapters... i type way to much. Holy shit...about 1000 reads? jesus, didn't expect this story to get that many xD thanks for reading,liking and commenting.  <3

Let's continue on shall we?

P.S. More chapters are coming, tomorrow. It's like 2 am.. I'm tired..zzzzzzz


(couple days later)

The image of MacCready and I kissing was still stuck in my head! It won't go away! I turned to my side on the side couch, snuggling up with a pillow and blanket. I tried taking a nap but I just couldn't, what the fuck.....why did he have to kiss me? He said he and I would never happen, but then he kisses me!? I don't get it!? Dogmeat jumps on the couch and lays next to my legs-- keeping me warm. I gently touch my lips, I'm thinking way to hard into this...just let it go.

Ash and MacCready were out together-- they forced me to stay home. They wanted to go see this Brotherhood Of Steel guys. Ash wanted me to stay-- before he starts taking me again. I don't mind, it gives me time to think but right now all I can think about is MacCready! (y/n), relax....think about something else. I grab my face with my hands and I felt something on my cheek. Oh, right. The cut that Kellogg left--It's healing, it's becoming a scar-- I had forgotten about it.. Feels like forever since the encounter with him-- he basically gave us nothing, no information. He did say he was with The Institute. They're the ones involved. Piper once said they are the boogyman of the commonwealth, people fear them. What did we do to make them target us?

I was startled when the door swings open-- I sat up on the couch, looking at Ash and MacCready. They were exhausted, they were soaked too.....from what?

(y/n)-" What happened to you guys?"

(Ash)- " It's raining out there, we had to help one of the members of the Brotherhood of steel. Paladin Danse."

(y/n)- " Strange ass name"

(Ash)- " Yeah, he offered us a spot to join them"

(y/n)- " And did you?"

(Ash)- " I told them I'll think about it"

(MacCready)- " I wouldn't trust them, something about them I don't like. They come here with big guns, it's like they're picking a fight"

(y/n)- " Either way-- wouldn't it be better to join up with them?"

(MacCready)- " If we join forces with the Brotherhood, kiss your freedom goodbye"

Freedom, that word triggers something in the back of my mind. Freedom......freedom? Where have I heard that before....I  remember correctly, I remember a had the word freedom.

(y/n)- "Thats it!" I startled Ash and MacCready.

(Ash)- "What is it?"

(y/n)- " Follow the freedom trail..."

(Ash)- " What?"

(y/n)- " Follow the freedom trail"

(MacCready)- " I think she's talking about The Railroad" he scoffs giving a smirk to all of us.

(Ash)- "The who--"

(MacCready)- " They're rogue synths that escaped The Institute-- they're total nut-jobs too"

(y/n)- "Either way, we should ask The Brotherhood,this Railroad-- hey maybe even Preston about helping us."

(Ash)- " Ahh, don't know yet-- we gotta just relax. Take some time to figure out what to do next. Now, I'm gonna talk to Nick-- see what's gonna happen next. I'm leaving tonight to go help more settlements"

(y/n)- " I wanna go, I wanna be there when you talk to Valentine"

(MacCready)- " Yeah, so would I. I'd like to help in any way"

(Ash)- " We'll let me get changed, and we'll go see nick." he starts to take off his shirt and head upstairs. MacCready took off his holster and sets it on the table. He places his arms at the ends of his long sleeve shirt and takes it off. Oh my god, what is he doing! Why is he doing it here and not upstairs!? He rolls up his shirt and throws it across the room. I couldn't help but stare at him, his body was......stop. Stop, (y/n)...look away. Oh shit, I looked at him again.

(MacCready)- " Take a picture, it'll last longer" he chuckles to himself, posing with his arms up, flexing his muscles. Is he serious?

(y/n)- " Like I'll ever take a picture of you" I scoff laying back on the couch.

(MacCready)- "Whatever" he walks off heading upstairs. Jesus, what is up with this guy? Is he teasing me? I bet you it's that. Nora, if you were still here-- you would have beaten MacCready's ass for messing with my emotions, hell...if I tell ash about it-- he'll confront MacCready and probably beat him like when tried to beat, him. Oh, that's right.....that happened years ago. My mind thinks it happened just a few months ago, its been 200 mind still can't wrap around that.

(Ash)- " (y/n), you coming?" Ash spoke out to me, it brought me back down to earth.

(y/n)- " Yeah" I sat back up, putting my shoes back on. I was still wearing the vault suit-- it's starting to get really cold out there now. I half to find a jacket or something. I stood up seeing MacCready right next to Ash. He was dressed in a black t-shirt, and black pants and combat boots. My heart raced.....why is it racing? Why is it racing for him? I might still be sick...

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