Chapter 19: I'll Help you out

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(two days later)

Another two days go by and Ash isn't back. I'm still worried about him, I just hope whatever he's doing at the settlement he isnt straining himself. On the plus-side, MacCready has been teaching me to shoot more and more. Yeah I still miss... but not as much. I sat this early morning, eating at the power noodles. Food wasn't so bad, wasn't hard to speak to a robot though.

(MacCready)- " Goodnieghbor was starting to wear out its welcome" I hear MacCready take the stool next to me. I turn to hear what he was starting to say.

(y/n)- " What makes you say that?" as I swallow my food.

(MacCready)- "Goodneighbor was a good place to look for work, but a crappy place to hang your hat at the end of the day. Let's put it this way. Can't get much rest when you're sleeping with one eye open. "

(y/n)- " Maybe you shouldn't kill people for a caps" I say before taking another forkful of noodles.

(MacCready)- " Still, it was the best place for me to set up shop. If I set up here, they would have me running out to the commonwealth alone, that isn't the brightest plan when you're hard up for caps"

(y/n)- " Caps makes little sense don't you think?"

(MacCready)- " They might make little sense to you, but right now, I need every cap I can get"

(y/n)- " Are caps really important to you, I mean...really?"

(MacCready)- " I don't have much of a choice. I don't usually go around sharing my business with other people, but since you and Ash are my bosses, I'm gonna be straight forward with you. It's those two assh...those two idiots you saw me talking to at The Third Rail, Winlock and Barnes. They've been hounding me for months and its been driving off clients. No one wants to touch me once they learn I used to run with the gunners. Figured if I could get enough caps together, maybe I could buy them out."

(y/n)- " Why don't you just kill them and be done with the whole situation?"

(MacCready)- " Its not that easy, Winlock and Barnes have a small army of gunners with them at all times. They might decide to just keep the caps and shoot me when I least expect it. If I set up a place to meet them, I'm sure they'll roll in with everyone they've got. Unless.....maybe you and I could pay them a little visit and put an end to them before they realize whats going on."

I choked on my drink just a bit.

(MacCready)- " Before you get that look on your face, let me just say that I wouldn't even be asking if I didn't trust you" He does seem like he needs help, I mean-- he's like a wanted felon and he's wanted by other felons....oh crap.

(y/n)- " If you need help, I'm there"

(MacCready)- " Wow...I don't really know what to say. I'd thought you'd say...'no way MacCready get the hell out of my face. 'MacCready that's your problem not mine' " he mocks my voice. Really....thats how I sound to him...

(y/n)- " You're an ass, and no-- since you helped me shoot a gun, the least thing I can do is help you with your problem. I somewhat trust you"

(MacCready)- " Truth is, I haven't been able to rely on anyone since I was a kid. Everyone I've met has either tried to rip me off or place a knife in my back. I'm surprised you or Ash haven't tried either yet"

(y/n)- " Oh, I was going couple days ago"

(MacCready)- " Anyways. You and Ash, you guys are different. We see eye-to-eye on almost eveything. At least to Ash and I. I'll tell you what. I'm gonna make this easy on you. If you feel like helping me with this, you and I could head over to the mass pike interchange and we'll take them down. If you dont-- I'm not gonna hold it against you"

(y/n)- " I said I'll do it" 

(MacCready)- " You sure?"

(y/n)- " Yeah, I'll help you take down those assholes. Under one condition" I grinned

(MacCready)- " What is that?"

(y/n)- " You're gonna have to be nice to me after we do this, and we cannot tell Ash about this"

(MacCready)-" Ahh....alright fine. Either way..thanks for hearing me out"

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