The Unexpected

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Time Skip -during class - Brought to you by Ciel's love for Earl Grey Tea

Kid's P.O.V
Class is going by pretty fast, Mr Stein is making an asymmetrical mess everywhere around his work space, black star is being his usual self, and won't shut up, and Liz, and Patty thought it would be funny to just leave me to sit with (y/n). It is so awkward. Ive liked her for as long as I can remember, but she will never think of me that way, She never will. I'm a complete idiot to think that I'd even have a chance with someone as perfect as her, she would never take an asymmetrical piece of garbage like me.

Your P.O.V
Class goes on forever, and ever. I can't believe the neatness of Kid's work. It looks as though he typed it up on a computer. The letters are perfect every time. Some times I'll hear him grunt in annoyance, and then rub out the letter and start again, but what can you expect from Kid! I also saw him in the corner of my eye staring at me. I turn to look, and he would then quickly turn away blushing and going on with his work. That happened a few times as well. Class soon comes to an end , and we all stand up from our seats, and make our way through the corridors.
Time Skip to the end of the day -brought to you by Vicious Jade's never ending gaming Streams on her computer
Oh my Gosh why am I so late again? Mum hates it when I'm late! When I'm not home 5-10 minutes after the street lights come on, she flips, and I hate walking in the dark!

Unfortunately, I had to once more. I guess it was sort of my fault since decided to stay a bit longer at Death Cafe with the gang.

It was so cold too, but I quickly warm  up from the exercise. All of a sudden, I hear a scuff of a shoe on the concrete. I turn to see a tall big buff man with a knife in his hand. He has dark cold eyes, and a prickly chin I try to scream but he quickly covers my mouth so only a squeak escapes. He then shoves me up against a wall, holding the knife to my stomach. He has dark cold eyes and a prickly chin, he reals of alcohol, and sweat.

" What's a pretty little lady  like you doing out here at this hour?" he says with a sour grin.
I tried to squirm out of his grip, but i can't budge.
This guy clearly hasn't washed in days, and had been heavily drinking.
I am so terrified that my heart is thumping in my throat. All I can think about was my mum, and Sakura, and what will happen if you am gone. Will I be with my dad in heaven? What will happen to mum? She won't be able to cope. Everything is flashing in seconds.

" Since you haven't got the hint about not lurking in the night, you need to be punished" he slurres with a drunken voice.
The man then raises his knife over his head, until he is yanked back by another dark figure. The drunken mess of a man stumbles back and falls on the cold, hard ground.
I am free!
The man slowly rises, trying to throw a punch at the welcome stranger. The shadow dodges and places a well aimed kick to his solar plexus . When the man falls back down to the ground, he stayed down, he isn't going anywhere. My heart is beating so hard and with the adrenaline coursing through my body, I am so relieved to see a familiar face, it is Kid.

You immediately run into his arms and bury my head in his chest. I can smell the sweet scent of his cologne.
"Shh, it's ok " he coos in a soothing voice. He lifts my chin to stare into my (e/c) eyes. He wipes my tears away from my burning face and moves the (h/c) locks behind my ear. He is so strong, just being in his arms makes me feel safe.
"So do you use that charm on all the guys you meet in a dark alleyways ,or is it just me?" He asks with a slight chuckle under his breath.

As night draws closer, he walks me home, and holds my hand to comfort me.

At my door I stare into his gentle gold eyes, with him staring back into mine. He leans in and gently pinches my cheek.
"Hold still" he said inches away from my face. I blush prettily.

He then holds an eyelash in front of me
" Make a wish" he whispers. 
I softly blow away the eyelash and make my wish closing my eyes.
He cups my chin, lifting my head up towards his, And then plants his soft warm lips on mine, and holds my waist with one hand, and the other still on my chin.

My wish came true

In Love with a Grim Reaper (Death The Kid x Reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant