My Plan

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Kids P.O.V

"Father, I need to speak with you." I said walking towards him.
He turns around and did his usual greeting to me.
" hiyya kiddo. What's up? I see those stripes on your hair haven't changed."

" dad, I'm not a little kid any more" I said sighing.
" Anyway, what's up?" he said changing the topic.
"well, you know that new girl who has recently joined our school?"
" Yes, do you mean Mysti-Fy?"
"Yeah, Her."
"Well what about her?" he asked
" I feel there's something that you aren't telling me about her. She's a bit odd, and it s not in a good way. I just can't put my finger on it. If there is anything, I feel that I should know father."
Father Hesitated.
" Kid, I want you to do something for me, but you can't tell any body. Not even Liz, Patty, Nor (Y/N)." He said seriously.

"What is it? " I ask questionably.
" I have realised that Mysti, isn't just your typical mister. She's a Witch.

"Before Medusa was killed, she used all of her power to create a new being, so she could finish of her duty to destroy the Academy. Although, she needs a companion to finish the job. For some reason, and a risky one too, she chose you. It's quite odd though, since she's practically a witch, and your one of the last Shinigami of the few we have left. You two are practically enemies. Although she was adopted by another figure, who seems to support the witches side. This means that Mysti is in great disguise. She is trying to break your relationship with (Y/N) to get closer to you. I know this will hurt you for me to suggest it, but you have to do all you can, to get a close relationship with Mysti , Closer than Friends."

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