What's Going On With Kid?

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I said a goodbye to mum, whilst Dea-.... I mean "Mr Ree/Mystery  just gave me an emotionless death stare. Man what's with this creep?
I made my way to the DWMA, dragging my feet up the 2050 stairs leading to the school. I was stuck at why Kid didn't come to my door this morning. All of a sudden, someone touched my shoulder. I spun around to see the happy eyes of Sakura.
" Hey Girl!" she said with her usual put on American accent.
" hey, what's up" I said giving her a quick hug ( I know some people out there hate hugs, but I hug another of people all the time, so there!)
"So, I've seen you and Kid off to a great start!" said said showing her excitement.
"... y-yeah, " I said, remembering what Kid said yesterday.
Sakura's smile dropped to a more concerned note.
" what's happened." she said grabbing both my shoulders.
"well, ummm.."
"Spit it out!"
" Kid said something yesterday. He was saying something about how he needs to do something. What does that mean? Do you think..."
"NO,NO,NO,NO,NO." Sakura stated " it does not mean that at all. Maybe all he needs to do is literally do something. Whether it's a mission,or kishen hunting, or even just killing a witch. Perhaps you need to take a chill pill. Relax, and remember that it's not going to be anything about young relationship. Kid loves you, and I know how much you love him. Black Star has told me how much he thinks about you, and how much he used to stare at you " she giggled.
"yeah, I guess you're right." I giggled as her laugh is always contagious.
"GIRL! You know I'm right." she said as we began to walk closer to the Academy.

WAIT WHAT???????????!!!!!!!!!!




MYSTI FI????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(Hope you enjoyed this chapter, make sure to leave a comment that will make my day, so I know if people are actually interested in this x Reader)

By my Lubs ❤️

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