Oh How I Love You Kid

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Lord Death's P.O.V

"Ya, sure. Spirit, go and retrieve Kiddo" I say in a rather happy way.
Spirit sighed, but does what I ask. I guess that's because my Reaper Chops are not his favourite thing to witness. He mumbled
"But that child is so unbelievably annoying. More than Stein. Oh how I need to get my Maka back." He cuddled the usual doll of Maka that he would carry around in his inner jacket pocket.

Spirit's P.O.V
I make my way through the corridor until I come to the usual 3 doors. The first one is the entry and exit for the Death Room. The second one is  the way to kid's mansion, and the 3rd door is top secret. Only Lord death, and the death team and us Death scythes know what's beyond that door. Not even kid can know just yet.
I turn the knob of the second door, and open it. In front of me is Patty rolling on the floor in the living room. She is tackling a plush toy giraffe around a metre tall. Liz is sitting at the table applying a reddish liquid to her nails. Maka's other did that to...no! stop thinking about it. You're here to collect kid. Not fall to the ground and create the next death city flooding.

Kid's P.O.V
Hhhmmmm, I think as I stroke my jaw bones with my index finger and thumb. It's leaning approximately 6 degreesto the right, oh that's cute, you thought you would get away with it didn't you. Not today Mr painting, not today.
Just then I am interrupted by my bedroom door being knocked. It wasn't Liz, nor Patty, cause they know that I won't answer unless they knock 8 times. Yep, I knew exactly who it was. Spirit.

"What is it Spirit? " I said without talking my eyes off the painting
" it's about (Y/N) She's waiting to speak with you in the death room mirror"
I just about fall to the ground by excitement. I should at least tell her what this is all about. After all, I love her.
" I'll be right there Spirit" I say as I run into the bathroom to make sure I was symmetrical, and bolted for the door"
"Sorry-Liz-sorry-Patty-gottagobutillberightbacki swear!!!" I call,  quickly and slamming the door as I ran towards the death room.

In Love with a Grim Reaper (Death The Kid x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now