The Discussion

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Kid's P.O.V
As I walk closer and closer to the Death Room, I slowly begin to produce the butterflies in my stomach. I run through the corridor seeing the blurry mirror in the distance. I can make out a figure of my Senpai.
I step up the two steps, and make my way to the mirror, where I see the beautiful girl standing in front of me. Looks like she's been having bad dreams, coming from her *graceful* hairstyle.
"Hello," she says in a sweet manner.
I blush, combing my fingers through my hair.
"Hello Beautiful."
She turns a bit red after that statement.
I look towards Father, and he gets the message instantly, walking away from us for our conversation to continue between us two.
" I've been meaning to speak with you, I need to talk about what's been going on." I start.
She frowns, serious now, Takes a deep breath, she starts to talk about her dreams and suspicions upon Mysti.
"So it's come to my suspicion that Mysti.., isn't .,. Well...just a normal teenage girl.- I realise that you may have feelings for her, but I'm trying to warm you, and I realise that you may not even want to speak to me after this discussion, but.... uh...well.. how do I put this lightly?.... Mysti's ...a Witch."
Whaattt? She....KNOWS?!
How the hell did she find out?
Father and I were so cautious.
"UHH....(Y/N)... Father and I already know." I say beginning to breathe faster.
She seemed a bit confused at this. So..I decided tell her everything. Beginning to end.
" And the plan is to keep her intrigued as long as possible, and at the right moment, kill her when she's vulnerable."
"SO YOUR NOT CHEATING!" She shouts with joy.
" of course I'm not babe! Not in a million years, and especially not that twit Mysti!" I laugh
She laughs with me at my comment.
" I've been having dreams. In the first dream, I was falling, and Mysti had like bird wings, and a blade that came from her sleeve. All of a sudden your two weapons Liz and Patty were in their weapon form, and came out of nowhere. I took them and began shooting at her, before she stabbed me. The pain was excruciating.
The other dream was set in an atmosphere of rubble and bodies. Mysti had killed the population of the city. She killed everyone, including your dad, Kid. Her eyes were red, and she looks like your worst nightmare."
"And?" I pushed.
" well I seemed to be the only one left, so I fought her. I found her weak spot, and went to Finish her off, stepped in front of her."
At that, she begins crying
" I killed you Kid! I.. I killed you then and there."
I don't know what to do? I can't comfort her, I am talking to her through a mirror
" shhhh it ok,'s ok, I'm here. It was just a dream."
She looks at me and smile, gaining her strength again.
" you're right, I'm being stupid." She says wiping her tears.

Your P.O.V
" now I want you to go, and wash your face and have a cup of tea. Relax, everything is okay. It's Her against a team of the highest skilled group of miesters, She won't last a second."
I smile. The thing I love about Kid is that he is so comforting and really loves me.
" okay, you're right. I love you Kid "
He smiles . I love it when he smiles. It's contagious."
"I love you more than anything else in the world gorgeous." He whispers
" okay, well I'll speak to you soon, and I'll roll with your plan. I won't tell anything else I promise."
"I know you won't" Kid said with trust.
And with that, the call ends. The mirror ripples in blues and teals, until it returnes to its usual reflection of me and........ the girl with white hair?
I turn around, and we are practically nose to nose my whole body nearly jumping out of its skin. Her golden eyes look into my soul.

In Love with a Grim Reaper (Death The Kid x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now