Heart To Heart With Mum

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Kids P.O.V
That afternoon I walked (Y/N) home. She seemed to be okay for the rest of the day after that. She gave me a small peck on the forehead, and then smiled thanking me for walking her home. Before stepping inside and saying goodbye, she told me that she will be there when im ready, and If I ever need her, I can come over.

(Timeskip- next day- brought to you by love of chicken noodles)

Your P.O.V
Flashback/ dream

"Hey daddy, look at what I made you"

I wake up screaming, to only see my usual dresser with my straightener and make-up laid out in that "neat" way I always set them out. I walk to my window to see the sun laughing at my sleepy appearance with his smile that gives me goosebumps. I walk out to the kitchen, and see my mum sitting in her regular seat slowly stirring her coffee around and around with her spoon. She only seemed to notice me when I sit across from her. Her eyes then light up.
" morning darling. how did you sleep?" she says happily.
" mum... Can I ask you something?"
" You can ask me anything hunny. You know that." she says leaning over the table to squeeze my hand.
" w-what was dad like?" I asked hesitating.
She sighs looking down to hold back some tears. She then looks up with her soft eyes
" Daddy was a one of a kind,... And he loved you very much." she said whilst her lips curled into a soft smile.
I look down at my hands and start picking my finger nails.
".......I had the dream again." I say without meeting her eyes.
She reaches across the table and grabs my two hands.
" ohhhh sweety."
I look up to meet her eyes
" when is it gonna stop mum?"
She goes back to stirring her coffee and said " maybe if we're given a second chance."
She looks at the ring Kid gave to me and says "Do you think I deserve a second chance?"
"Of course I do. Mum you're amazing and Dad would have wanted you to be happy.... I do too ."
Just then there was a knock at the door.
" sorry mum, gotta go that will be Kid."
She stands up and places her cup in the sink.
" Actually (Y/N), it might be my new friend. Let's go see shall we."

Thanks for reading. Br sure to comment so I can understand your thoughts about it. Lub Liz Xxxx

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