A New student?

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It has been a few months now, and Kid and I have been together ever since the incident. Black star surprisingly made a move on Sakura as well. They make a great couple!

Mr Stein was again, at the front of the class, but instead of dissecting an endangered specimen, he desired to teach us about the history of Witches and Shinigami.

Kid and I are holding hands with inter locked fingers under the table. It makes me feel safe, and secure.

" So you see, the Shinigamis were not the only ones on the witches bad side, there was also the humans-"
There is a knock at the door. Stein goes to open it. There stands a girl our age, with beautiful white hair flowing down her back. She has peach skin, and sparsely golden eyes kind of like kid's, except a lighter shade. Her perfect hour glass shape, and middle sized bumps on her chest didn't fail to shine. She's every boys wet dream right here and now.

Stein quietly spoke to her. Every one is chattering amongst themselves. Curiousity rippling throughout the room.

"Listen up class ." We all turned to see Stein." We have a new student here with us today. Class this is Mysti Fy. Mysti, Class". She slowly raises her hand to say hello.

Mr Stein, turns back to her,and all of a sudden, points in my direction. I'm  a bit puzzled as to why, until I remember the empty space next to me. As she comes closer and closer to me, I begin to shift my things from what will be her part of the desk. Papers, pens, and notes. She bends to pick up a pink piece of paper from the floor. She scans the note. My heart stops when I realise what she is reading. It is a love letter to Kid. My cheeks began to turn as pink as the paper. She then turns to you and smirks.

In Love with a Grim Reaper (Death The Kid x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now