Chapter Eighteen - Nerves

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We were then rounding up to Nazurah's house. I didn't talk much throughout the ride. As Joseph pulled up in front of her house I was about to get out but Joseph told me to hold on a second.

"What's up?" I asked looking at his puzzled face. I didn't know what was going through his mind.

"Nothing, just," he paused. "What are you thinking about? Like, you haven't been this quiet-quiet for like a while." he said and it was true, I really wasn't this dead-quiet most of the times.

"I don't know Joe, I just don't know." I said and looked at him blankly, "Have you said I love you to Nazurah yet?"

He raised his eyebrows and looked at me like I was crazy. He did a little laugh and then said, "Is that what's on your mind? How Zayn said I love you to you?" he said chuckling. He looked cute.

"Shutup." I said and nudged him smiling.

He was quiet then too. "Listen," he said looking into my eyes. "When a guy really means it you could see it in his eyes, I know it sounds corny coming from me but it's true. But like, I don't really look into my own eyes when I say it to Nazurah so I won't really know." he said laughing at the end making me laugh too. I wanted to ask him if he really actually means it coming from his heart but I thought maybe avoiding it a little might help.

I did a little giggle and then got out of the car. I heard Joe get out as well and then run past me to Nazurah's house. He rang the bell and turned around to face me and smiled as I walked up to him. Nazurah opened the door and looked at us both and smiled. She was wearing a grey hoody with brown pajama pants and ugg boots. Her hair was tied up in a messy bun, clearly she just got out of bed.

"Good morning," she said yawning and stretching up in the air.

"Good afternoon babe." Joseph said pulling her by her waist and then giving her a kiss on the cheek. She smiled at him and then he gave him another kiss on the lips.

"Aren't you hot in that? And Enough with the kisses we got some tanning to do." I said pointing at her hoody then walking past them into her house."I'm going to change into your shorts Nazurah." I said shouting back on the way to her room.

Nazurah came upstairs after a few minutes. We both changed into shorts and bras and headed to her backyard. Her mum and dad weren't home because they went to do some grocery shopping. We put out her backyard seats which we laid and tanned on in the sun and started. We were reading magazines and gossiping about celebrities because it was what we usually did.

"You want something to drink?" Nazurah asked in the middle.

"Nah, actually, do you have vitamin water?" I asked her.

She laughed and said "I knew you would ask for some so I got them ready for us, I'll go get them they're in the fridge."

"I'm back!" she said coming back into the backyard and then handing over my drink.

"Thankyou," I said,"Hey, did I tell you, that, Zayn kinda like asked me out and like, I kinda said yes and he called me his girlfriend and he said I love you." I continued, mixing my bottle slowly and turning around to face Nazurah.

She shot a surprised look at me straight away. "Is that what I miss out on when I don't text you for the rest of the day?!" she screamed.

"I guess so." I said smiling.

"But what about you you didn't text me or anything about it! How come?" she said sitting up.

"It just happened so quickly and that, it was only last night and like, I fainted, I know I'm an idiot but it was such a shock. This really can't be real life. Do you remember the times we used to sit in class and I used to say, I just wish I could be Zayn's girlfriend for one day and spend the day in his arms? Well that day may be coming soon. And usually when you wish for these things they don't come true. Rarely even, thats why it seems so unreal."

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