Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

I don't know what it is about Jack that I need to have. Jack gripped my shoulder slightly and said " Don't worry people like that talk shit all the time, the way i know is I've dealt with people like that and besides I can't and won't allow to go for some one like that, I guess I like people like you.

I said, Wait whats that supposed to mean "people like me"??? Jack let out a sigh then said, Nevaeh I don't mean that in a bad way, what I meant was i like that your not some stuck up fake person. I look down at my legs, noticing my leg is shaking. Trying to avoid eye contact, which I don't success with when he gently pushes up my chin making me look him in the eye.

He slowly said, Nevaeh I really mean it with a gentle, but breath taking smile. I said Jack, I believe you with a little nod. I know deep down I didn't believe it, not one bit. When we did make it to study hall we missed half of it. We sat down at table #2.

He pointed his finger up, indicating that he meant on second. He grabbed his book bag and pulled out a black and whit speckled note book, along with two mechanical pencils one blue and the other pink. He handed me the pink one while he kept the blue one. He flipped to a blank page in the not book then started writing.

When he finished writing he slid it over to me. The note said, Please don't think I'm moving to fast in our friendship, but here's my number so i can text you in the middle of class or something, or if you just need someone to talk to.

Was it that noticeable that I needed to talk to someone?!?!

He probably thinks I'm crazy now, or just feels bad and is showing me pity cause he has no clue what else to do for me. I took the note and stuffed it in my front pocket which made the paper wrinkle up. I gave him a smile and nodded, he returned the same gesture as I. He then started on some math homework.

I just stared at him for the time being, his face was even more attractive when he was concentrating. Every once in a while he would look up at me smile, and go back to his work. I shuddered at the sudden, loud ringing of the bell. He quickly packed up his things away and slid them into his book bag.

He stood up and said, You coming?

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