Author's Note

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Hey guys, I hope you like my story. I have this copyrighted, so DO NOT STEAL IT! I won't be very happy, and I will claw you to bits! Trust me, you do not want to see me angry. Grrrrrrr...

Don't mess with me, I got friends who will fight with me so NO STEALING MY WORK THAT IS PLAGIARIZING AND IT IS ILLEGAL!

But, know that any media I use isn't my own, I just get it from Google images and YouTube for the songs.

Anyway, mini rant over with. But, I am being serious so don't think I am joking, okay?

Well, I hope you enjoy my story and find it interesting, and vote, comment and ask any questions if you want. I will answer any questions. If you don't like my story, that's fine too. I know I'm not the best writer, and I'm writing the type of story I like. I know not everyone likes the same books as me, and that's fine. Writing is my passion, and that is why I'm writing.

Also, when I read books, I kinda tend to just skim and scan parts with detail and just focus on the story part, like what's going on and things like that. So when writing I just focus on the story and don't really describe stuff because my brain just doesn't work that way. I try to remember to add descriptions or go into more detail, but it's hard because I don't find that sort of stuff interesting and my brain is like ew no. So, sorry if it's bad.

Finally, if you ever want to talk to me, don't be afraid to send me a PM! I love talking about my likes and dislikes, it's another passion of mine.

Anyway, read on, or not. It's your choice. If you do read on, I hope you like it! If not, oh well I can't please everyone.

However, if you have not read the first book, I suggest you do so before reading this book. It is titled The Twins

The Twins- Book One Description:

"Alright then." I respond. "Let's go." We walk to the edge of the hill, about to run down, and we stop cold. Riding horseback through the village streets are warriors covered in black armor with dark green and black capes billowing behind them.

The Dark Warriors. Warriors under the order of the evil Dark and Earth Queen that resides in the Dark Mountains to the north.

"Nia, we need to go." Saber says softly, in shock. I nod in agreement and we run off, sprinting down the hill.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Antonia, or Nia, thinks that she's just a normal 17 year old cat shapeshifter with a normal life and normal parents. But when her best friend Saber, who she trusts with her life, tells her to start asking questions, Nia realizes her life isn't so mundane after all.

Saber loves Nia, they've been best friends practically their whole nearly 18 years of existence. But, he wants to be more. He never says anything in fear of rejection. Who knows how she'll react? But, he will do anything to make sure she is safe, even travel across realm barriers with her to find answers, and much more.

Ivory, or Ivy, is your typical 17 year old orphan. Moved homes a lot, moved schools a lot. Never really settled down anywhere, or had friends. She's always wanted to find someone that is related to her, but has had no luck. She also just wants to stay somewhere for a while, so she can make friends. But as the saying goes, be careful what you wish for.

~Cat Queen

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