5: The Secret Garden

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As expected, people easily moved out of our way as I followed Lay at lunchtime. Towards him, the stares were more due to fright, but towards me, they were stares of curiosity, confusion, and disgust. Some probably already recognize me as "the girl that humiliated the queenka," because of my scratched cheek. To feel less like an outcast, I just concentrated on Lay's back as he walked ahead of me.

At first I thought we were headed towards 5th floor, but then we went downwards and out of the building. Lay went to the side where all the school junks were piled up higher than man's height. I wasn't so sure if it was even possible that they could hang out somewhere behind that humongous pile, but then Lay jumped to the top as if they were nothing.

"Is behind all these really your lunch place?" I asked cautiously.

He nodded, "Do you still want to come or not?"

Biting my lip, I slowly nodded. I was curious anyway, and I thought it would be rude to back out now. I grabbed something to step on, and Lay held out his hand to assist me. I carefully climbed up. I found it strange that the pile didn't shake or show any instability, unlike what I expected. Maybe it was somehow meant to deceive onlookers to discourage them to even try climbing up. But even if they did climb up, another obstacle would only appear: a high wall with a warning scrawled all over it with red paint. It said "Keep Out" with a strange hexagon shape beside it. Once again, Lay effortlessly climbed towards the top by stepping on a protruding metal, sneakily placed there for that very purpose.

He held out his hand, eyes glinting in mischief. "Come on, it's not that high."

Though already feeling suspicious, I took his hand and climbed once again. When I saw the other side, it was like all my internal organs jumped in shock.

"My God, do you jump down this every day?!!!!" By then, I was already gripping Lay's arm like my life depended on it. Literally.

"Hold on, I'll go first so I can catch you." He let go of me and did jump down. I almost panicked as I scrambled to find my balance. He held out his arms and looked up, waiting for me to jump.

"YAAAAH don't look up at my skirt!"

"But how can I catch you if I can't see where you'll land?"

"Just don't look at my skirt or I'll land with a kick to your head!"

"Yeah yeah, I won't." He chuckled as he shook his head. I shut my eyes tightly and jumped down, and fortunately, he caught me properly. As soon as I calmed down, I was finally able to look at the place behind that deathly wall. Every inch of my body froze.

It was beautiful.

The whole area was a grassland as big as a basketball court, complete with plants and flowers. To hide this paradise, though, tall trees curved over the place like a makeshift roof. It prevents anyone from the higher floors see anything from above. Only a bunch of tall trees, and not a sign of a small paradise. Of course, why would they want just anyone to see this beauty? But on second thought, I was starting to wonder why they even allowed me here.

"Maeji-sshi, over here!" Someone yelled from the middle, and I recognized him as Chen. They were just sitting on the ground with a mere blanket to sit on.

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