25: We Meet

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It was a sunny noon and finally, the boys were complete again. We just finished another delicious feast, and we were just sitting around the grassland, wasting time. Suho and D.O were busy checking around the plants as if they were gone for a month. They were so gentle and caring, and I even heard them talk to the inanimate objects once or twice. All of the boys, except  for Sehun, that went to the evaluations yesterday were numb and lifeless. It just so happened that they were those boys that usually make dull afternoons feel alive, so since I didn't like how silent they were, I tried to cheer them up.

"You guys must have worked hard yesterday! I wish I was there to see how awesome you were!" I said with a cheery tone, but only received lifeless replies.

"We were awful."


"I don't want to do that ever again."

"Oh come on guys!" I laughed awkwardly. "I know it couldn't have been that bad."

"I almost got burned alive," Chanyeol whined.

"I looked like a frickin disco ball," Baekhyun mumbled.

"I was ok," Sehun smirked, but the others rolled their eyes at him in disagreement.

"You were the worst."

"A paperplane? Seriously?"

"You sucked."

"Gee, thanks guys. I totally feel your love." He stated sarcastically, making me giggle.

 "Maeji~" Chanyeol suddenly whined out loud as he enveloped me in a huge bear hug. "Help me improve! I want to become an awesome ability-wielder!"

"Me too~" Baekhyun second the motion and hugged me from behind, rubbing his face into my hair like a kitten. "Can't you just be my anima instead? I'll love you better than Tao!"

I laughed so hard at that one. Oh these silly boys. It made me doubt if I really was younger than them. They're as cute as little brothers! I glanced at Tao to see what was his reaction to all this, and it amused me when I caught him looking embarrassed.

"Okay," I patted the two children's heads as my laughter died down. "What do you want to improve? I will be happy to help."

"I want to summon the Phoenix!" Chanyeol grinned.

"I want to be a miniature sun! A handsome sun!"

"I want to make a whirlwind," Sehun joined the topic while making avatar-like hand gestures. Chen jumped up from his seat as his happiness radar started working again. Soon enough, the four goofballs were already running around the place, getting immersed in their avatar characters as they yelled "WIND! FIRE! THUNDER! LIGHT!"  over and over again. They were lucky Suho was still too busy whispering loving words to the plants, or else someone would have been nagging them for their noisiness already.

"Hpw about you, Kai?"

He froze when I suddenly talked to him. He blinked a few times, as if in disbelief that I noticed his existence, before finally answering. "Me?"

"Yes. How did you do?"

"I... was ok."

"Let me guess, you did great again!" Chen grinned as he gave the awkward man two thumbs up. Then he turned to me to explain in Kai's behalf. "He always tops in all our evaluations. He's always the most-improved one."

Kai kept on sending signs for Chen to shut up, but the talkative man failed to notice this and kept on talking. "We even heard one of the elders say that he even might be able to teleport to north pole and back without a hassle. He never fails to amaze them. He's so cool and awesome and—"

"Actually, I haven't perfected it yet. I still need to learn intellectual mapping." Kai cut him off. He acts just like Tao when being complimented. I didn't know he's this humble!

"Psh, it's impossible for you to get lost! You teleport everywhere, so you basically know every nook and cranny of all places." In the end, Kai could only sigh in defeat. I just laughed at them, and my attention shifted to Suho and D.O finally returning to the group.

"So what happened while we were gone?" Suho asked with a bright smile as they sat down. Of course, Tao, Lay, Luhan, Xiumin, and Chen automatically looked at me, making me gulp.

"Oh don't worry, everything was fine!" i forced a laugh, but because Suho noticed the 5 boys' weird stares, he instantly knew that I was lying. He looked around with brows slightly furrowed, expecting to receive an explanation. And since they didn't stop staring at me, I knew that they expected me to explain it myself.

"Uh, I kind of separated... for a while..."

"And we panicked," Xiumin added.

"And Tao was terrified." Lay glanced at Tao teasingly, making him go red in embarrassment and send a warning glare.

"Maeji...," Oh God. Here comes Suho's motherly tone.

"I promised I won't do it ever again! I don't break promises!" Fortunately, I was able to think quick and cut him off before he was able to begin his nagging session.

"Did something weird happen to you?" Kai asked in concern.

"Nope, not even a bug bothered me." I smiled proudly, and they all sighed in relief. I suddenly mused about something, as I remembered the man in the taxi and the man that almost touched my waist in the coffee shop. "Do you guys know a place here where celebrity-looking people hang around?"

"Aside from Lupus High? None. Why?" Sehun smiled.

"Because I'm seeing quite a lot of handsome faces around here. They just poked my interest, that's all."

They suddenly exchanged glances as if I said something wrong. Then Tao asked me with the most gentle voice he could muster, "Did you see one last night?"

"Yeah," I slowly answered a I recalled the blush-worthy memory.

"Was he tall?" Chanyeol's brows furrowed.


"Like a model?" Baekhyun narrowed his eyes.

I nodded enthusiastically, a bright smile forming on my lips.

"Did he know your name?" D.O suddenly spoke, which really surprised me.

"Yes, by my nametag. And I think he used to study here as well."

"Damn. Tao, you were right." Lay's brows furrowed, half annoyed and half worried, I think. My smile immediately disappeared. It was the first time I heard Lay cuss. Did I do something wrong? They didn't seem as bright as I was. It definitely looked like something was wrong.

Xiumin turned to me with a serious gaze. Just as I was about to think that his eyes were scary enough to freeze my heart, what he said right after made all my hair stand on end.

"Maeji, you just met Kris."

* * * * * * * * * *

To think that she spazzed over their most dangerous enemy.

What could happen to Maeji now? Stay tuned everybody! Don't forget to click the star! 

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