17: Note

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"You what?!" Tao instinctively yelled, and I think his voice echoed all over the 5th floor of the building. Even the boys flinched at his sudden outburst. If you were wondering why we were in this dusty place instead of the magnificent garden, apparently, Tao said that the meeting was "highly confidential" and the garden was probably too open for birds to hang around. Fortunately, he quickly regained his stoic persona and stated his next words with a calm voice. "You can't work in that coffee shop. You can't work anywhere."

"Oh yeah? I'm already hired and you can't do anything about that. What gave you the right to control me anyway?" I crossed my arms as I returned his piercing stare. His brows knitted further, annoyed that I had the nerve to talk back.

"I can do something about that because I'm you're—" He froze halfway, as if he realized that what he was about to say would blow up his pride sky high. I raised my eyebrows, challenging him to go on, but his jaw remained hanging open without any word coming out of his mouth.

"That's exactly what I thought. Now if you may excuse me, I have a class to attend." After giving him one final glare, I grabbed my bag and walked straight out of the room. I could definitely feel all their eyes boring through the back of my head, 10 of them probably wondering since when did I have the guts to talk back to their redheaded leader.

"'You can't work anywhere.' Blah blah blah." I rolled my eyes and scoffed. Who does he think he is? Some kind of dictator? A second Hitler? Not because he claims that I'm his anima means I'll follow him around and agree with everything he'll say. He may be able to control the boys, but I'm a whole different being. I don't care if he would try to use his powers on me. I don't care if—


My hand automatically jumped over my chest, as if to block my heart just in case it wanted to jump out in fear. Apparently, as I was stomping down the stairs, Kai came running out of nowhere and almost ran over me. Good thing we both stopped in time.

"Kai? Why were you...? It's the first time I saw you... running." By the look of sweat smeared all over his forehead, I could say he was definitely running.

"I was, uh, too mentally drained to teleport..."

"Oh, okay," My brows knitted as I looked at him. He was avoiding eye contact, and that confused and concerned me at the same time. I don't remember when it started, but I just realized that Kai and I were not acting as close as we used to be. "Didn't you receive Tao's announcement? You just missed how he tried scold me."

"Is that so?" he looked up at me for a second, but even that had to be with an anxious expression. You were supposed to laugh at the joke, Kai. Now I definitely think something is wrong. "I guess I have to go up already, before he scolds me as well."

"Aren't you guys going to... attend class?" I tried to ask but he was already long gone before I could even finish my sentence. He was what? Drained mentally? So do they use their powers with their mental energy? But which energy exactly is easier to drain? Physically or mentally? According to all the theories I've heard and all the textbooks I've read, the mind is stronger than the heart. So what could he have been spending his mental energy on that he had to run and sweat so much like that? Well... ok. Maybe I could just ask him when he's in his right mind again. So I just shrugged it off, and continued walking down the stairs towards III-C.

When I got inside, the students instantly hushed. I just ignored them and walked straight to my seat. I've grown used to them like this, and I don't think they're going to ever change. It's like they see me as an alien from outer space, and they suddenly fall silent as if to think, "Has she come in peace?"

They only minded their own business again when I finally sat down. Then I felt something weird underneath me. I grabbed whatever it was, and saw that it was a neatly folded white piece of paper. Brows furrowing, I slowly opened it, and realized that it was a note. I looked around, just in case it was a prank they were trying to pull on me, but nobody seemed to care about me at this point. I looked back at the paper. With thick red ink, the words were neatly written across it.


I looked around once again. They were still in their own worlds. No eyes flickered towards me. Nobody was interested in me. This can't possibly be a prank. But if ever it is, then I think the prankster is a sickeningly lucky person. He got the arrow right through the bull's eye. And to think that last Friday, I wanted to get involved in violence. Now, I think there's nothing creepier than getting stalked by someone I've never seen in my life. Someone that tried to kill Tao, and that broke all three rules of their bloodline.

I have to get my superpowers as soon as possible. And by as soon as possible, I mean before I get killed by a superman-ish psycho.

Welp, I hope my life turns out great.

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