29: Ice Cream Heaven

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"Ice cream~ Lovely ice cream~ Chen loves ice cream~" The man kept on chanting repeatedly as we walked towards the ice cream shop he has been dreaming of since forever. He said we could consider it as "family bonding," but honestly speaking, if it wasn't for me, none of the boys would've agreed to go with him. They preferred staying in their cozy home rather than bother themselves just for some childish treat. Yeah, Kai can just teleport them, but that's like, extreme laziness already.

"What kinds of ice creams do they have there?" I asked as Kai and I continued swinging our hands back and forth.

"Molla," Kai shrugged and pointed towards Chen with our intertwined hands. "I haven't seen it. Only him knows."

"Lots of flavors and yumminess! It's HEAVEN." Chen's mouth hung agape as he started hallucinating again. Well, I think that's enough description. If it's heaven, then it must be awesome, right?

"Do they have blueberry flavor there?" Xiumin shyly asked.

"Strawberry?" Lay's head tilted to the side. Whoa. Am I just dreaming? Is the cold-hearted sadistic healing guy really looking forward to the ice cream?

As I chuckled at this interesting new knowledge, Kai bumped his shoulder with mine, eyes narrowed.

"You, what flavor do you like/"

"Is there a 'Maeji' flavor?" He playfully scooted closer, and I pushed his face away, laughing.

"Pabo. I kinda miss chocolate." I sighed dreamily, remembering the oh-so-sweet taste.

"Oh, why didn't you say so earlier? I have that."

"Jinjja??" My eyes widened. He has chocolate? WHERE? I WANT SOME!!! Then his seductive smile returned as he tapped my nose.

"Yeah, my chocolate skin."

"Eww Kai you so gross!" I hit his shoulder. As we laughed together, I heard someone scoff from behind. We both turned our heads, and realized that it was Tao. Immediately, we stopped laughing and exchanged awkward stares. He looked especially grumpy today. He probably didn't like the view of Kai and I holding hands. And that reminded me of last Wednesday, no matter how much I wanted to forget all about it.

Do you like Tao?

Maeji, do you like Tao?

Oh great. There's Kai's voice again. It took me 4 homeworks, 5 textbooks, and 3 meditations just to get that out of my head, so do I have to do that again tonight?!!

On second thought, maybe it's because I'm slightly guilty. Why would I even like him? Not because I'm his anima means I would already fall head over heels for him. And that was exactly what I told Kai. I waved it off with a forced laugh, but I wasn't even sure if it was the truth or a lie. I... feel so confused. I wanted to wish that he just never asked that at all, but I made a promise. No more cold treatments. No more ignoring. Kai's finally happy again, and that's all that matters.

"Chen? Earth to Chen? YAH we have to know if this is the right place!" Baekhyun waved a hand in front of the drooling guy. But even shaking him back and forth didn't work. Brows furrowing in annoyance, Baekhyun snapped a finger in front of Chen's face. The poor man suddenly threw his head back as if he got punched by the wind or something.

"AAAAH!! TURN OFF THE LIGHTS!! I HAVE GONE BLIND!!!" He wailed as he furiously rubbed his eyes. Suho gave Baekhyun a nagging stare.

"What? At least he's awake now." He shrugged. As Chen got back his senses again, his eye immediately focused on the blue square building in front of us. It had tons of colorful displays at the window, and a cute sign saying, "SWEET HEAVEN."

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