58: Normal Days

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Suho shrieked for about 50th time of the day, but of course, he only got giggles as a reply. Chen kept on pouting and begging Xiumin to refreeze his ice cream. Here goes Chanyeol again, abusing his powers. I just sighed and continued peacefully sipping on my chocolate smoothie. Good thing there were no other people here in Heaven other than us, or else we would've been kicked out for noisiness already.

"Tao, can't you stop him???" Suho whined. Tao shook his head, chuckling.

"He's happy. Let him be."

"Hyung~" Chanyeol wiggled his eyebrows at Lay, his next victim. Lay narrowed his eyes and hugged his cone protectively. I burst into a fit of giggles. T's the first time I see Lay this cute! He looked like a 3-year-old protecting his beloved food from another 3-year-old!

"Things have changed a lot, I see." Gwen chuckled, glancing at Luhan, who nodded in agreement. "Chanyeol aged backwards and became a lot more like a 3-year-old than a 5-year-old kid!"

"Hey! I'm can be mature too, you know!" Chanyeol pouted, but immediately went back to threatening Lay's ice cream. I just glanced at Tao, chuckling. His eyes were sparkling as well, and I could tell that he seemed happy too that things have gotten a lot more ok than a week ago. The boys have accepted Gwen (in which Gwen burst into tears of joy), and Luhan seemed to be the happiest about it. Just like what Kris told him, he treated Gwen like the most special girl on earth. He always stays beside her whenever he could, and not even a fly could harm her.

I looked out the window and sighed. Kris. Every now and then, I could hear the boys wishing that they could go hang out with Kris again sometime, but ever since the Gold Moon, we haven't seen him yet. Lay has told me a few things about Kris' past, which only made me feel more eager to talk to him again. But if I think logically, though, there's a big chance that he didn't get out of the Blood Leader's hands that night. It's too sad to think of, so I'd rather look at the sky every now and then, wondering if he's actually around, silently watching, guiding the boys.

"Hey," Tao broke me out of my thoughts as he nuzzled his face in my hair. I chuckled and ruffled his soft hair. He knew I was thinking about it again. "Why can't I see you smiling?"

"I am smiling. See?" I forced a rectangular smile, mocking Baekhyun. Tao just gave me a "seriously" look.

"Yah yah don't copy my smile! It looks a lot better on me!"

"Ok Baekhyunnie~" I laughed and went back to sipping on my smoothie.

"So who wants to go to the carnival next?" Kai smiled mischievously. Everyone fell silent for a few seconds, before bursting into ear-splitting shrieks and howls.

"RACE YOU!!" Sehun shrieked as he ran out. Chanyeol, Baekhyun, and Chen immediately followed, not wanting to be beaten. We heard Suho sighing exasperatedly, and even needed Xiumin and D.O to help him walk. Poor Suho-appa. Always stressed out by the boys.

"I'll win you a deer stuff toy in one of the games." Luhan confidently said as he wrapped an arm around Gwen's waist. She blushed cutely and softly slapped his hand.

"You don't have to... I just want to ride the cable cars."

"Oh ok. We ride the cable cars, then I win you a deer." He beamed, and Gwen just laughed. I felt Tao wrap an arm around my waist as well, and I glanced up at him, smiling.

"They're really cute together, ne?"

"Why? Aren't we cute together too?" His eyes sparkled in mischief, making me scoff.

"No, we're not." He frowned. I smiled and pinched his nose. "We're perfect together, Tao. That's everything that I want us to be."

He then proceeded to squeal. I slapped his stomach, reminding him that he shouldn't squeal girlishly like than in public. Because you know, it's uh.... weird. Lol.

As we went out of the shop, I took in the fresh air and looked up at the clear blue sky. It seems like it would be another normal day for us.

But, you know, when it comes to the Hellion Brothers, normal is an understatement.


[Hellion Brothers: Book #1] Hellion BrothersHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin