57: Closure

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"Maeji!!!" Chanyeol dropped down to his knees and hugged me tightly, wailing like a little kid. The other boys did the same and enveloped me in a group hug.

"Arasseo guys, I love you too." I laughed and patted their backs. As soon as they let go, I gave them a stern stare. "But you still have to say sorry to each other!"

"Sehun hit me first." Chanyeol mumbled.

"I wanted to protect Luhan-hyung!"

"But he's a traitor!" Suho yelled. I quickly put myself between them.

"Whoa guys, let's clear up the misunderstandings here." I went to Luhan's side, and gently patted his shoulder. "Luhan isn't a traitor. He was forced to give out information, because he was being blackmailed." I gave Kris a scolding stare, making him look down his toes in guilt. "And guys, we should stop hating Gwen already. She's Luhan's anima."

"BWOH?!!!" They simultaneously stated in shock.

"H-hyung... is that true?" Sehun asked, and Luhan hesitantly nodded.

"Why didn't you tell us?!!!" Suho scolded.

"It was all part of the deal..." he mumbled, and once again, I gave Kris a scolding look.

"So, yeap, if we continue to isolate Gwen, then we're keeping her and Luhan from being happy together. That makes us the bad guys."

"But she cheated on him with Kris."  Kai pointed out.

"Yeah, about that..." Kris hesitantly stepped forward. "I forced her to do that... She actually liked Luhan so much, even before they knew they were animas."

"You ass—" Suho was about to charge towards him, but D.O held him off. Kris continued.

"I wanted to teach Luhan a lesson. He wasn't treating her right. He let her alone in dangerous places and she almost died several times because you weren't there." His gaze hardened for a moment, making Luhan freeze. Some of the boys froze as well. I suppose they all knew it was true.

"So I hope you'll treat her as special from now on. She's your anima, Luhan. Not just any girl." He slowly nodded.

"Then what's up with trying to kill me?" Tao narrowed his eyes. Kris was about to speak, but Lay answered for him knowing that there's a big possibility they wouldn't believe it if it came from Kris.

"He never intended to kill you, Tao. He was actually helping you become a better leader." Everyone's brows furrowed. "When you were first given the title as leader, you were childish and cowardly and never took things seriously."

I winced at how straightforward he said that. But we let him continue.

"But if you see yourself now, you've grown quite a lot." Tao looked down at himself, as if wondering what he was talking about. I smiled and patted his head. It's true. He's very mature now and he leads the boys very well, though yeah, he still has to learn how to smile every now and then.

"It's true, Tao. He actually cared for you all along." I nodded, glancing at Kris. "The coffee was actually from him."

"Really?" His eyes widened for a fraction, and I brightly nodded. I saw his eyes soften, and sparkle for a little bit, and I think that was a good thing. Then the sadness returned in his eyes. He looked up at Kris.

"But why did you separate just to do all that? No matter what your reason is, the Blood Leader will still punish you..."

"I know," Kris smiled. "That's part of the plan."

"But hyung..." Lay started, but Kris shook his head, stopping him.

"If you don't turn me over, they'll think you're helping me. I'm the only one that should be punished. Plus, this is what I wanted." He glanced at Kai, indicating that he wanted to be brought to the Blood Leader. Kai glanced at Tao, as if asking what he should do. I bowed my head for a second, remembering what we have talked about in the café. Right, he wasn't on good terms with his father, the Blood Leader, even before Tao was chosen as the leader. I really wanted to know what exactly made things like that between them, but I if he didn't want to reveal it, then I respect his decision.

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