18:Coffee Shop

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Deep breaths, Maeji. Deep breaths. You can do this.

"Maeji, are you ok?" Chen asked with concern written all over his face. He probably witnessed me in one of my inhale-exhale moments and thought that I was hyperventilating.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just prepping up myself." I gave him a thousand watt smile as I tied the black apron around my waist. I was about to start my first day in SM Coffeeholics, a very stylish and classy coffee shop. They even had unimaginably cute uniforms, so it inspired me even more to do great in this job.

Chen returned my smile as he put on his uniform cap. "You don't have to worry much. Serving tables would be easy for you, believe me. You're a smart girl. You can catch up quickly, unlike someone over there...."

Slowly, he turned his head to look over his shoulder, where Sehun was busy grumbling and stomping his feet as he grumpily wore his uniform. I just chuckled and patted Chen's arm.

"He'll cheer up in no time. The moon is full and beautiful ladies are out. You'll see. Hey pretty boy!"

"Yeah," Sehun quickly spun around, though still frowning as if he just ate 10 tons of bricks. "Stop pouting. It's time to rock n' roll."

Honestly speaking, during the first few minutes, I was moving slowly because I was afraid to make any mistakes. Not only was the shop looking high class, but the customers as well! I can't even imagine how much they would sue me if I spilled coffee all over them.

Anyway, I slowly picked up my pace as the time went by. Even Sehun started showing off his charming smiles again so of course, he gained another set of fan girls. I could see he didn't regret anymore that he let himself get dragged by Chen. Our shift was MWF after classes from 6:30 to 10:00 and we still had a long night to go, but I don't think I would feel tired anytime soon. I was enjoying what I was doing, and I think I was starting to love it.

"Maeji, for table 14." Chen winked as he passed the order to me. I just chuckled and patted his arm as he continued brewing coffee. I started walking towards the table. Ok, clean uniform, check. Decent appearance, check. Pleasant smile, check.

"Good evening, ma'am, here's your Café Maroccino." I carefully place the large cup on the girl's table. She barely acknowledged my presence, though, as she was busy reading a textbook. Wow, she must be a hardworking student!

"Call me if you need anything. I hope you enjoy reading, ma'am."

This made her look up, "Well, thank you—"

I was about to walk away, but froze as well when I recognized her face. "Wait, aren't you..." My brows furrowed as I tried to remember. That girl that talked to me in front of the school bulletin... Uh... What was her name again? "Yeol Gwen?"

"Maeji," she slowly lowered her book as she looked up at me with wide eyes. "Since when did you start working here?"

"Just now. It's my first day. Are you a regular here?"

"I stop by sometimes, yes." She smiled but for some reason, her brows remained furrowed."Is there something wrong? Did I get you the wrong order?"

"No... I just remembered something. I probably have to go now."

"Oh, is that so? Then let me just get you a paper bag for your coffee..."

"No, I'll take it as it is. Thank you." She stuffed her book in her bag and left her payment on the table. She forced a smile once again before walking away with her drink. "And good luck with your first day of work. Take care."

I bowed and then watched her until she got out into the street. Well, what she had to do must have been very important. Strangely, I can see myself in her. Or what I used to be before we moved here. Posh, nerdy, and alone.

And a bright idea popped in my head. I think I now know who could become my first girl friend.


"Wow! I can't wait to come back tomorrow!" Sehun was all smiles as we went out of the shop. Chen and I exchanged looks, before giving him a judging stare. Then we simultaneously sang what we both had in mind.

"'I don't remember agreeing to any of this! My beautiful hands will get ruined!' "

"Ha. Ha. Ha. So funny, guys." Sehun rolled his eyes, making us giggle. "But honestly, I feel tired already. Where the hell is Kai anyway?"

"He's asleep at this time already. Are you really that lazy?" Chen ruffled Sehun's rainbow hair, making him groan since he spends a lot of time trying to make it look perfect. "You have to exercise to get abs, you know."

"I have abs! Why does none of you ever believe me?!!"

"Because it's not there!"

Haha. Thanks guys. I really needed something to drive my drowsiness away. I still had home works to finish and it was already almost midnight. Now that I have a job added in my everyday routine, I have to work harder to finish all important things. And speaking of important.... I had to cut their bickering when I remembered to ask something important.

"Did Kai get scolded when he came up late yesterday?"

"Uhh... sort of." My eyes narrowed. Chen, what a horrible liar you are.

"How do you guys get drained of mental energy, anyway? To the point that you can't use your ability?"

"That's quite extreme already."

"Yeah," Sehun nodded absentmindedly

"But it's usually because of abuse. Like using it every now and then. In Kai's case, though, teleporting is as simple as breathing to him. It's very convenient anyway. He can do it all day without getting tired."

"So it's most probably extreme emotion. A really, really overwhelming emotion." Sehun yawned. After a brief pause, his eyes widened at Chen. "He didn't win the lottery, did he?"

"No," Chen scoffed. "He probably cried."

And the two laughed together. I rolled my eyes at them, but I can't deny my laughter as well. Such backstabbers.

"Or maybe he got scared! Pffft," Sehun started another laughing fit, and I was starting to get concerned if we were disturbing the silence of the night so much already. Then I froze.

Yesterday, Kai looked so flustered. He was sweating and his eyes were darting everywhere. It was like he just saw something horrifying, and wasn't able to shake it out of his head. Ghosts? No, absolutely not. It's something more realistic.

Or someone.

"Maeji? Maeji, are you okay?"

Um... Have any of you guys written something like this?" With slightly shaking hands, I opened my bag to pull out the note I received in the classroom yesterday. Brows furrowing, Chen took it from me to give it a closer look.

"No... i don't think any of us would write something like this."

"How can you be so sure?"

Sehun answered this time, his face similar to Chen's serious expression. "Because none of us has good handwriting like that."


"Ow!" he rubbed the back of his head that Chen hit.

"Maeji, I think Tao's right. Working in a public place like the coffee shop is dangerous for you. We don't know if he's lurking nearby. But so far, Tao has ensured that he doesn't know about your existence. Though, we can't be too comfortable."

"Then I should learn how to defend myself, right? I can't  rely on you guys forever."

"What?" They exchanged looks, as they made a mental conversation if it is a good idea or not. Then they slowly turned their head back to me with mischievous smiles plastered across their faces.

"Get ready to rock n' roll."

* * * * * * * * * *

 Something's weird with  Gwen..... -___-

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