30: Moving In

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I awkwardly stood by the door beside Suho, carrying my huge backpack and suitcase that contained all my things. All of the boys were frozen in the living room as they shifted their glances between me and my things. This is totally insane. As soon as Suho knew that I would be living alone in the house, he immediately offered *cough*forced*cough* me to move into their dorm, since living alone would absolutely be risky for me. You know why.

"Guys, Maeji would be living here for a few weeks since her parents are gone for a while." Suho started, but wasn't able to continue as chaos immediately started.

"You can room with us! We have stuffed toys!" Chanyeol raised his hand, and Chen rapidly nodded as he pulled me towards them. Baekhyun suddenly grabbed my other hand as he swatted Chen away.

"No! Room with us! Sehun and I can braid your hair!"

"If you want total peace while you're studying, you can stay with us." Luhan stated calmly, and D.O agreed beside him.

"We have good air conditioning." Xiumin tried to pry me away from Baekhyun, but nobody wanted to let go.

"No Maeji! Do not go to the dark side! It's not about the AC, it's about the fun!"

"Yeah, we have toys!!" Chanyeol joined in the pulling activity.

"Guys—" Suho tried to stop them, but nobody was paying attention. I was literally getting dragged around the room as four people were pulling me from all sides.

"You guys are noisy up 'til midnight. She can't study with that!"

"Yes she can! We can just braid her hair!"

"Or toys."

"The AC is good."

"Um, guys..." I mumbled. My joints were honestly starting to hurt. Guys, I know you all care about me, but please don't rip me apart on the first day. Maybe um, wait for a few more days?? I sent a begging stare to Kai, and he immediately stood up and grabbed my shoulder. He teleported me to the couch away from the chaos, and the boys pulling on me earlier landed on their butts with surprised faces.




"YAH WOULD YOU FRICKIN SHUT UP FOR A MOMENT?!!!" Suho screamed, finally able to make them stop. Then he cleared his throat and changed back into his calm voice. "I've decided that she'd room with me and Kai because who knows? You insane people might try to do something to her."


"Absolutely not!"

"OMG that is an insult!"

"Guys...," Suho rolled his eyes, but it seemed like he had no energy to scream anymore. They were all bickering about where I should sleep. I could only watch them, silently praying that they would just allow Suho's decision. I would really like to be with Kai. It's not that I don't want to be with the others... It's because he's already, like, my best buddy, and I'm most comfortable with him.

"We have designations, right?" Tao suddenly spoke, and everyone instantly shut up. Once the leader speaks up, speaking over him is a big no-no. "And she's not allowed to leave my side. So she rooms with me."


 Did I hear that right??

Please tell me this is just a nightmare. Please.

"Ooookay then," Suho clapped his hands. "So it has been decided. Maeji would be with Tao."


"Didn't you assign Kai to stay with Maeji as well?" Chen questioned, being the innocent creature he was. Oh my God bless you lovely Chen thank you so much for saving my soul. He immediately received a death glare from Tao for reminding that.

"Ah, right! Um, Maeji, would it be ok for you if Kai rooms with you as well?"

"Absolutely," I grinned. Kai and I exchanged thumbs ups. Oh thank you heavens! At least my nights here wouldn't be as scary as it could've been! Good thing Suho asked that question to me and not to Tao, because he surely wasn't so happy about it.

Sigh. I hope everything turns out fine.

 * * * * *

"Maeji~" Chanyeol called out from the kitchen. I only answered with a 'yeah,' since I was busy watching Adventure Time with  Kai, Chen, and Sehun in the living room. "Can you come here for a moment? Please?"

"Ok!" I stood up from the couch, but it took me a while since I had to shake off Chen who was clinging to my leg like a koala. "What's up?"

"D.O just left to buy some ingredients since we're cooking a lot for the welcoming dinner for you." He  started to explain. "The other boys can't hold a knife without needing Lay-hyung around, so is it ok if I ask for your help for a while until he gets back?"

"Um... Of course!" I gulped and silently crossed my fingers. My God, why didn't I take cooking classes back in my previous school? It was an all girls' school for God's sake and yet, I prioritized chemistry and calculus more that those basic skills!! Anyway, I forced a bright smile at Chanyeol. "What can I do?"

He pointed to a corner with a chopping board and a few apples. What scared me most was the knife beside it. I do hope I wouldn't need Lay to reattach my fingers as well. "You can dice the apples for the apple pie."

Nodding, I slowly picked up the knife. Ok Maeji, focus. The apples should be diced. Dices are 3-dimensional squares. This must be perfect. I have to prove to them that I'm not a burden. I can't let them know that I can't cook! After giving myself an encouraging fist pump, I started making slices equally 5 centimeters apart, all the while making sure my fingers were out of the way. Then I sliced horizontally with the same dimensions, and so far, it was looking perfect!

"Um, Maeji..." someone mumbled beside me. It must be Chanyeol.

"It's ok, I'm doing fine. I can do this." I said, totally absorbed in what I was doing.

"I... I really can do that for you. I can't let you hurt yourself." Realizing that the voice was too soft and shy to be Chanyeol's, I lifted my head to look. It was D.O. He forced a smile and flicked his eye towards the knife. Oh yes, he's the person really in charge here. Still quite in a shock that he was talking to me (No offense, but I really could forget sometimes that he could speak), I unconsciously put down the knife. He hesitantly reached out for it, but then I quickly snapped out of my daze.

No Maeji! You have to help! You're doing great so far, so why stop now?

"A-Actually I got this!" I quickly said and grabbed the knife before he could. I forced a smile at him, but then his doe eyes widened in horror. What? Why? What did I do?

Then I felt it.

Oh no. Maeji, no you didn't.

Slowly, I followed his gaze, and indeed, I was clutching the knife on the wrong side. I was clutching the blade. I quickly dropped it, leaving a red stain on the shiny metal. Biting my lip, I slowly looked back at D.O. I already could hear Chanyeol calling for Lay.

I could only force a smile.

"Um, ouch?"

* * * * * * * * * *

So the revealing of the chaotic life in their dorm starts now.

Maeji so cute. Haha. She's so lucky to be living with them. Omo *V*

[Hellion Brothers: Book #1] Hellion BrothersHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin