13: Initiation

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It was the last Friday of the month.

Classes went on as usual, and the students continued walking around, talking among friends, but not to be heard saying any word about the initiation. It was as if everyone forgot about it. Either that, or I was just imagining the whole thing. It would really mean so much to me if that dreadful event just didn't exist at all. Nonetheless, the whole "normal day" thing only scared me even more than I initially were during the days before. I could only imagine the SYNC in black hoods holding black candles around a symbolic circle as they talk in low voices as they plan on how to abduct the new students, and what kinds of things to do to them after. My mind was just never in peace.

When lunch time came, Lay was already gone before I could even stand up from my seat. Usually, he would wait by the door so we could go to the garden together, but today, he's nowhere to be seen. My eyes narrowed in suspicion, but my heart thumped loudly as if it was getting trampled by elephants. Something was fishy. Definitely fishy.

Deciding that Lay, or any of the boys, wouldn't show up due to whatever evil plan they were plotting, I just went up the quiet rooftop. I approached the fence at the back and stood on my toes, hoping to at least sneak a peek through the thick treed to see if they were in their garden. When my toes started hurting without even gaining anything from the strange activity, I just gave up on the silly idea. Sighing, I flopped on my usual spot and started eating. Alone.

"Boy, I could really use some company right now." I spoke loudly in purpose, just in case one of them was actually hiding somewhere. I paused to graze my eye around, but the place was still empty. Just me and the dust. Sighing once again, I just imagined the boys' giggles and childish bickering I usually heard every afternoon. It was what I've grown used to, and not this deafening silence that only knew how to say "eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep."

A puff of black mist suddenly formed in front of me, but quickly dispersed, revealing Kai. He was wearing his cap backwards, causing his fringe to messily spread down his forehead but despite of this still looked as charming as always. With a smirk and a playful glint in his eyes, he spoke, "Yeah, we could use some company too."

And he grabbed my arm before another cluster of black mist formed around us. Though, when it dispersed this time, the rooftop became a grassland, and the rusty fences replaced by green plants. It was the garden. Did we just... teleport?

"Hi, Maeji!" Xiumin, with the rest of the boys beside him, stood right in front of me. He had that innocent look at first, but then a mischievous smile quickly formed on his lips. "It's time for your initiation."

Someone wrapped a blindfold around my head before I could even protest. I was confused, shocked, and scared, and could only stand still. The boys' giggled at their plan, but since this was all happening in their private garden, I could now be rest assured that my identity as transferee wouldn't be known to the other students.

Xiumin, with a commanding voice I've never heard from him, spoke once again. "Cha Maeji, third year student, member of class C. Do you confirm that?"

"Um... yes?" My voice came out almost like a whisper, still unsure of where this was all going.

"A transferee student of S. Lupus High School, and not yet knowledgeable of the Key?"

"Key? What key?"

"Very well then," he clapped his hands. "As president of the Sectored Youth's Nexus Council, I, Kim Xiumin, therefore confirm Cha Maeji's initiation to begin. Kim Suho, take over."

"I promise this will be fun," Suho whispered to me, and I could imagine that overly excited smile of his plastered across his face. I smiled, but it only turned out as an awkward one. Then just like Xiumin, his voice went from soft to commanding. I now suppose it's sort of part of the ceremony.

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