55: Last Battle

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TAO's P.O.V]

I couldn't believe my eyes. I didn't want to. The boys were starting to turn against each other, but here I am, standing, not knowing what to do. Everything was falling apart right in front of me. It became worse that I have ever expected. A lot worse. I shouldn't have expected that things would go along as planned at all.

"When he turns his back on his own kind, he's no longer a brother." We all heard Chanyeol say, and a huge fireball was sent towards Luhan. Sehun tried to stop him, but Suho—the well composed Suho I've known in my whole life, started throwing water whips everywhere. I wanted to scream for everyone to stop, but I knew that at this point, nothing can stop then. I have to keep it together. I have to stay strong, and I have to succeed in at least one part of the plan: To take down Kris.

"You," I hissed, angry tears starting to form in my eyes. Kris just stared at me emotionlessly, as if he didn't care about anything at all. "You started this all. You ruined everything. You didn't get what you want, so you're trying to drag us down with you!"

"Believe it or not Tao, I'm actually trying to bring you up."

"By doing this?" I let out a bitter laugh as I motioned to the fireballs, sand, and water flying everywhere. "By making us turn against each other? We know you're smart, Kris, but don't treat us like idiots."

"Tao, you don't understand." I heard Lay cut in, but I ignored him. I don't care about what he thinks. He's on Kris' side, and that's all the information I cared about.

I kept my eyes locked on Kris. "You know, I was really going to give you a chance to regret everything you did, but after all this?" I motioned to the chaos around us. "I changed my mind."

I snapped my finger, and Kai grabbed my shoulder. There was a second of black mist around us, and we reappeared right in front of Kris. I landed a hard punch right across his smug face, and he fell on the sand, looking absolutely surprised. Lay immediately ran to his side.

"Tao, this doesn't have to happen." Lay tried to reach out to me, but Kai stopped him. I was ready to punch him out of the way, but good thing Kai took care of him for me. I returned my attention to Kris.

I see you've gotten stronger." Kris chuckled as he stood up, rubbing his jaw. I cracked my fists, smirking.

"It seems Luhan forgot to tell you we've been training quite a lot."

"Oh, right, he didn't. But I'm sure he told me you're going to hide Maeji from me tonight."

He flashed that mocking smile again. I felt my blood rush through my head. He spoke about Maeji again. He doesn't deserve to even say her name. Heck, I don't want his existence to have anything to do with her at all. Hissing, I turned to give him a good kick to the head, but he quickly jumped 20 feet away from me. I scoffed. He really is a colossal coward. And he was the one calling me the one afraid to take a blow.

I looked around as Sehun crossed my mind. He was supposed to keep Kris down on the ground so I can beat the hell out of him. I saw him busy helping Luhan stay alive in Chanyeol's flames, making me curse silently. Damn. I almost forgot he shifted to the traitor's side.

"Tao!" Kai tried to grab my shoulder, but was immediately hauled away by Lay. Our eyes met for a second, and I think I sent my message of hate loud and clear. I have another problem now. How will I be able to keep Kris down?

"You know you look like a total coward when you fly away like that, right?" I managed to maintain a poker face despite of the inner chaos I was feeling.

"It's called using the advantage, Tao. I'm feeling significantly light tonight, so why wouldn't I be flying around?" He started walking around with his hands in his pockets. I gritted my teeth. His arrogance was irritating me to the bone. Even though I've already predicted the result, I still tried to see a few second forward. As expected, there was nothing. He's going to keep walking around if I don't try to come to him. He's going to play around with me. But I have to keep trying. For the boys.

For Maeji.

I sprinted towards him, but he just stood there, watching me in amusement. Just before I reached him, he tried to fly away again, but Kai appeared in the air and dragged him back down to the ground. Then he disappeared to take care of Lay. I straddled Kris before he could even stand up, and punched him hard across the face.

"I'm done with your little games, Kris. I've ran out of patience. After all, I don't see any more reason reasons to keep you alive now that you've completely ruined our friendship!" I screamed and punched him once again. I felt this strong stab on my heart as I felt like the truth was being slapped across my face. That I have failed to be a leader once again. All I can do now is finish what started this. Kris.

I lifted my fist for another hard punch, but I fell back on the ground when he managed to slip out from under me. He floated up in the air, but a shot of lightning almost hit him.

"Don't worry Tao. I got ya!" Chen called out, and I nodded in acknowledgement. He shot another lightning again but missed, hitting the monkey bars instead. The metals flew everywhere, and hit a few more playing equipment all over the place. As Kris was busy dodging Chen's attacks, I wanted for him to stoop low enough so I can grab his ankles and yank him down. But he seemed to know about that and stayed high enough. Suddenly, a metal bar came flying out of nowhere and hit Kris square on the stomach, making him crash back to the ground. I looked at Luhan. My brows furrowed. Why did he help me? I thought he was on Kris' side?

He gave me a small smile. As his attention was on me, though, he forgot about Chanyeol, and a huge ball of fire hit him on the back. He disappeared in a sea of flames. My eyes widened, and I felt my feet try to run to him as if they had their minds on their own. I shook my head. No, Tao. He's playing with your mind. He's still a traitor. A traitor.

"Tao! Get him now!" Chen's voice brought me back to reality. I ran towards Kris, crouched on the sand in agony. As he saw me approaching, though, he struggled to push himself off the ground and tried to fly away.

Oh no, Kris. I won't let you fly away this time.

I looked a second forward to see where he'd fly to, making me smirk. I stepped on the ruins of the slide nearby, and jumped as high as I can towards Kris. I was able to grab his shoulders, looking at him straight in the eye, seeing the surprised look on his face. As we plummeted back down the ground, the world felt like it was in slow motion. I'm not sure if it was my power, or it was natural in these moments of life and death. My brows furrowed as I saw Kris let out a small smile, but it wasn't a mocking one. In fact, his face looked more peaceful than I have ever seen. It was like he was happy that I was able to catch him.


My eyes widened at the voice that called out. I looked at my left and saw Maeji on the ground, a horrified look on her face. She looked down on the ground below us, and I followed her gaze. We were plummeting towards the protruding metals of the ruined monkey bars. I wanted to do something to avoid it, but it was too late.

As we landed, I heard a sickening cracking sound, and warm blood spurted all over my face.

* * * * * * * * * 

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