35: The Pet

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"Oh, is that so?" Kris faked a shocked expression. "Too bad, but I wasn't interested in having a chitchat with you, either. I just wanted to check how our dear Maeji was doing." He grinned as he tilted his head towards me. I clutched Tao's shirt and hid behind him more like a little helpless child.

"Don't bring her into this. If you want me, go straight to me."

"How can I not bring her into this?" Despite of Tao's seriously scary aura, Kris still had the nerve to laugh as if he just said the funniest thing in the world. "You don't even know how to protect her. Seriously? A carnival? I didn't know you could be that cliché, Tao."

Tao didn't answer back, but I felt him clench his fists. He was about to step forward, but I held him in place. Kris continued his mockery as he started walking circles around us.

"I'm quite impressed by your method of keeping me away. It works, which honestly annoys me sometimes. But fortunately, it does fail sometimes. Like today!"

This time, I wasn't able to stop Tao from stepping forward. His eyes were like those of a wolf ready to kill, never leaving Kris. "I am not going to ask you again. Stay. Away."

"Are you wondering how I was able to breach your pretty little 'dome'?" He still wasn't taking the threat seriously. If this goes on, no one can be sure if we could still walk out of here in peace. And if I would still be alive. And so, as sneakily as I can, I pulled out my phone from my pocket. I fumbled with the buttons for a while, before finally reaching the contacts list. I clicked Kai's contact and dialed. I know Tao said no Kai for me today, so you know, no one could distract me for this day. I think this is a whole new situation, though. Like a matter of life and death. Thankfully, Kris didn't notice my sneaky activity and continued talking.

"Apparently, Tao, you failed to monitor your trusted minions today. One of them seemed to forget that they have a little 'pest' to keep out. But on second thought, if I were him, of course I'd lose interest in doing such a pathetic thing. Especially when my leader is too busy having a date with little miss anima here." Grinning maliciously, he made circles with his finger towards me.


How did he know I'm Tao's anima??

"Well then, I'm glad to see you haven't changed a bit. I'll see you around." Kris chuckled as he waved goodbye. He finally walked away, and instantly disappeared in the sea of people. Just as then, Kai came running towards us, and immediately checked if we were okay. Tao grabbed my wrist and started walking. He didn't even glance at Kai.

"Take us home. We have a meeting."

* * * * *

Everyone was seated silently in the living room. Well, except for Tao. He was pacing back and forth at the front, obviously stressed and unhappy with the situation. In fact, we all felt the same. Except that there was an additional fear for us of Tao exploding at any second. We knew he was just trying all his best to control his anger.

"Weren't you supposed to report as soon as you feel a disturbance to the dome?" Luhan, Sehun, and Chen froze as Tao's killer gaze shifted towards them.

"But we... we didn't feel anything..." Chen stammered. "We have no idea as well how he got in." Sehun grabbed Luhan's hand and nodded furiously. Tao's gaze hardened for a few seconds, before finally accepting the explanation.

"Another thing. He knew Maeji is an anima. My anima."

"What?!!" As expected, their eyes widened and simultaneously gave me concerned looks. I could only bite my lip and look down my lap.

[Hellion Brothers: Book #1] Hellion BrothersOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant