20: Beside You

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Surprisingly, Sehun and I exchanged personalities that Friday. He was the excited one as we walked towards the coffee shop, while I was the reluctant one that dragged her feet. I wanted to practice with Lay that day, hopefully to learn something new but of course, I had responsibilities already and this was for my parents, after all.

Soon enough, I was scurrying around the shop once again in my cute frilly uniform, serving tables with smiles. But I think Sehun was doing a lot better than me. Many customers (females, of course) were asking specifically for him, forcing him to frantically run around to give all of them his precious attention. He was enjoying it to the brim anway, but I really thought being an octopus would've helped him a lot.

"Maeji, table 8." Chen winked and passed me 4 coffee take-outs. I shook my head at him, laughing, before making my way once again.

"Good evening, sirs. Here are your take-outs." I smiled as I looked at all four of them. I made a mental pause to take in their features. Wow, what a good-looking set of men. They kind of reminded me of the Hellion Brothers, if they were less gangster-ish.

"Maeji?" I was surprised when the blonde one said my name. I was about to ask how he knew that, until I remembered that we had nametags. I mentally smacked myself. Why do I always forget that nametags always come with uniforms?!

 The man gave me a dazzling smile, and I hoped I was able to hold back my blush. "You're new here, aren't you?"

"Well, yes..."

"Wow, they really know where to find the perfect employees." With that, I realized that he was flirting with me, but who cares? He was handsome. Haha. "I'm Woohyun by the way, and these are my pals L, Hoya, and Sungjong."

He offered his hand for a handshake and I shyly took it. "Um... Hi?"

He chuckled before standing up. The rest followed, and just a second after, they were towering over me. Are they celebrities or something? They're too handsome to exist in this small town!

"So Maeji, we have to go now. We look forward to seeing you again sometime." I was about to bow, but he suddenly reached out for my waist. For a second, I panicked. Was he going to hug me? Or just pat me? Or... *gasp* KISS MY NECK?!!! Before I could even flinch back, though, a hand had already grasped his arm to stop him. I looked up to see who it was.


"I hope you had a good evening, sirs. Be careful in your way out." He stated calmly, though he was looking at the eyes of Woohyun like he was going to eat him whole. The man retrieved his arm while chuckling in disbelief.

"Okay then, we'll take care. It was nice meeting you, Maeji. And you too." His eyes turned dark when his gaze shifted to Tao, but fortunately, they immediately headed towards the door. I bowed as they got out, while Tao remained standing since he was busy glaring at the customer's back. When all the attention finally were not unto us, I grabbed his arm and dragged him to the storage room.

"What the hell are you doing here?!!"

"Working," he shrugged and motioned towards his body. He was wearing the uniform. And he looked damn good in it. Wait. No Maeji!!! Keep your head together!!

"You really like to annoy me, don't you?"

"I'm here to make sure you're safe, Maeji." His eyes turned serious, and I instantly shut my mouth. "Since it seemed like I wouldn't be able to change your mind no matter what, I thought that my only choice would be just to work as well."

I groaned in exasperation, "Tao, listen. Sehun is here. Chen is here. You have two of your boys with me, so why wouldn't I be safe?"

He froze as he tried to find an answer for that. 10 seconds passed, but I still didn't hear anything.

"See? You don't have to bother yourself. I'll be fine."

"You don't understand! It's just that..."

I lifted an eyebrow, "Just what?"


"Tao, please just say it. We have work waiting outside." I gave him one last stare, but when he still didn't take advantage of that one last moment that I was ready to listen, I grunted and grabbed the doorknob to leave.

"It's just that I feel more at ease when you're beside me!"

I froze.

 He feels.... more at ease?

Beside me?

I didn't dare turn to face him. I was sure my face was painted with a tomato red blush again, and the corners of my lips kept twitching. Why do I feel...... funny?

"Or... Or maybe I'm just paranoid... Whatever."

He cleared his throat and tried to sound tough again afterwards, but it was too late. I've seen his dorky side, and it was hella cute. As soon as I felt my blush subside, i cleared my throat and turned around as I put on the cross arms-smug face combo.

"So, does that mean you'll teach me already?"

He tried to glare at me, but I raised an eyebrow. Knowing that he lost this time, he dropped his head and groaned.

"Ok. Fine. Whatever."

Maeji vs. Tao. 2-0.

* * * * * * * * * *

So yeah, shoutout to all the Inspirits out there. xD

Oh yes, and to my other story My Infinite Love!! The Coffee Shop there is named SM Coffeeholics as well.

Yeah, lame attempt to promote my story. -___-

Anyway, see ya later again people.  Ciao.

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