24: A Taxi Ride

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"Chen, we're going to be late for work!" i whined as I tried to pull him by his arm away from their group. Tao shot me an annoyed look, as if to say that I did not have the right to disturb them, but still, I continued and only held Chen's arm even tighter. It was already almost an hour since their little meeting started, and it was already 6. I didn't even understand why they had to huddle in a corner and talk in low voices, unlike how they usually act in their meetings. The only rational reason I can think of is that I wasn't allowed to know about whatever they were talking about. It sort of made me feel out of place, honestly.

"Just a little longer, Maeji." Chen tried to assure me with a smile, but it only made me sulk even more. He already said that 15 minutes ago. I planned on questioning him once again, but after seeing that he was totally immersed in their topic, I just sighed and finally let go of him.

I know the coffee shop's not that strict with punctuality. We can make up a little excuse and we'll be fine, but that's not how my conscience works. I don't know why, but I just can't see myself as someone getting late for something. I feel so... irresponsible. I want to be punctual in everything no matter what. And going to my first job isn't an exception.

"Nevermind. I'll just see you later." I stood there for a few seconds as I waited for him to reply, but when I still failed to get his attention, I silently turned around and left. As I walked alone, I couldn't help but notice the eerie silence. Maybe it was because there were no students around anymore. Or maybe because of the dull light cast by the moon. But most probably, because I miss the boys' noises again. I realized that I'm not used to being alone anymore. And I absolutely wouldn't want to go back to how I was back then. Rich and nerdy, yet always alone. Now, I feel like I'm finally starting to live my life after breaking out of my dull, too perfect life. I may be not so posh now, but at least I have friends. Lots of them. I'm not sure about the nerdy part though......

Anyway, since at this point, I would still be late even if I ran, I tried all my best to hail a taxi. But because it was already dark, and I was a tiny girl with not so catchy black hair, none of them noticed me.

"I'm going to be reaaaally late!!!" I screamed at the hundredth  taxi that ignored me. I only had ten minutes before my shift, and I wasn't even sure how long a taxi ride would take!

I took a deep breath as I shifted to my mode of desperation. As I was about to step to the center of the road to block the next incoming taxi, someone hauled me back at the sidewalk and hailed it for me. Miraculously, it stopped. I looked up in awe, and realized that it was a man. A tall one. The road was dark, but with a little help from the streetlights, I was able to see his fine silhouette.

"You said you were going to be late, right?" he spoke with a cool, deep voice. I blinked back to reality as I realized that I was already staring for too long. I nodded and bowed as many times as I could, before getting inside the car. But much to my surprise, the man went in as well. And since the inside was well lit, I was able to see him much clearer. And I was totally amazed by his unbelievably handsome features.

He had a perfect V-jawline, a very fine nose, and a soft-looking jet black hair. His eyes were piercing yet gentle at the same time, and an earring only emphasized his playboy appeal. He looked so perfect. And I couldn't believe I was sitting right next to such fine creature. My eyes moved to his thin pink lips as they moved flawlessly as he spoke.

"Wha... What?" I mumbled absentmindedly as I continued staring. This made him chuckle. Gawd, dat smile. Dat sexy laugh. Is he not a celebrity? Because I'm totally fangirling right now.

"Where do you work?"

"SM Coffeeholics. I'm a waitress there. Food's totally good. You should drop by sometime." I said in a robotic voice, since I was still in my pathetic awestruck self. Chuckling once again, he ordered the driver to drive as fast as he can, then returned his attention back to me.

"You almost killed yourself back there. Why were you alone in the night, anyway?"

"My friends were still too busy... So I decided to go alone. It might not be a big deal for them, but I didn't want to be late." My brows furrowed as I checked the time again. Five minutes left.

"Is that so?" He smiled. "You're lucky none of your schoolmates set an eye on you. I've heard that there's a scary gang there."

Oh, he must have recognized my uniform. He's pretty sharp. "Not really. Once you get to know the people there, they're actually nice."

This made him narrow his eyes at me in amusement. "You sound like you know a lot already."

"Just the important details," I slowly nodded, smiling. When he didn't seem like he had any more to say, it was my turn to throw a question at him. "Did you used to study in Lupus? You seem to have had a lot of experiences in there."

"Just enough experiences," he copied the way I answered, smiling teasingly. "All I can say is always watch your back."

I chuckled. You don't have to remind me that. I have 11 extra people helping me do that. I don't think anybody would still try to lay a finger on me. I felt the taxi stop, and finally, we were in front of the shop. Returning to my panicking self, i quickly got out and frantically opened my bag to get my wallet.

"I got this," he said, stopping me. Then, with a dazzling smile, he looked at me straight in the eyes and spoke. "Consider it as a gift. I hope I see you again, Maeji."

How did he....? Oh yeah, right, nametag. I almost forgot about it again. Before I could even say anything, the taxi already left. This made me sulk in disappointment. Unfair. I didn't get to know his name.

"Maeji!!!" Someone called behind me. It was Chen, huffing, a worried expression plastered across his face. I was surprised when I saw Tao behind him, looking distressed as well. Even more surprising, was that he wasn't annoyed or mad or anything. In fact, he looked like he was about to cry.

"Why did you disappear like that? We were all so frickin worried!!" Chen shrieked.

"Um, sorry... I grew tired of waiting so..."

"Don't you disappear like that ever again." Tao stepped forward while looking straight into my eyes. I realized that his eyes were quite red. Has he really been... crying?

"Yeah, I.... I won't. I'm sorry." I unconsciously took a step backward because he was already getting a little too close. But of course, no matter how many steps back I took, he still did what I dreaded that he would do. He hugged me.

"Didn't I tell you i feel more at ease beside you? Did you think that I was joking?" His hug grew even tighter, and I seriously would've pushed him away for air, if only he didn't sound like he would cry any moment. "I saw Kris break into the dome. I saw you get stabbed. I thought you'll be gone."

Why does he have to worry for me this much? Oh right. Because I'm his anima. I should be feeling the same way for him, right? I was starting to feel bad. I was such an irresponsible anima.

"Tao...," In my guilt-filled state, much to my surprise, I was able to mutter something that I never imagined would come out of my own mouth.

"I won't leave your side ever again."

* * * * * * * * * *

[A/N]: Are you guys thinking what I'm thinking? ;)

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