19: Training (One)

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"I won't teach you until you promise."

"Oh come on!" I stomped my feet and grunted for like, how many times already, but Tao remained in his cross arms-smug face combo.

"It's very simple. Just say, 'Ok Tao, I will quit the job, I promise.' That doesn't even add up to 10 words."

"Ha. Ha. Ha. I didn't know you could joke, Tao." I rolled my eyes and picked up my bag from the grass. I tried asking nicely, so it's no longer my fault now. The boys made a wise decision not to come with Tao today. They probably have guessed already that they will only have to watch another uncomfortably tense verbal war between the two of us. He wants to bring it on, so I'll give him what he asks for.

"Nevermind. I'll just ask the others. Kai?"

"He won't come," His smirk disappeared when he saw me turning to leave. He must have been disappointed that his playtime had to end sooner than he wanted. And for even more disappointment, Kai came.

"You called-" he froze as he met Tao's death glare. Then he turned to me, confused.

"Take me to the others. Your master doesn't seem to be very cooperative today."

Tao gritted his teeth and glared even harder, sending invisible commands to Kai. He turned to me once again as if asking who he should follow, and I raised an eyebrow. Finally, he sighed and grabbed my waist.

"Ah, whatever."

Maeji vs. Tao. 1-0.

I was quite surprised to see an enclosed space after we teleported. The walls were grey, and there were only a few furnitures around. There was a small flat screen TV and a big familiar wolf symbol was spray painted in red on the empty big wall behind it. The boys were scattered around the living room and I could see litters everywhere. Was this their... dormitory?


"IT'S A GIRL!!!!"

"IT'S MAEJI!!!!"


In the blink of an eye, things started flying around everywhere in their attempt for an emergency clean up. They were frantically running around, and I had to dodge then every now and then. It was hilarious.

"Whoa, calm down guys. It's just me."


"AAAAH!!! BURN!!! BURN!!!"

"GAWD GUYS WOULD YOU PLEASE STOP  YELLING?!!" And finally, they all screeched to a halt. Clearing my throat, I continued with a much more calmer voice. "Calm down. It's okay. I'm just here to... uh... hang around."

"Tao didn't agree with her." Kai explained for me. I nodded him a silent thank you.

"Well, sorry for the mess... we were just chilling around...," Suho rubbed the back of his head. I smiled at his cute embarrassed face.

"Really, it's okay. As long as you don't hide corpses in here, everything's cool." They laughed and finally settled back to their places. Baekhyun, Sehun, Chanyeol and Chen laid belly-flat on the floor; Xiumin and Luhan on the high stools, and Lay sitting on the couch like a boss. D.O and Suho were wearing aprons, so they probably were the ones in charge in the kitchen. Kai was sitting beside me. All of their eyes were on me, which as usual, made me really uncomfortable.

"Do you want us to help you convince Tao?" Chanyeol asked with his chin propped up on his elbows. Sehun and Chen nodded cutely beside him as they ate popcorns.

"We can make him his favorite food." Suho nodded.

"Scrambled egg pancake sandwiches." D.O added.

"With melon-milk shake, don't forget." Xiumin pointed out.

"Or give him a new haircut!" Baekhyun beamed. Sehun rolled his eyes.

"No way. What he'd really like are new earrings."

"We can sing for him!"

"Or dance."

"I can do sexy dance!"

"Wait! Wait!" I stood up before the conversation got even more intense. "I don't think he'll change his opinion that easily. What I want is for you, instead, to teach me how to get my powers."

They exchanged unsure looks. Suho was the one that spoke. "I don't know Maeji... It would surely be a lot easier with Tao since you basically have the same ability... but there's nothing to lose in trying, right?"

"I can be in charge." Lay stood up and looked at me challengingly. Hm, this guy seems to be planning something.

"Oh yeah! Lay is good at these things. He's the one that helped most of us." Chanyeol beamed and gave the man a supportive fist pump. Before I could even say anything, Lay laid his hand on my shoulder.

"What are we waiting for? We have a lot of work to do."

* * * * *

"Do you see anything now?"

"I see  myself... eating delicious dinner and resting in a cozy bed."

Lay rolled his eyes, "Be serious, Maeji. One more time."

'Can we please rest now?" I groaned and fell flat on the cold floor. "You don't know how mentally exhausting this is."

"Oh yes I do." He crossed his arms and looked at me with commanding eyes. "Now close your eyes and try again."

"Ugh. Now I think you might be even worse than Tao." I heard him chuckle, and I slightly smiled.

Ok. Erase all thoughts, listen to the silence. Breathe in, breathe out. Hold your breath almost to the point of death. There's that light again. Lay said I was supposed to see that, so I guess I was doing it right. What I couldn't see, though, were the colors supposed to come out from it.

"Lay, are you sure that light is not from heaven reaching up to me in my near-death state?"

"of course I'm sure," he laughed. "That's exactly what Tao was seeing when I was training him. The images appear after that."

I frowned. Maybe they're right. It would be a lot easier to train with Tao since he knows exactly what should happen, and how to do it. Trying to foresee the future is unbelievably hard. What more when we reach the freezing time stage? I'd probably die already. Lay suddenly reached out and ruffled my hair.

"Don't be too hard on yourself. Even Tao still fails to see the images sometimes. That ability is probably naturally hard to deal with."

We heard quick, excited footsteps ascend the stars, then there appeared Chanyeol on the doorway of their home dance studio. As usual, he was smiling ear to ear. "Dinner's ready!"

"Okay, we'll try again next time. Don't you worry." Lay stretched as he stood up. I remained seated as I rubbed my temples, sighing. He chuckled and offered his hand to help me up. As I grabbed his hand, I felt warmth jolt up my arm, and bright colors suddenly flooded my eyes. I lost my grip and fell back down, eyes wide in shock.

"Maeji, are you okay? Do you feel dizzy?" Two of them rushed to my side. My eyes remained wide open as I looked straight. Slowly, as I tried to comprehend what just happened, I lifted my eyes towards Lay.

"I think I saw something."

* * * * * * * * * *

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