15: Anima

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"Each of us has his own anima. In one way or another, whether they like it or not, they will have to cross paths some time in their lives. It's impossible to tell who's the special one among the sea of strangers, so the only way to know is for the anima to hold the emblem. To see whatever image it will unfold."

"So you mean the images differ between all of you?"

"I guess so...," Tao said slowly. "Because usually, what the emblem reveals is the owner's fate."

"So you're going to be a werewolf?!!" I yelled. My voice bounced against the muddy walls, and rang back to my ears, so good thing nobody else was around. He chuckled and glanced at me with amused eyes.

"I don't know. But according to the elders, a wolf is a representation of absolute power. It doesn't have to be a literal interpretation. So I guess what you saw was good. Though I think I'm still light years far from that."

"Why do you keep saying that you're weak?" I said with slight irritation. Can't he see himself effortlessly beat up those large guys back then? Can't he see that people cower in fear just by feeling his presence? Can't he see that the other boys look up to him and respect him even if they're older? I think he's everything a leader should be, so I don't understand why he keeps on downing himself. I know humility is a nice thing, but maybe he's taking it a little too far.  

"I can't control time whenever I want to. It only comes like glitches. I can feel it, Maeji. It's like there's a thick cloud blocking a clear view of what I'm supposed to do and how the hell to do it."

"Well, if that's the only problem, then I think I can help you with that. You couldn't have been chosen as leader without a justifiable reason."

"No, that's not the only problem." Tao's voice went back to it's cold tone, reminding me of the emptiness there was in the tunnel we were walking through. "Someone is trying to kill me, Maeji. Someone a lot stronger than me."

"Yes, I know. Kris."

He abruptly stopped walking as he stared at me in shock. "Who told you?"

"It doesn't matter who. I had the right to know all about the mess I was in, anyway." He continued looking at me in disbelief for a few seconds, as if contemplating if he should push further or not. He looked at the ground, rubbed his temple and sighed. Then he continued walking while staring at the small light ahead.

"The problem is, if he finds out about you, he'll try to wipe you away as well. That's the reason why I didn't want you to be close to us in the first place. If you die," he cleared his throat. "I don't know what could happen. So I thought it would be wiser to distance myself."

"What would happen if I...," I can't seem to make myself say the word. It felt so... weird. "Would you meet another anima?"

"No. Animas are only destined to one certain person. If they fail to be together, then there might be no second chance. They will have to live in regret, and die with just a half-soul. Never able to become complete. You're irreplaceable."

I suddenly felt heat on my cheeks. I had to bow my head to cover my face with my hair. There was something about the way he said that last phrase that made me feel... special. So does that mean, we're like, destiny? Walk off to the sunset and grow old together? AAAAAAHHH >o< But no, he can't find out that I'm spazzing! Gotta act cool, Maeji. Gotta act cool!

"If I am your other half-soul, does that mean I have power too? Like yours?"

"Well, yeah, I think it's possible. You start gaining it slowly. But since you're just a normal person, like most of the other animas, wielding an ability may be more tiresome and stressful for you."

"REALLY?!!! I can have superpowers??!!" Yes! Now that's what I'm talking about! Now I can be like the avengers! I can be awesome and cool! Tao just chuckled as he started climbing up the ladder. By then, we were already (finally) at the end of the long tunnel, and I could hear the faint sound of cars. We probably were already at the center of the town.

"That is, if you'll be able to go through all the training. And if you can stay alive." He looked at me in a way as if he were challenging me, making me scoff.

"Of course I can do that! Who knows, maybe I could even be more powerful than you." I returned his stare as it was my turn to climb up. He shook his head and chuckled.

"Do you remember that night you were almost raped by three hoodlums?" What the—Why is he bringing this up now?! "When you were so scared and fragile and weak?"

"Yeah?" I didn't try to hide my annoyance. Because honestly, he was starting to get on my nerves.

 "And do you see how prickly and confident you are now?"

I narrowed my eyes at him, "And your point is...?"

"Nothing," he said nonchalantly as he wiped the dust off his uniform. As soon as I was standing on the hard asphalt again, I did the same and looked around. We were a small guardhouse in an empty alley, and I could see the main road not so far from here. "I just think you're.... well, improving?"

What? So what was he trying to say? That I was a horrible person during my first days here? What did he expect me to be? I was about to retort when a black puff of mist suddenly appeared beside Tao. It was Kai. I was about to greet him with a bright smile, until I saw his troubled face. Without even glancing at me, he passed a small key to Tao for the cuff. He unlocked  it with ease and I saw that his stoic face has returned. Something must be up.

"What's the problem?"

Kai's brows knitted further. This time, his gaze shifted towards me as he answered. As if what he had to say was concerning me.

"Kris is here."

* * * * * * * * * *

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