36: The Dream

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We have looked everywhere.

Everywhere, but we still haven't seen him. Not even a strand of his hair. I didn't even understand why Baekhyun and I were still running around the whole town like this. For all we know, Kai could be anywhere around the world. Seoul, France, the North Pole; Who knows? Despite of that, though, our feet still seemed to have minds of their own. We ran because we believed we would be able to find him in some way.

"You know what," Baekhyun stopped to take a breath. I leaned on a fence and looked at the time in my phone. We've been out for almost an hour. "Maybe we should separate. We can't just let him out here alone for too long when he's in a bad mood."

I nodded, and he raised his phone to indicate that whoever that finds Kai first should immediately inform the other. Then we ran in separate ways. I kept on looking around, though I didn't really know where I was. All I saw were houses, trees, a few strangers, but no Kai. Anyway, I don't care if I get lost. Nothing would feel any worse than not being able to comfort a friend.

I suddenly wondered if the other boys even cared to try to look for him as well. Wait, no. Let me rephrase the question.

Does Tao even care?

I could only shake my head at that thought. Surely, some of the boys would want to come after us, but would be afraid to go against Tao. I understood that he just wanted to protect everyone, but accusing Kai as a traitor was totally unnecessary. I wouldn't sugar-coat my words anymore. I was extremely disappointed.

Wiping the dripping sweat off my forehead, I leaned against a tree to temporarily escape the blazing sun. There was a 7eleven store right ahead but sadly, I didn't have any money with me. I guess no refreshments for me yet. I could only scan the refreshing drinks in display with envy. Then I froze as I noticed a figure sitting on a bench under a big tree. Though starting to feel the dizziness from all the running I've done, I stumbled towards him.


He whipped around in surprise. I felt warmth bubble up in my chest as I looked at him. It felt like finally finding a long lost treasure after years of searching.


I flung my hands around him and gave him a bone-crushing hug. I would have never let go if he didn't remind me that I was soaked with sweat.

"Maeji? What happened to you?! You're sweating so much!"

"Oh, sorry." I forced a laugh as I tried to wipe away the sweat I've attached to him. Brows furrowing, he took out a scarf from his pocket and helped me dry up. He wiped away the sweat on my cheeks and eyes. No, wait... Was I crying? I didn't even realize I was crying.

"What did you do? Did you run all the way here? How did you know I'm here?"

"I didn't," I sniffed, once again forcing out a smile. "We searched all over town for you. Oh, Baek! I have to contact Baek!" I whipped out my phone to send him a text. I waited for his reply, and Kai sat in silence beside me.

"Ok, at least we know he's fine. Keep him company. I'll do the explaining to Tao. ---Baekhyun."

"Baekhyun will go home first. He'll do the explaining to Tao. We can stay out here for a while." I gave him a bright smile, but his expression remained sour.

"We don't have to explain anything to him. I'm sure by now he's realized that he was a total ass."

"I can't agree to that, but I can't deny that either. It's the first time he's disappointed me so much." Kai passed me a cola and I willingly took it. I looked down at my feet as I adored the coolness of the can.

"I think he's right about one thing, though." My head shot up as I gave him a confused look. He took a sip from his cola before he continued. "I'm messing up your relationship as animas."

"What? No, Kai. I don't think you—"

"You may not be looking at me the same way, but I like you, Maeji." His expression became more serious, making me freeze. Did he just... confess? Just like that? Wow... I could never have that kind of courage to say such things so straightforwardly.

He grabbed my hand and peered into my eyes, reminding me of that day at the rooftop where he asked me if I like Tao. "In a romantic way. I know that I shouldn't since you're obviously Tao's anima, but it's just so... hard. There's something in my head that keeps telling me that I should always be with you. That I have to protect you."

He sighed and laid his head back on the bench. I didn't know what to do. What should I say? We can still be friends? Back off and never talk to me again?

"I'm sorry..." I ended up mumbling as I stared at the can in my hands. I felt him stare for a few seconds before sighing again.

"It's not your fault. I had this dream when I was a kid," he began. "That I would have a moment of stupidity and would lose my emblem. A girl would return it to me, and she's different from the others. She would be my light, my guide, and my shelter. It said she's the person I'd be with forever."

He took out his black emblem to study it. I just remained silent, knowing where this would lead already.

"At first I didn't believe that dream was real. But when you came to us that day, I was really surprised." He smiled. Yeah, I remember that as well. When I was so scared of them and refused his offer to walk me home. "From then on, you did exactly all those things in my life. I stopped skipping lunch because I wanted to see you. You scolded me when I skipped classes. And now, you ran all over town just to find and comfort me."

He made teasing noises and ruffled my hair, making me laugh. He wrapped an arm around my shoulder and rested his chin on my head. "I guess I just didn't expect that part where you're someone else's anima." He forced a laugh, sending a stabbing feeling in my heart. So he was actually confused all along. That was also probably the reason why he tried to distance himself back then. There was this mental debate if I really were that girl portrayed in his dream, or if I only arrived ahead of his true match.

"Anyway, I'm sure now that I really have to protect you. Tao just really sucks at handling your relationship, so he's putting the blame on me." Kai chuckled. "We're best friends. He has no choice but to deal with it. Just don't fall in love with me, arasso?"

"Pabo," I laughed and hit his stomach. He didn't even flinch, though, because all he had there were solid abs. I laid my head on his shoulder and we finally sat in peace. We stared at the pretty place as white petals fell from the trees whenever the wind blew.



 "Thank you." This made me lift up my head.

"For what?"

A soft smile formed on his lips as he looked back at me. "For going against Tao's rules and running after me."

"What rules?" I faked an innocent look, all the while trying to suppress a smirk. "I don't remember him requiring me to follow his rules."

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