9: A Courageous Idiot

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A/N: You can listen to the music as you read. It's EXO-M's Heart Attack. Enjoy~ :3

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After classes, as usual, I packed my things and headed out. I walked down the stairs while memorizing the assignments I had to do later, but was interrupted when I heard strange murmurs coming from the 2nd floor. I was astounded to see an awful lot of students peering out the window as if there was a concert outside or something. I was about to shrug it off when I heard girls talking, voices shaking in fear.

"How can we go home now? Why do they have to fight right in front of the gate?"

"Those Hellion Brothers really are scary! What if they fight until evening? I can't walk in the dark all by myself!"

Heart beating a million times per second, I squeezed through the thick crowd to look out the window. Indeed, it was them, but fortunately, the fight hasn't started yet. There was another group blocking their way at the gate, the same number as the Hellion Brothers, and I recognized the leader as the Mohawk-guy in the same class as me. He was yelling and making insulting gestures, while Tao just stood there, trying to endure the nuisance.

Should I go there? Should I just watch? Just as Lay said, they never say no to fights, so if ever they do start fighting, I would only be pathetically caught up in the middle. They know how to defend themselves. I don't.

Silently cursing at my poor decision-making skills, I ran down the stairs and out of the building. Not even caring about the attention I was starting to get, I continued running towards the two groups. Their voices slowly got clearer as I became closer.

"I can slice out your eyes, you blockhead, so you can finally have a good reason to prance around and bump into just anyone around you!"

"Move aside. If an apology isn't enough for you, then that's your problem."

"How dare you say that you little shi—"

"PLEASE STOP IT BOTH OF YOU!" I screamed at the top of my lungs and placed myself between them. Though breathing heavily at the running I just did, I tried to put on my best angry face.

"M-maeji..." I heard the boys mumble in shock. Tao was shocked as well, but was able to maintain his spiteful image.

"What the hell are you doing here?"

"Please, don't fight right here. All the students are afraid to go out because of you. Don't do this." I ignored Tao. Mohawk guy, together with his companions, suddenly wolf-whistled.

"Ah, what a nice surprise! Come here baby, don't come near that prick over there. You wouldn't want to be infected by his 'blockhead virus.' Come, take my side." He winked, which was disgusting.

"I'm not on anybody's side!" I yelled, pretending to look tough. "If you really want to fight that badly, do it somewhere else. Don't do it on school grounds. That is clearly an impertinent thing to do!"

"What the—" He was about to retort something, but paused as he tried to comprehend the word I used. Then he just gave it up. "Don't speak riddles to me you f***ing b**ch!" He charged and tried to reach out and grab me, but Tao was quicker and was able to pull me behind him. He effortlessly raised his fist and punched Mohawk-guy right at the jaw, and he fell to the ground, groaning. Slowly, as he recovered, he stood up, eyes boring holes into Tao's head. He tried to punch him in revenge, but still, Tao was quicker and was able to dodge. And at the bat of an eyelash, the chaos began just like that.

Tao was able to push me away to the side before the rest of the gang started throwing kicks and punches. I pathetically sat on the ground, frozen, as I watched the event I have failed to prevent. As I looked around, I noticed there was one person nobody was facing against. He was just standing up from a fall, and grabbed something from his pocket. It glimmered against the sunlight as he secretly approached Tao. My eyes widened in realization. It was a knife.

Deciding to be useful at once, I ran towards the man, hoping that I wouldn't be too late.

"TAO!" I screamed and he turned around just as I pushed the armed man to make him lose his aim. I succeeded, and Tao immediately kicked him by the head and disarmed him of the knife. As he stood up, he glanced at me, acknowledging my little help. Then he proceeded to help the others kick ass. After a few minutes, it finally fell silent again as the Hellion Brothers triumphed over another fight. They exchanged bro-fists and high-fives, and honestly, I was a little proud of myself too.

I suddenly remembered that I still wasn't supposed to talk to them. Though feeling a little hesitant, I bowed my head and took a step backward to silently drift away from them, but immediately fell to my knees when a searing pain took over my body. I clutched my stomach and felt something warm. At first, I didn't understand, but then I looked at the knife in the sand and saw the similar red stain.


I heard the boys' voices surround me, but I didn't understand anything. I wanted to laugh at myself.

Ha, Maeji. So much for feeling tough. Do you realize now how dumb you were?

After that, I blacked out.

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