21: Love?!!!

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 "I haven't mastered this as well, so don't expect me to do excellently." We were back in their home dance studio for another training session but this time, with ol' grumpy Tao.

"I don't care! Let's get started!" I hopped energetically before flopping on the cold floor. Tao rolled his eyes and carefully sat down as if he had arthritis or something. I chuckled at this. "I really like your energy, Grandpa Tao."

"Shut up. I had a list of fun things to do on a Saturday, but then I had to do this."

"Ssshh, silence please." I shoved a hand over his mouth as I closed my eyes. I felt him roll his eyes again. I did the same process as when I trained with Lay last time, but much to my disappointment, I only reached up to the white light. But whyyyy?? I was able to see something just before we went out. Yes, it was just a short flood of colors, but it was still something, right? So why not see something now?!

"Try relaxing your face when you breathe out."

"I'm on the brink of death. How can I relax ?!!"

"Let your eyes open by themselves," he crossed his arms and stared at me with an amused face. I tried once again but this time, I followed his advice. My eyes slowly opened, and a blurry image slowly came into focus. It was an image of...... Tao. Smiling. His face seemed just inches away from me.

No, wait.

"WHAT THE HELL?!!!" I instinctively backed away and protectively blocked my mouth with my hands. "Were you trying to take advantage of me?!!!"

I immediately heard footsteps ascend from downstairs, and only a few seconds later, the boys appeared in the doorway with eyes wide.

"Tao no!! Don't take advantage of her!!!!"

Tao gave them an are-you-frickin-kidding-me look. "I wasn't taking advantage of her." They simultaneously sighed in relief and went back downstairs like nothing happened. It made me chuckle, and I slid back to my original place in front of Tao.

"It didn't work," he mumbled to himself and rubbed his forehead. I bit my lip, before forcing a smile.

"Maybe I should try again."

*About 15 tries later*

"Maybe another try, right? Maybe I'll see something this time!" I forced a bright smile, but Tao only stared at me with concerned eyes.

"Maeji, maybe you should rest..."

"No, it's ok. I'm not tired yet!"


I positioned myself again and was about to close my eyes, but he suddenly grabbed my shoulders making me open my eyes.

"I know you're not feeling ok. I know you're determined, but the more you stress your mind, the less chances you have in controlling time. You have to rest."

For a few seconds, I just kept staring at him with wide eyes, surprised that he was actually this concerned. After his words finally got into my head, I let out a long, shaky sigh. This is not good. We're wasting a lot of time on nothing. I expected myself to fail a few times, but not a frickin lotof times.

"Um.... Okay then," I rubbed my eyes, then lifted my head to look at Tao. "How about it's your turn to practice?"

He froze, "What?"

"You," I shrugged. "Try to perfect your power. I'm supposed to help you, right? As your anima?"

I was expecting him to be grumpy again and refuse, but for some reason, he blushed and looked down the floor.

"No, it's not like that...," My eyebrows rose. Now I'm confused. "The anima doesn't have to teach or train the ability-wielder. It just... happens."

"What? Tao, you're speaking alien again. I don't understand."

"It's hard to explain!" he groaned as he laid his back on the floor. He covered his face with his hands and rolled left and right and for a moment there, he looked adorably cute.

"I can explain!" Chanyeol suddenly appeared at the doorway, beaming. He was still wearing an apron while holding a spatula, so I supposed they were cooking downstairs.

"That's great. Now I can get out." Tao grumbled and was about to stand up, but Chanyeol shoved him back down and took a spot beside us.

"No, stay! It's a lot fun when there are three of us. Ok ok, where do I start?"

"Um... How about how the anima gains ability?" Tao gave me a look, but I just shrugged at him. Chanyeol's smile grew even wider, if that was even possible without splitting his face in half.

"Oh yeah! They said the ability-wielder and the anima grow stronger when they're finally together, right?" We absentmindedly nodded. "Because they become whole, right?" We nodded eagerly again. "And they're finally close, right?"

"YES!!! So now what?!"

"You have to fall in love and get married!!" He spread his arms wide open, as if he just presented the greatest idea ever. Tao face-palmed in frustration.

"Fall in love?!! WITH THIS??!!!!" I pointed at the red-haired man beside me. Chanyeol slowly nodded while looking at me with an innocent face.

"Yes, because you're his anima. You're meant to be together."

My jaw hung open. I still don't understand. I don't understand anything. This hell of a mess that I'm trying to set straight, only giving birth to another hell of a mess. Tao's right. I'm lucky if I get through all this alive.

May the force be with me.

 * * * * * * * * * *

[A/N]: Well, expect things to get more and more awesome. Haha.

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