Chapter Sixteen

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Copyright © MarcyN  2014

"When we get off this plane everything that happened in Italy stays there agreed,"

Lauren nodded yes as Liam reached over and kissed her. She felt so depressed and the situation seemed hopeless. The diamond on finger felt like a shackle. And Nonna had made things any better with her cryptic Raiders of the Lost Arc advice. Choose wisely. Her nerves were frail and her patients short. She wanted her two best friends. As the plane finally landed and they headed out after he retrieved her suit case. She was surprised to see her mother waiting.  It was a just what she needed and her mom must have known because she held her arms out and she ran to her. "Mom."

 "It's going to be okay." She whispered in her ear. "Daddy is here too. He had to go around they.."

She watched her mother give Liam a stiff hello.

"Lauren I'm going to catch this shuttle to my car and I'll see you later. That'll give you time to catch up with your parents ok. "  He gave her a quick peek on the cheek and nodded at her mom before getting on the shuttle.

"Lauren I could kill you."

"This whole situation is a mess..Your father is furious so just be prepared when you get in the car."

"I know mom, I know.."

"I hate to tell you this but Carmine and Robert got into a fight at the bar over you."


"There okay now but it was a pretty big fight the bar was in shambles it's lucky no one was arrested."

"Is Rob ok.." Her mother smiled.

"Yes they are both okay..with their matching black eyes."

They both turned at the sound of a horn. "Now here we go just listen to him don't say a word. I got this."

"Thanks mom."

"Baby girl I got your back..and by the way that rock is all that.  He does have taste." Her mother held her hand examining the ring. "What kind of work does he do?"

"A defense attorney."

"Oh he must be good..I might have to rethink things." Her dad got out gave her a hug and kiss than put her bag in the car.  "You look terrible. Get in the car your coming home tonight."


"I know your mother told you about the bar."


"Carmine , Tonio and Rob."  Her father looked at her through the mirror.

"That ain't like Rob to act out like that. He's always been laid back like his old man was."

"I know dad."

" Rob is family so whatever it is that happened with you two solve it. And I don't know about this Liam ..but I see you have the ring on."  He shook his head. "Only thing I have left to say is choose wisely little girl."

What was it with this choose wisely...

The next day Lauren found her self outside Francesca's door  not sure whether to ring the bell or not. She knew she was home with the kids and the nanny because she worked from home on Mondays and Wednesdays and Angelo Tuesdays and Thursdays ..  As she prepared to ring the bell the door opened. "I got tired of waiting for you to ring come on in."

"Don't tell me the fish."

"No I saw you pull up. Come on give me a hug and tell me about it." Francesca looked her up and down. " Oh you look terrible..  What's up with the hair and you've been crying ..I can't take it your going to have to pull yourself together. Let me get Ice pack for those eyes. Kids in the kitchen.." She  took off her coat and went in the kitchen ..It was cluttered with everything baby and the babies where all in one enormous playpen Three boys and one girl. Of course she was bias as she picked up little girl first. "Hello Marcella  Giana Sophia Binochi...You miss your auntie Lauren I missed you and I have a dolly for you from Italy.."

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