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Brandon:(looking at Karen up and down) want a tour around the neighborhood?
Karen:(smiles flirty) want a tour around my body?
Brandon:(blushing) what?
Karen:(laughing) I'm joking!
Brandon:(turning more red) oh...
Karen:(stops laughing but stays smiling at Brandon) you know I like boys that blush
Brandon:(blushing more) uhh
Hunter:(trying to help Brandon) yeah and Brandon likes girls with a big ass (elbows Brandon as in to say something)
Karen:(laughs) hmm Brandon? Or you Hunter? (Smiles mischievously at Hunter)
Hunter:(awkward but trying not to show it) I mean Brandon, and me both
Karen:(laughs more and then turns to Ashton) you know it's cute how you guys are trynna pick up a girl with your little brother here
Ashton:(smiling) I'm 14 okay
Karen:(smiles back) okay big boy...**fuck I remember loosing my virginity at age 14** at any case how old are you guys (looks at Brandon and then Hunter)
Hunter:I'm 18
Brandon: I'm 17 (finally talking after blushing)
Karen:(thinks and then smiles) Well I'm 16 an-
Ashton:(interrupting Karen) Your 16!? You look like 18?!
Karen:(smiles) yeah and you look 5 but yet your 14
Brandon:(laughs with Hunter and Karen) I know right like when did our lil bean grow?
Ashton:(annoyed) Oh shut up Brandon (shoves Brandon a little)
Brandon:(shoves Ashton back) watch out! The fuck
Karen:(smile) cute...
Hunter:(laughing) Oh shut up Karen! Your such a tease!
Karen:(laughs) sorry?
Brandon:(look deep into Karen eyes, lasting a long time watching them until he does eye contact with Karen and then frowns) what color are your eyes?
Karen:(looks away) I-I umm...
Brandon:(smiles flirty) speechless...
Karen:(looks up at Brandon giving him a cold stare) never ask about my eyes that (walks away into her house)
Hunter:(walks over to Brandon) what was wrong with her eyes
Brandon:you didn't notice?
Ashton:(confused) noticed what?
Brandon:her eyes! They changed color dramatically...I mean you guys saw how they were a mixed blue right?
Hunter:(confused) yeah?...
Brandon:well they changed! Into like a I don't know how describe it...
It was like a purple...
Ashton:liar! That's impossible!
Hunter:(Thinking) I didn't know someone can have purple eyes
Brandon:buts it's weird b/c they changed! They were blue and then...


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Brandon:(thinking) ...a purple...kind of gray brownish reddish color... it's so weird like I saw how they were changing...and then change back to their real color when she looked back at me
Hunter:(not believing Brandon) are you sure they didn't jut change into a dark blue? But purple!?
Brandon: I don't know but fo' sho' she didn't like me asking her so there's something up...
Ashton:search it up online
Hunter:(gets his phone) I'll search it...

Ashton:search it up online Hunter:(gets his phone) I'll search it

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