Truth or Dare

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Karen:(sighs awkwardly) Oh...well truth or dare?
Brandon:(not looking directly at her) Umm truth cause last time I did dare
Joey:(smiles)Yeah because you didn't want to answer the truth
Brandon:(grins) Whatever, just ask me something
Sophia:(smiling at Joey) Is it true you love Karen? (Winks at Joey knowing the question would made Brandon nervous)
Brandon:(chuckles and looks down at the floor) Wow...(hesitates to answer)
Karen:(smiling directly at him and his awkwardness) Hmm taking a while to answer that question...should I be worried? (Crosses her arms)
Brandon:(chuckles) Yeah
Karen:(frowns) I should be worried?
Brandon:(laughs and glances at her but not maintaining eye contact) No, I meant yea to the question (smiling at the floor)
Karen:(smiles, deciding to mess around)my question that if I should be worried?
Brandon:(rolls his eyes smiling and looks at her this time) No, the question that whether or not I love you
Karen:(takes a second to look him in the eye and tries not to laugh) And what was your answer?
Brandon:(shakes his head and looks away) I hate you (takes a shot while all laugh)
Sophia:(stops laughing but still holding a smile) Okay it's your turn now Karen
Brandon:(smiling) Truth or dare
Karen:(smiles back) Umm...truth?
Joey: (smiling) Name a recent hook up you'd like to take back
Karen:(sighs relieved) Ugh, easy, Mark
Sophia:(doubtful)Mark Thomas?
Karen:(smiling) Yeah...(remembering Marks thing for her so she tries to quickly explains herself) But not because I didn't like hooking up with him physically it's cause we seriously became close friend after and like although we've tried to put it behind us, today he was getting pretty drunk and well yeah he reminded me so that's why my answer came out quick (smiles hoping she'd sound convincing)
Sophia:(laughs) Okay...I'm guessing he's the one that told you where we were?
Karen:(shakes her head) Oh no, I basically forced it out of him
Joey:(chuckles) Alright well you answered so's your turn
Sophia:(thinks for a moment) I did dare last time so truth
Brandon: (smiles) Do you prefer rough or slow?
Sophia:(laughs at his question) I mean if it's a long day and I've been stressing then I prefer rough but if we haven't been doing much then slow
Brandon:(laughs) Okay but which do you like more like for any typical day
Sophia:(thinks for a moment) I'm not sure...I think slow...Like you get more emotions out of it
Joey:(laughs) Okay, I'm don't want to be hearing how my sister likes to get fucked, it's my turn and I say truth cause I don't want to embarrass myself again
Karen:(laughs) Hmm, how's the longest you've gone without sex?
Joey:(laughs) What? I don't know...(thinks for a moment) Like after my first time or like when?
Karen:(shrugs) Sure, after your first time
Joey:(thinks while smiling) Well I think the longest I've gone in between sex was 3 basically, 4 months
Karen:(laughs) Hmm why?
Joey:(laughs) I don't have to answer that but was when my mom started to make me donate blood after three hookups and I hate needles and hospitals so...took me a while to decide sex was worth getting over it
Sophia:(laughs) Omg yes! My moms makes you do that huh? (Laughs again) I've only gotten it done twice(looks at Brandon) Because of you the first three times and then you another time and some other guy from school I hooked up with twice...(laughs) You'll didn't ask but thought I'd let you know (shrugs starting to feel a little awkward due to the fact that she's only been with two different guys)
Karen:(sighs) So happy my parents never thought about that idea
Brandon:(gazing and Sophia who he knew felt awkward) So umm Karen it's your turn
Karen:(looks at him and then moves her gaze on) Okay umm dare
Sophia:(smiling) I dare you to give Joey a hickey (looks at Brandon smiling) I'd say Brandon but that'd be too easy for you two
Joey:(laughs and the dare) What? It's gonna be easy for me too just not easy for me not to give her one too
Karen:(laughs) Omg where though?
Brandon:(smiling) On his collar bone (winks at Joey) Remember him telling me once it's his soft spot
Joey:(laughing confused) And why are you telling your girlfriend this?
Brandon:(shrugs) Its a game (smiles at Karen encouraging her) Alls forgotten
Sophia:(smiling) Hmm you sure? Or your just saying that cause you feel guilty about kissing that red headed girl earlier?
Karen:(laughs) He what? (All laugh) (she rolls her eyes and then grabs joeys face and starts sucking on his collar bone)
Sophia:(laughing) Wooo damn and you went for the collar bone (looks at Brandon who was also laughing)
Joey:(trying not to moan but can feel tingling so he's adjust his neck and shut his eyes for seconds) There! Sophie, you never said how long! (starting to take deep breaths)
Sophia:(laughs) I said until she leaves you hickey...stop whining about it
Karen:(pulls away from him and looks at his neck) Ehh, that's good enough to stay on for tomorrow and the whole weekend (smiles) My going away present(rubs his shoulder a little) At least I know you won't already forget me by tomorrow
Joey:(rubs his collar bone)(smiles flirty) What about my going away present?
Karen:(furrows her eyebrows and laughs) I don't want one
Sophia:(laughs too) Okay my turn
Brandon:(smiling) Truth or dare?
Sophia:(hesitates) Umm, dare?
Karen:(smiling) Give me a foot massage for 5 minutes
Sophia:(laughs) What?! No!
Karen:(laughs) Why not my feet hurt?
Sophia:(laughing) my feet hurt too! And I'm not asking for massages! (Both laugh) Just give me a another option
Karen:(rolls her eyes smiling) Fine, whatever...hmm ask somebody for $50 and if the don't give you any slap them, hard
Sophia:(smiles) I can ask anybody?
Karen:(shrugs) Yeah that's what I said
Sophia:(smiles at her) Can I have $50?
Karen:(opens her mouth wide as Brandon and Joey both laughed) What! No you can't do that I told you the dare!
Sophia:(laughs) But you said anybody!
Karen:(laughing) Well I'm not anybody so go ask someone else
Sophia:(laughs) Fine...(looks around and does slight  eye contact with Brandon)(smiles) Brandon, can I have $50
Brandon:(smirks) Omg...I hate you I'm not giving you shit
Sophia:(laughs) You hate me? Alright well guess what, I hate you too (quickly slaps him causing Karen and Joey to both laugh)
Karen:(covers her mouth while laughing) Omg
Joey:(laughing too) Ha I love you lil sis good job...I actually thought you were gonna ask me for the money
Sophia:(laughing and looking at Brandon red cheek) Omg I'm sorry (touches his cheek but he quickly smacks her hand away)
Brandon:(trying not to laugh) No, shut up! You could have slapped me softer but you went all in (can't help but smile) And don't say Karen said to do it hard cause you honestly wouldn't give two shits
Sophia:(laughing and nodding her head in agreement) Okay well who's next? oh wait Joey right
Joey:(smiling) Yeah...Hmm I say dare
Sophia:(laughing) I dare you to bend over and let us spank you
Karen:(laughs) Omg yes!
Joey:(laughs) What? (Shaking his head) Oh wow ya'll mean
Brandon:(smiling) Bent over Joseph
Joey:(smirks) Don't call me Joseph (laughs and then bends down) Only one time each
Sophia:(quickly slaps his ass and starts laughing)
Joey:(laughing) Oww!
Karen:(smacks his back and laughs)
Joey:(rubbing his back) that hurt! Brandon you better not slap me! I swear I'll slap you back
Brandon:(smiles) Fine I won't slap you (kicks joeys butt causing him to stumble forward) I always wanted to kick your ass anyways
Joey:(stands up straight laughing) Aww fuck I hate you all
Brandon:(laughs) Alright its my turn
Karen:(smiling) Truth or dare?
Brandon:(thinks for a moment) truth
Joey:(smiles) If you could have a threesome with Karen and somebody else, who would it be?
Karen:(laughs) What?
Brandon:(laughs) Oh wow...hmm so as of like right now...umm if boy then you cause your always so cocky about sex so...(chuckles) If girl then Sophia cause I wonder how she is now that a year has past
Sophia:(chuckles) What? Omg Brandon your an ass!
Karen:(laughs) With Joey? Oh god no
Joey:(smiles at Karen) Why you don't think you'd be able to handle both of us?
Karen:(shakes her head smiling) No, its just that the thought seems too unrealistically good (smiles flirty and sees Joey open his mouth so before he said anything she starts laughing) I'm playin! I wouldn't want to cause I don't know I just can't imagine it
Joey:(laughs) Nah you know the real reason was what you first you said, stop trynna cover it up
Brandon:(laughs) Okay its your turn Karen, truth or dare
Karen:(sighs) Hmm I'll go for truth

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