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Landon:(laughs at their worried faces) Oh come on don't tell me you've never done it before? (Laughs again when he sees them look at each other confused at then back at him) Okay you haven't but I mean to dare you guys to kiss is too easy so ehh gotta spice things up (smiles) Sooo, Karen, what are you waiting for?
Joey:(smiling waiting for Karen's response) Bet $30 dollars Brandon's bleeding first
Landon:(laughs) $30 that Karen (looks at Sophia)
Sophia:(looked back at him with a confused face) Wow, well that just happened (laughs) Don't even look at me like that I have no idea who'll bleed first and it's pretty dumb when you think about it
Karen:(laugh) Thanks so much Sophia! That's stupid Landon, say another dare
Landon:(rolls his eyes) Fine...(smiles) Take your dress off
Karen:(smirks and laughs) what? Your fucken stupid if you really think I'd do that!
Landon:(shrugs and smiles) Choose
Karen:(sighs and looks at Brandon who was just looking at her with a frown) I don't want to hurt you
Brandon:(smiles) Don't worry I won't be the one hurt (Joey and Landon "Oohhh")
Karen:(chuckles and shakes her head) Oh really? (Stands up and walks over to Brandon who was smiling, and grabs his shirt to lift him off his chair and starts kissing him roughly)
Brandon:(laughs a little and then kisses her back while biting her bottom lip a little)
Karen:(feeling his bite so she also bites his lower lip with a little more force then he did and pulling his face closer to hers)
Brandon:(putting his hands on her face to pull her closer and then bites her lips again harder)
Karen:(pulls back a little b/c it hurt but then quickly smashes her lips on his again and roughly bites his lips)
Brandon:(winces with pain and slides his tongue inside Karen's mouth)
Karen:(hesitating at first but then finally decided to and quickly bites Brandon's tongue)
Brandon:(pulls back) Oww (Landon,Sophia, and Joey laughs at this) (furrowing his eyebrows and rubbing his mouth) wth?!
Karen:(smiles) U sure you weren't gonna be the one hurt?
Brandon:(touches his tongue and looks at his finger that had a drop of blood) Fuck! (Chuckles and shakes his head) Not fair Landon said until one of us bled from our lips not fucken tongue!
Karen:(laughs) Whatever it's the same thing!
Brandon:(laughs rubbing his mouth) No it's not! Your lip is your lip and your tongue is your fucken tongue! (Laughs) If I would have known that they were 'the same thing', then I wouldn't have slid my fucken tongue inside your mouth (laughs touches his mouth)
Karen:(laughing) Don't be so butt hurt I fucken won so suck it up (smiles and looks at Landon) You owe Joey $30 (laughs and then high fives Joey and sits back on her seat)
Joey:(laughs) See Landon I knew she was gonna win
Landon:(rolls his eyes smiling) Fine I'll pay you later I only have 20 on me right now
Sophia:(laughs at Brandon who had gotten a napkin to wipe his tongue) I doubt that helps
Brandon:(smirks and then smiles and sits back down next to her) I know but I pretend it will...(looks at Landon) This is the last round so Landon, truth or dare (smiles)
Landon:(laughs) Imma say truth cause you butt hurt right now and if I say dare y'all probably gonna make me do something shitty
Joey:(smiles) Easy question to get this shitty game over with...Who's the hottest girl at this party? (Hears Brandon smirk at this lame question)
Landon:(smiles) All the girls are hot but the hottest that I've seen is...(looks at Sophia and smiles) You
Joey:(frowns when he hears him but then just smiles) Of course my sisters the beautifulest here I mean she looks just like me huh
Sophia:(laughs and rolls her eyes) You guys are so dumb
Brandon:(laughs and yawns) I'm sleepy
Joey:(smiles) Well go home and rest I mean it gonna be the last day you get a good sleep in your own bed for a while (quickly looks at Karen)
Karen:(looks back at him confused) What?
Brandon:(glares at Joey and then Karen and then shakes his head and looks down) Ya your right...
Landon:(smiling) Well I'm staying cause this is my house but imma go check up on my other friends so yeah see y'all (before walking away looks at Sophia) My numbers written on your napkin(smiles) Text me(laughs and walks away)
Sophia:(laughs too and picks up the napkin) He is literally a douche bag
Brandon:(smiles) That's Landon
Karen:(frowning) And you
Brandon:(looks at her confused) why me?
Karen:(smirks) What do you mean 'why me'? You know exactly why you!
Brandon:(sighs and rolls his eyes) Right...guess the funs over huh?
Karen:(annoyed) Don't roll your eyes at me, and yeah 'the funs over' blah blah blah the point is we need to talk
Joey:(smiling looks at Sophia and stands up) Yeah and we need to go (grabs Sophia arm)
Sophia:(laughs) I was wondering when the alcohol was gonna wear off and you'd go back to your typical over protective brother custom
Joey:(smiles) Oh the alcohol hasn't rubbed off and my 'typical over protective brother custom' never left...I just wanted you to have some fun...b/c I'm a caring brother that's wants you to enjoy the night, but anyways let's go cause I really want Brandon to finally tell Karen all of our 'secrets'(laughs and walks away with Sophia)
Karen:(frowns confused and looks at Brandon) What secrets?
Brandon:(sighs, avoiding eye contact) It's really not a big deal
Karen:(looking at him) If it's not a big deal then why are you making it seem like it?
Brandon:(shrugs) Because it kind of is a big deal to me but I don't know if it will to you
Karen:(sighs confused) Well you never will know unless you tell me (puts a hand on his shoulder) Tell me (smiles when he looks up at her)
Brandon:(getting lost in her eyes for a second but then looks back down) Well then the actual reason why I was worried about when I would ever see you is because I'm also leaving Phoenix in basically a day now to go on tour with Joey, Sophia, my brothers, Mark and other guys
Karen:(chuckles) Your also a 'social media influencer' damn...all my friend are literally fucken famous...(laughs) I mean even my boyfriend
Brandon:(smiles when she says boyfriend) boyfriend? (Looks up to face her)
Karen:(smiles back looking at him) Yes, boyfriend...Because yes I get why your worried about when we'll see each other again and trust me I am too but that doesn't mean that we never will see each other...I mean maybe in a while but eventually we will
Brandon:(sighs) I know for certain I won't be seeing you in at least a month cause that's how long tour is planned to last as of now...but there may be changes and new dates so...
Karen:(cuts him off and smiles) Okay...a month of FaceTime every day, we'll get through it (smiles and holds his hands) The thing is, how exactly are we gonna get through it
Brandon:(frowns, confused) what do you mean?
Karen:(sighs) Yeah I mean are we gonna break up indefinitely until we reunite? Or are we just gonna take a break? Or are we gonna continue dating and then be happy when we meet up again?
Brandon:(shrugs) I'd like the last but something tells me we should just take a break until we see each other again
Karen:(sighs) Yeah I was thinking that would be the best too...(after an awkward silence that wasn't too silent since the music was blasting behind them) I mean in reality that's is the better option like we still FaceTime and text but we can also be open to new people and then once we reunite we'll see if our feelings for each other have grown or simply are nonexistent
Brandon:(avoiding eye contact) Yeah...And I'm sorry for how I reacted yesterday...I shouldn't have just run off just because of the pressure of having to tell you I'm not gonna see you until at least a month, should have sucked it up and told you there..
Karen:(smiles a little) Its fine I mean I already know how you are and that you always run whenever there's a problem (tightens her grip on his hand) You just need to learn that life comes with problems and sure they'll bring pain too but life is pain and pleasure and you've got to take both
Brandon:(smiles) Life, or sex?
Karen:(frowns confused) What? (Chuckles)
Brandon:(laughs) About pain and pleasure
Karen:(laughs) Ohhhh, (shakes her head smiling) I guess that too
Brandon:(chuckles and then looks at their hands and rubs Karen's hand with his thumb)(smiling) I'm gonna miss you
Karen:(smiles back) Hopefully just as much or more as I'll miss your annoying ass
Brandon:(chuckles) Yeah...You didn't ask a lot about me and like the fame, why?
Karen:(sighs) Well today Joey told me he was going on tour and explained it to me and told me that many of my other friends also have a huge amount of supporters....I think by friends he was meaning you since he stopped halfway and gave me a confused 'you don't know' face and then just left, and we'll also Johnny and Lauren had told me how Johnny and Jacob sing and they have a lot of supporters for it
Brandon:(nods) Oh....(smiles) Johnny was so quick on telling you and I don't tell you until the last day we are seeing each other (smiles and shakes his head) Good boyfriend points for me
Karen:(laughs) Well then bad girlfriend points for me too for forgiving you so easily
Brandon:(furrows his eyebrows) What? (Laughs) That's good girlfriend points
Karen:(chuckles and shakes her head) Nooo! I never forgive so easy! (Sigh and looks at the combined hands) You make me weak...
Brandon:(smiling) I know, you be weak on your legs always, after I see you
Karen:(rolls his eyes smiling) why do you have to make everything sexual (moves her hand away from his)
Brandon:(shrugs smiling) It just comes to mind and I need to let it out (laughs)
Karen:(smiles) Right...(yawns) Oh god it's freakin past midnight and I need a ride (smiles) Get actual good boyfriend points and let me take your car?
Brandon:(smiles) I'll drive
Karen:(laughs and shakes her head) Umm no way! Your still a little drunk, I can tell, We're both better off if I drive
Brandon:(sighs) Fine...(gets off his chair and walks out with Karen)
Karen:(after walking over to Brandon's car she stretches her hands out for his keys) Keys
Brandon:(smiles and takes his keys out) Here (puts them on her hand rubs her hand with his thumb before letting go)
Karen:(chuckles and looks toward the ground) Don't touch me like that it makes me tingle
Brandon:(raises his hand and caresses her cheek with his finger lifting her head up)(smiles when he sees her purple eyes twinkle under the lamp post) I will never get used to staring into your eyes
Karen:(moves his hand from her face and smiles) Yeah me neither i mean it's been 17 years now and I've never seen somebody else with eyes like mine ...(sighs) When I look at my eyes in the mirror I also get creeped out so its fine if...
Brandon:(cutting her off ) No,(smiles) They don't creep me they...(sighs and smiles again) They're gorgeous, like they make you unique...(chuckles) I mean I've also never seen anybody else besides you with purple eyes
Karen:(chuckles and smiles again and the floor avoiding eye contact) Yeah, I remember in school a lot of people would tell me how nice they were (shrugs) I don't know it'd get annoying sometimes (laughs)
Brandon:(laughs too) why? I like when people compliment my eyes...and they are just blue
Karen:(laughs) Yeah their the typical nice eyes like whenever somebody would tell me they'd like my eyes they'd start staring at them, at me! (Looks directly at him)(Laughs) It'd just get really awkward...
Brandon:(laughs finding himself also staring at her eyes) Yeah sorry I also always stare at you don't I?
Karen:(laughs and nods) Yes! Always! Since the day we met you'd always stare and then when I'd look at you you'll do anything but eye contact (smiles) Unless I'd tell you to look at me or if i were mad at you or if you were mad at me, then you'd do eye contact
Brandon:(smiles) When something serious is happening
Karen:(laughs) Yeah just like how now I'm literally talking to your neck cause you don't look me in the eyes
Brandon:(smiles and looks straight) there Im looking at you, happy?
Karen:(smiling) Very (doubtful but decides to make the move and slowly leans closer to Brandon and gives him a gentle kiss on his lips)
Brandon:(not sure whether to kiss back or back away)(frowning keeping the little distance between their lips meeting again) What was that for?
Karen:(looks down and smiles) Well I did make u bleed back there so I decided you might have needed a get well kiss? (Cringes at her lame explanation and laughs backing away a little)
Brandon:(smiles, noticing her awkwardness) Yeah well for the record that did hurt and my tongue might still be bleeding right now...(smiles) Probably why I didn't kiss you back
Karen:(chuckles and looks up at him) No, you didn't kiss me back cause your scared, and not scared to drool your blood in my mouth but to feel-
Brandon:(cutting her off quickly grabs her face and pushes her against his car heating up the kiss. Backs off and looks her in the eye) I'm not scared to feel...(not letting her respond quickly starts kissing her again and then starts to kiss her more gently and caresses her face)(smiles as he pulls back) Although I am a little worried if you taste blood...
Karen:(laughs and holds his face between her hands) Nope...(gives him a  soft gentle kiss and then pulls back smiling)(bites her lip) Im really gonna miss this
Brandon:(smiling) I know
Karen:(rolls her eyes smiling) Don't be so cocky about it though (shoves him a little to get away from in between the car and Brandon)
Brandon:(scoffs) what? (Chuckles) I meant that I know you'll miss "this" cause...I will too (smiles)
Karen:(smiling back and gives him a quick peck on the lips and continues to hold his face in her hands)(sighs) Stop being so cute or else we won't be leaving this parking lot any time soon...(before him responding) And we need to get going cause I have a flight tomorrow and I don't want to be walking around the airport looking like a zombie cause I didn't sleep
Brandon:(chuckles) Okay...(goes around the car and sits on the passenger seat)
Karen:(smiles and gets inside the car too) hmm you actually am letting me drive
Brandon:(shrugs) Just don't crash my car (smiles) And I'm being serious about that
Karen:(laughs and turns the car) don't worry Im getting my drivers license soon so...(laughs and starts driving)
^^after car ride^^
Brandon:(getting down the car and meeting Karen in front of their houses)(sighs while looking at the two houses in front of them) Damn...your literally like the girl next door
Karen:(laughs) Oh please don't say that, we are nothing like that I mean would you watch me get dressed through your window or go outside every time you saw me out or any of that stereotypical "girl/boy next door" crap? (Laughs when she sees him shake his head slowly) Yeah you better not have done any of that cause Itd be weird
Brandon:(laughing) Nah I only watched you put your clothes on like 3, 4 times
Karen:(laughs) What??
Brandon:(laughing) After!...After, I had took them off you originally
Karen:(laughs and rolls her eyes) After we had sex...(smiles) Okay that's fair
Brandon:(laughs and looks down) Yeah...
Karen:(sighs and takes the time to admire his looks as he focused his gaze on the sidewalk)(thinking to herself)**I never have the chance to focus on his actual personality, sure his looks make up a lot of him and so do his actions and all but the true him, the typical 17, or almost 18 teenage boy he is...He pretends to not ever get hurt like of course all guys do but, he sucks cause when he's hurt he's not so good in hiding him, his first thought of when he feels any slight emotional pain is to reflect it on somebody else...as if bringing somebody else pain will ease his own. And that's where he's extremely wrong...**(smiles when he finally fixes his gaze on her)
Brandon:(smiles back) What?
Karen:(caresses his face)(sighs) You know I love you right?
Brandon:(feels his heart beat increase a bit and smile more and can feel his cheeks warm up) You know I love you too right?
Karen:(smiling) Yeah, I know...which is why I know that we can get through this month without seeing each other I mean a months goes by fast like-
Brandon:(interrupting her) We've known each other for just a little over a month Karen...and now we're supposed to just not see each other for almost the same amount of time? (Noticing Karen's frown, Shakes his head) Im sorry I don't want to fight over this again just that...(sighs) Yeah I think we should take a break, like you said until we reunite again
Karen:(nods forcing a slight grin) Yeah sure...Umm well bye...(looks him one last time and then turns around heading to her house)
Brandon:(rolls his eyes and sighs before quickly grabbing her arm and pulling her into a passionate lingering kiss)(finally pulling away, holding her face in between his hands) Can't really say bye without a good bye kiss right?
Karen:(smiles) I don't know if it's the alcohol still in your system but you seem so different right now
Brandon:(shrugs) I feel happy...(thinks for a second) Yeah it's probably the alcohol (both laugh)(after a long silence) Well Umm Im gonna go to my house and shower now soo...uhh(slowly turning towards his house's direction)
Karen:(chuckles awkwardly) Yeah I'll go too...(shake her a little) I mean I'll go to my house and shower (laughs and walks to the house not wanting to look back)(thinking to herself)**well that wasn't totally awkward...**

^^End of chapter!! Thx for reading!!^^

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