And you are?

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Karen:(laughs while entering the car) OML BRANDON!! (Waits for Brandon to get in the car also) you've gotta chill
Brandon:(smiles flirty) how can I chill when I'm next to the hottest person (winks and turns the car on and speeds off)
Karen:(laughing) Your sooo horny!!
^^15 minute drive to the mall^^
Brandon:(yawning) So, which store?
Karen:(looking around) I don't know (laughs) I've never been in a Phoenix mall but I'm pretty sure it has the same stores (smiles and starts walking a little bit ahead of Brandon)
Brandon:(following a little behind Karen) there's a Macy's to your left
Karen:(looks back at Brandon and smiles) then I guess we'll go there (turns back around and bumped into some girl)(the girl smirks at Karen) (causally)Ayye watch out...
Girl:(stops walking and turns to Karen) Excuse you?
Karen:(turns around with Brandon and looks at the girl who was with some guy standing behind her hiding his face) I said to watch out
Girl:(smirks) You watch out! You shouldn't be walking and looking the other way
Karen:(getting annoyed) Exactly! I wasn't looking my bad, but you were, so you should have moved when you noticed me almost bumping you
Girl:(frowning) I'm not going to move b/c some bitch is in my way
Brandon: (getting impatient) Karen let's just go (turns around about to leave but Karen grabs his arm)
Karen:(annoyed) Look in not trynna pick out a fight so just keep going your way and I'll go mine...(turns around but then the girl grabs her arm)
Girl:(mad) No bitch talks and walks away from me okay?
Karen:(pulling her arm away from her grip) Bitch don't touch me!
Girl:(mad) who did you call a bitch?!
Brandon:(worried) Karennn...let's go-
Karen:(not listening to Brandon) What you mean who? Your the only bitch around here(smirks)
Girl:(angry) oh hell nah you asshole (slaps Karen in the face)
Karen:(rubbing her face from where the girl slapped her) Oh your down...
Brandon:(surprised) KAREN STOP! (Was about to pull Karen away but Karen already punched the girl in the face while tangling her hair in her hand and continuing punching her) KAREN!
Girl:(trying to get Karen off her) GET OFF ME YOU ANIMAL!!
Karen:(pulling the girls hair tightly) WHAT DID YOU CALL ME!!
Girl:(struggling) LET GO!
Brandon:(bending down trying to pull Karen away) Karen come on is not worth it!
Girl:(yelling) BABE HELP ME!!
Brandon:(looks up to the guy she called 'babe')(surprised) You?!
Karen:(looks up when she heard Brandon) Who's he? (the boy turned to Karen and looked at her deep into her eyes and up and down while Karen did the same)**he's hot but he's got a bitchy girlfriend**(let's go of the girl and pushes her away) I said who is he Brandon
Brandon:(realized that Karen had let go) Uhh finally...(looks at Karen's face who was still questioning who the boy was)
Boy:(bending down to pick up the girl) Are you okay Loren?
Girl/Loren:(rubbing her face) DOES IT LOOK LIKE IM OKAY!? (Shoves the boy away) YOU DIDNT FUCKEN DO ANYTHING TO DEFEND ME!! (Turns to Karen angrily and finally looks at Brandon up and down)**oh god he's so fuckin cute** YOU COULD HAVE AT LEAST TRIED TO STOP THE FIGHT LIKE HIM (points to Brandon)
Boy:(looks at Brandon with a hopeless look) I...uhhh
Brandon:(smirks) let's go Karen...(puts his arm around Karen)
Karen:(shoves it off) No! How do you know him!
Brandon:(stops and turns around back at them) I don't...
Karen:yes you do! I heard you say 'you?' When you saw him...(rubbing her face) I just want to know how you know those assholes
Loren:(mad) Shut up you hoe...(turns to the boy) Do you know him?
Boy:(looking to the floor) I-I
Karen:(impatient) TALK! (Turns to Brandon) I'm waiting
Brandon:(rolls his eyes) I don't need to explain you anything (whispers in Karen's ear so that only she hears) we aren't anything..
Karen:(smiles) fine. (Pulls her messed up pony tail off and shakes her hair) don't tell me anything (shoves Brandon and walks over to the boy) I'm pretty sure you'll tell me (smiles flirty at the boy)
Boy:(looking at Karen up and down) I-I**wow she's so fucken hot...her big ass and gorgeous face...I-I think she has purple eyes** (takes deep breath and turns to Brandon and then back to Karen) Okay look...Me and Brandon-
Loren:(interrupting the boy) No! You don't need to tell her anything!
Boy:(annoyed) Loren shut up it doesn't matter...(turns back to Karen who was just staring at him) Okay me and Brandon and friends
Karen:(confused) what?
Brandon:(looks at Karen angrily) he's my bestfriend Karen ... **i don't like the way he's seeing Karen, nor the way Karen's talking with him**
Karen:(smiling walks over to Brandon and slides her finger to his shoulder until she places her whole hand on it) So all this big deal...just to find out that you guys are friend (laughs) Oh Brandon you are ridiculous! What's wrong with being friends with the boyfriend of the girl I just fought 2 minutes ago (laughs more)
Brandon:(smiling at the ceiling lowkey wanting to laugh) You don't know how much I hate you sarcasm
Karen:(laughs more and goes behind Brandon to wrap her arms across his chest) I know you don't...(goes next to Brandon and looks at the boy up and down) at any time what's your name?
Loren:(with attitude) My names Lor-
Karen:(interrupting Loren) I wasn't asking for your name (laughs) you think I care the least minimum about you?
Boy:(before Loren said anything) My names Markuz...Or um Mark
Karen:(looks directly into Marks eyes) (whisper) Mark...
Mark:(awkward) Uhh yeah...and you?
Mark:(smiles) what's your name?
Loren:(pulling Mark away) You don't need to know her name because we are leaving...
Mark:(pulls away from Loren) You can leave but I'm not leaving until I know her name and say bye to Brandon
Loren:(looks at Mark annoyed. Realizing he wasn't going to change his mind...) Give me your car keys (extends her hand)
Mark:(confused) what?
Loren:what you heard(sighs) I'll wait for you in the car I can't stand being here any longer
Mark:(takes out his car keys and gives it to her) Just don't drive off
Loren:(smirks) I can't promise that (walks away)
Karen:(after an awkward silence) Karen...
Karen:(smiles) My names Karen
Mark:(smiles back and laughs a little) Ohh
Brandon:(sighs) what are you doing with that bitch?
Mark:(shrugs) Idk...I'm bored (starts stretching)
Brandon:(laughs) she's not my type
Mark:(smirks) why? Cuz she a hoe?
Brandon:(laughs) You know I don't care about that (bumps a little Karen's shoulder so she just rolls her eyes) I just don't like her attitude
Mark:(smiling looks at Brandon and then at Karen) Yeah but you can stand Karen's attitude huh?
Brandon:(putting an arm around Karen) I mean yeah you know...
Karen:(laughing and getting away from Brandon's arm) Your so funny Brandon...(smiles dirtily) Remember? We aren't anything
Brandon:(rolls his eyes) I remember Karennn
Mark:(confused) So you guys aren't going out or it's just not official?
Karen:(rolls her eyes) I'm not the type of girl that settles herself on one guy alright?
Mark:(laughs) You've got yourself a hoe Brandon?  
Brandon:(laughing) Not just a hoe, a alcoholic, a smoker, and a drug seller
Mark:(surprised) for reals?(laughs) Your joking!
Karen:(serious) why don't you believe him?
Mark:(stops laughing but stays smiling) B/c your too pretty to be like that
Karen:(smiles flirty) and your too cute to be with a bitch like that
Mark:(scratching his head while smiling) Nah but for reals?
Brandon:(not really liking their flirting but trying to hide it) yeah she's a real trouble maker...her parents sent her to Phoenix from LA so that she an leave behind her old 'bad habits'
Mark:(surprised) seriously?
Karen:(serious) yeah...Yesterday I moved in with my aunt who lives next to the Rowlands ...and now I'm Brandon's neighbor whom he made out with the first day we met (turns and looks at Brandon in the eyes) we're special aren't we (lowers her hand down below Brandon's waist and gently grabs his dick)
Brandon:(moans a little but enough for Mark to hear) Uhhh...Karen...
Mark:(feeling awkward) I-I...

^^what will happen next? Will there be a make out scene with Brandon at the mall? or will mark do something crazy? Stay tuned!^^

{this episode was published 2/12/17 I will update soon}

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