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^^Brandon's Pov^^
Brandon:(shakes his head and starts walking back to his house)(thinking to himself)**hmm, I wonder who's her boyfriend...if she actually is telling the truth...**(walks inside and closed the door behind him) Mom can I invite friends over!!?
Christine:(from upstairs) Are you feeling good?!
Brandon: Yes!!
Christine: Fine but nothing crazy!
Brandon:(smiles and gets his phone)
Hunter:(heading downstairs) You inviting friends over?
Brandon:(texted some friends) Yea
Hunter:(smirks) Boii I was gonna too!
(Winks) you know mom going to her friends house today and I wanna throw a house party
Brandon:(frown) Shut up cause I asked mom first...and I also want to throw a party (smiles)
Hunter:(laughs) I asked her yesterday so haha I'm inviting my friends over
Brandon:(annoyed) Hunter you can invite your friends too okay not like we can't both have our friends over
Hunter:(smiles) Your friends are my friends ...tell them your big brother Hunter is throwing a party okay?(rubs Brandon's hair and then starts running back upstairs)
Brandon:(smirks) Stop! (Gets a pillow and tried throwing it at Hunter but missed)(laughs and continues texted some friends)
Ashton:(sits next to Brandon) You lied
Brandon:(looks up from his phone) what?
Ashton: Yuh lied to mom...said you weren't having a party
Brandon:(smile) Damn Ashton you don't let anything slip...don't worry if you don't want to lock yourself in your room again then yes you are invited to come downstairs and party with us
Ashton:(shaking his head) Your stupid...(stands up and then turns around) Make sure to invite Ruby and Lauren
Brandon:(laughs) I already invited the Orlandos but I thought you only liked Ruby now
Ashton:(smiling, shrugs) I don't know they both are pretty (walks upstairs)
Brandon:(laughs and continues to invite people on his phone)(after inviting everybody he calls mark to come over)(thinking to himself) **hmm should I invite sure why not...maybe she'll bring her boyfriend**(laughs at the last thought and heads to the kitchen to see how much food they had) Hunter Go Buy Food!
Hunter:(heading downstairs) Fine but you clean the house (whisper) And keep your voice down, or at least till mom leaves
Brandon: (rolls his eyes) yes whatever...did you invite your friends already?
Hunter:(heading the the door) Yup
Brandon:(smile) good...I'll clean the house right now and you bug a lot of food
Hunter:(opens the door) Yes blah blah blah (laughs and closes the door)
Brandon:(shakes his head and starts cleaning the house)(thinking to himself)**I know everybody's gonna come but hmm...wonder if Karen is...i men's she kind of has to like she's my neighbor...**
^^Karen's Pov^^
Karen:(knocks on Johnny's door) Johnny I'm here!
Johnny:(takes a moment to open the door but then smiles) Hey
Karen:(smiles) Hey Johnny (walks I side and gives him a short kiss) So what do you want to do
Johnny:(shrugs) I don't a movie?
Karen:(smirks)Nah let's do something fun...(walks over to the kitchen) Today's been a lousy day and i really really want to celebrate that my stitches are gone and yes the shit still hurts, thanks for asking but I want to do something crazy you know (smiles)
Johnny:(confused) Okay...just jump off an airplane or something (laughs) Like for reals then what do you want to do or go?
Karen:(opens the fridge) Hmm we some go to a fair or something like that...oh can I have a soda
Johnny:(smiles) Yeah sure...and umm there's a circus going on a close by here, wanna go?
Karen:(opens the soda) Is it good?
Johnny:(shrugs) Never have gone
Karen: No I mean the soda (laughs)
Johnny:(laughs) Oh yeah it is good
Karen:(drinks out of it) Alright let's do it...let's go to the circus (laughs) but first let me go home to get my camera
Johnny: You vlog or?
Karen:(laughs) what? No! I just take pictures and videos of like scenery...used to do it a lot but I haven't since I got to Phoenix...circus seems good to start with
Johnny: (walks over to Karen and wraps his arms around her)(smiling) alright well then let's go (kisses her a little ok the cheek)
Lauren:(walking downstairs) Go where?
Johnny:(sighs and lets go of Karen) To the circus...without you
Lauren:(laughs) aww y'all cute like I saw that...(smiles) And of course I'm going with you guys thanks for inviting me
Johnny:(rolls his eyes) Your so annoying! I hate you! (Laughs)
Lauren:(also laughs) Ha love you too
Karen:(laughs) Damn thank god in the only child...(smiles) Well let's not waits time and go to ny house for my camera
Lauren: alright come on Johnny get an uber
Johnny:(gets his phone) Fine... (they walk out and take an uber to Karen's house)
Karen:(walking inside her house) Aunt! Narissa! (Hears no reply) Hmm she's not home... (shrugs) I'm gonna go upstairs and get my camera guys can sit and wait
Lauren:(sits down) Your house is nice
Karen:(smiles) thanks (starts heading up stairs)
Johnny: (sits next to Lauren) You better not be an awkward third wheel
Lauren:(laughs) What you mean? I'm not awkward
Johnny:(frowns) Sure
Lauren:(laughs) Omg shut up! (Laughs again and then received a text. Looks at it)
^^Text message^^
Brandon: Hey Lauren its Brandon. Texted to invite you to hunters and mine house party. It starts at 9:30 and ends, who knows when. Please come and if you want invite a friend. See ya!
^^End of messages^^
Lauren:(shows Johnny her phone) did  you get this too
Johnny:(frowns) no...(receives a message)(smiles and shows Lauren his phone) Oh wait just now I did
Lauren:(laughs a little) We should go there instead of the circus
Johnny:(shrugs) I mean if Karen wants to go than sure I mean Brandon's my friend (smile)
Lauren:(smiles) Yes! Ugh I just bought a dress a while ago and haven't found the occasion to wear I do (smiling) Oooo I need to do my makeup and shower
Johnny:(laughs) Its not going to be that fancy relax like it's just a home party
Lauren:(smiles) I know but I'm pretty sure a lot of cute guys are going to be there
Johnny:(frowns) Yeah huh
Lauren:(laughs) Ooo you frowning...think Karen will find a cuter boy? Probably will do just stay close to her
Karen:(coming downstairs) Stay close to who?
Lauren:(smiling) Ooo Karen guess what
Karen:(confused) Uhh I found my camera
Lauren:(laughs) No! Forget about the circus we are going to s party!
Karen:(laughs) Who's party is it?
Johnny:(smiling) The Rowland's...have you gotten an invitation yet?
Karen:(frowns and checks her phone) No not yet
Lauren:(frowns) Oh well it doesn't matter cause they said that we can bring a friend so (smiles)
Johnny: I thought you and Brandon had a thing...thought he would invite you
Karen:(shrugs) Yeah well you thought wrong....

^^End of chapter! Will try to update more often but other than that thanks for reading! Don't forget to vote and COMMENT PEOPLE YOU'D LIKE TO BE IN THE STORY OR AT THE PARTY^^

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