Bad boyfriend

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^^Brandons pov^^
Brandon:(half way downstairs and catches a glimpse of Karen's parents and quickly goes back up a few steps)(leans against the wall and takes a deep breath)(thinking to himself)**Shit how am I supposed to leave with them two standing by the door! Back door? Nah their gonna see me go through the kitchen which would be way worst....I can't go back up to Karen...Ugh great I'll just speed walk out and hope they don't say anything**(takes a deep breath and quickly goes down the stairs and speed walks towards the door)
Mom:(grabs his shoulder) Hey where's Karen?
Brandon:(flinches a little due to her hand on his shoulder)(thinking about what to say) I-I umm she's upstairs packing she'll be down soon I guess (grabs the door knob and opens it a little but then Karen's dad closes it)(looks at him confused)
Dad:(serious) And why are you leaving? Aren't you her boyfriend? Your supposed to help her pack and say goodbye
Brandon:(sighs) Yeah I already did both things and need to go home
Dad:(shrugs) Yeah or maybe you aren't really her boyfriend but her one night stand that doesn't want to keep up with her family problems
Brandon:(chuckles) Umm no its not that I just really need to go home now so excuse me (reaches for the handle Karen's dad puts his hand on the door knocker first)
Dad:You see I was never really the type of dad to ask my daughter about her boy friends and exes but now I know that was a mistake which I don't want to repeat so listen to me (glares at Brandon) If you truly like my daughter than you'll stay and answer a question  or two (smiles not full hearted)
Brandon:(smiled doubtfully) I love Karen but trust me when I say I must go home now (stares at Karen's dad's hand on the knob)
Dad:(chuckles a little) Yeah well that the good thing about you being the neighbor and boyfriend right? You'll be home in less that a minute so why the rush? What are you running from?
Brandon:(shakes his head smiling) I'm not running I just want to go home to check on my brother because my mom texted me to go back home to make sure he doesn't do anything stupid
Dad:(doubting) Sure and your such a good son right
Brandon:(smiles) I mean not the best but she trusts me (thinks for a second) Sort of...
Mom:(laughs) Okay well your being honest so if you'd excuse my husband (pushes his had of the knob and opens the door) You may go now to your little brother
Dad:(frowns) Wait, are you coming back later when Karen really leaves or
Brandon:(steps outside and smiles) Nope....(sighs) Cause just like I'm a bad son I'm also a bad boyfriend (smiles sarcastically and walks over to his house knowing they were watching him)
Dad:(smirks) Did he just-(shakes his head) He's a jerk (closes the door)
Mom:(awkward) Well umm I'm pretty sure he was just feeling intimidated so that's why he really left
Dad:(shrugs) Either way it's a good thing Karen's leaving cause he's totally not worth her time
Mom:(shrugs) I don't I mean you don't know why she chose to be with him
Dad: And it won't matter because he obviously has no interest in her or else he wouldn't have left...(sighs) And what's taking Karen so long to come down here
Mom: Yeah I should go check on her
Karen:(going downstairs with suit cases) No need for that (smiles) So we're leaving?
Mom:(smiles) Of course
Dad: Doubt you care but i think I'd be nice for you to know that your so called 'boyfriend' bailed on you
Karen:(frowns) Yeah he kind of always does that...(shrugs) But we'll find our way back eventually
Dad:(confused) Wait what? He always bails on you and yet your still with him?
Karen: Umm yeah dad I love him...(smiles) And he loves me which is why we always find a way back to each other
Dad:(shakes his head) That's not love that's just some stupid childish wanna be love
Karen:(laughs) You don't even know us
Dad: I don't need to, if you two fight and get back it's because you too are too obsessed with each other to let go..probably just a phase
Karen: (smiling and pulling her suitcases outside) No it's because we love each other
Dad:(steps outside) Sure you might think you love him but-
Karen:(interrupts him) Dad I know I love him
Dad:(smirks while closing the door) You didn't let me finish...You see yeah okay you love each other but are you in love with him?
Karen:(confused) What's the difference?
Dad: (carries one of the suitcases heading to a car) Well you can always just love somebody like how you love your friends, family, pets but then there's also when your in love with somebody, that's way different
Karen:(laughs) What? That's makes no sense! Mom put some sanity in this crazy man
Mom:(laughs) No i mean he has a point sort of
Karen:(looks at her mom smiling) How?
Mom:(smiling) Yeah I mean what you dad said like you love a friend but your not in love with them right? (Chuckles) Trust me you'll know the difference when your actually in love (gets inside the car)
Karen:(frowns confused)(gets inside the car too) Wait, how are so sure I'm not in love now?
Mom:(smiling through the reverse mirror) Because if your in love with that boy Im assuming, u wouldn't be leaving him
Dad:(turns on the car) But you did leave the boy sooo
Karen:(chuckles feeling confused) Okay first of all the 'boys' name is Brandon and second of all I'm not leaving him I'm just taking a break
Dad:(heading to the airport) Funny because supposedly coming to Phoenix was your 'break' from your real life in LA 
Karen:(frowns and thinks for a moment)(thinking out loud) Right...

^^End of Chapter!! Thx for reading! Don't forget to vote and comment your thoughts!!^^

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