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^^Next day^^
Brandon:(waking up, glances at his phone and smirks)(thinking to himself)**took me forever last night to choose whether or not to call Karen...But fuck her i ain't gonna be stressin no more**(stands up heading to the bathroom)**Plus today's Landon's Masquerade Birthday party...nights gonna be lit with free booze and many girls to fuck around with**(smiling turns on the shower)
^^Karen's Pov^^
Karen:(knocks on the door waiting excited)
Narissa:(opens the door and just looks at Karen confused) What are you-
Karen:(doesn't let her finish and instead just hugs her tightly) I'm so sorry Narissa, I should have never left originally without saying good bye
Narissa:(smiling) It's okay I mean I get why you would leave so excited like you miss your friends...and I also kind of exaggerated
Karen:(pulls away from the hug) No you didn't you were right in yelling at me like there were so many other people here that I didn't get to say good bye to
Narissa:(smiles) Well, how long till you go again
Karen: I leave tomorrow morning...and...(turns around to the car her parents were in) My mom wants to know if they can stay here for the day
Narissa:(smiles) Of course (signaling with her hand for them to come out)
Mom:(speed walks over to Narissa and gives her a tight hug) Ugh Narissa I've missed you
Narissa:(hugging her tightly) I've missed you too...I mean it's been 5 years right
Mom:(sighs) Yeah, 5 years
Narissa:(pulls away and smiles at Karen's dad) Hey Im Narissa
Dad: Hey I'm Andre umm nice to finally meet you
Narissa:(smiling) Yeah...(sighs and looks at Karen) Soo...Happy birthday?
Karen:(laughs) Thanks, your not the first to tell me that awkwardly (looks at her parents)
Narissa:(doubtful) I know your leaving tomorrow but I mean I have to ask(laughs)
Karen:(confused) Ask what?
Narissa:(smiling) If you are going to go to Landon Barker's Masquerade Birthday Party?
Karen:(laughs) Ohhh! I remember now we have the same birthday...Damm I forgot...
Mom:(smiles) That's funny you have the same birthdate
Karen: I mean I would go but I don't even have a dress
Narissa:(smiles) I thought so which is why I had gone ahead to buy you a dress and mask along with mine...It was so expensive which is why I probably got to mad when I found out you had left
Karen:(laughs) Omg...(looks at her mom) Could I go?
Mom:(smiles) Sure I mean it is your birthday after all you should have some fun...just save some for tomorrow when we throw your birthday party
Karen:(smiles ) Sure (turns to Narissa excited) Ugh lets go get dressed (pulls Narissa's hand upstairs)
Narissa:(laughs at her sister and then follows behind Karen)(turns around to Karen's parents) You two can pick any room on the house, there are 2 available on the bottom and 1 upstairs
Mom:(laughs) We'll take the bottom, thanks
Karen:(opens the door of her room and sighs)
Narissa:(coming from her room with two dresses in a bag)(smiling) Okay the party starts at 7:00 and it's 12:00 right now so I think we should shower, have a light breakfast and then do our hair
Karen:(smiles) Okay
^^an 2 hours and 45 later^^

just save some for tomorrow when we throw your birthday party Karen:(smiles ) Sure (turns to Narissa excited) Ugh lets go get dressed (pulls Narissa's hand upstairs) Narissa:(laughs at her sister and then follows behind Karen)(turns around to Kare...

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Karen:(^hair^)(turns to Narissa) There Im finally done

Karen:(^hair^)(turns to Narissa) There Im finally done

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