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Karen:(decided to stroll around the area and then sits back down to listen to music for several hours)(thinking to herself)**I wish my life could be this peaceful...I've been here for over 4 hours...But it's helped me sort my thoughts...I'm done with Brandon Rowland...I won't let him destroy and distract me, I can't deal with him...I mean I guess we can still talk but I won't be desperate...I need to control my needs...if I don't then I'll never go back home...I miss LA...life was good there...as of now this place is the only good thing I have here**(she stays alone sitting on the bench facing the river while listening to music until it becomes 11:43)(thinking)*oh god it's night I should go now**(stands up and calls an uber to pick her up)(she gets a call on her phone and lifts to see who it was, it was mark)(thinking)**should I answer...I mean we can still be friends, and I kind of was too rude today**(she decided to pick of the phone call)
^^Phone call^^
Karen:hey markie, thx for calling I mean before anything I just want to say that I'm sorry fo-
Mark:(interrupting Karen with a desperate tone) Karen I need your help
Karen:(confused) what?
Mark:(swallowing hard) I'm in trouble
Karen:(worried) Mark what's wrong?
Mark:(breathing heavily) I can't find Brandon
Karen:(smirks) Okay and?
Mark: No! You don't get it! Last night we got boozed up and we rented a hotel and then we went to the club again and well we were there for a while but like 30 minutes ago we heard gunshots so we ran...in opposite directions...I've been calling his number but he doesn't answer...I'm worried (stutters)
Karen:(nervous) well have you called his mom what if he went home
Mark: no...if he would have he would have called to see if I was okay
Karen:(takes deep breath) well call his mom now
Mark: I can't...His mom would be so pissed off I mean he's 17 and I'm 18 we still aren't able to legally drink till we're 21
Karen:(smirks) Doenst his mom already know you guys went to the bar
Mark: told her we were spending the weekend at Universal Studios
Karen:(worrying) where are you at?
Mark:I'll text you the address
Karen: alright...just don't do anything stupid and don't leave...But keep calling him...I'll be there soon
Mark: all right hurry
Karen: yeah bye
Mark:(worried tone) Bye...
^^end of phone call^^
Karen:(tells uber driver to make a tune to the address Mark had texted her)(thinking to herself)**Oh god what have they gotten themselves into... a shooting? Please god that Brandon isn't hurt...**(to uber) Can you please drive faster it's an emergency
^^10 minutes later Karen sees mark standing outside of a hotel^^
Mark:(sees Karen and runs to go hug her) Karen..(shaky voice) Im so scared
Karen:(hugging him back tightly) Look it's okay your safe now we just have to find Brandon (pulls away from the hug) Where's the club?
Mark:(takes a deep breath) We shouldn't go there like what if the guys are still there
Karen:(sighs) The police are probably there by now let's just go take a look
Mark:(shaking his head) Fine...
^^10 minutes later Mark and Karen get to the club^^
Mark:(stops walking) Its right around the corner
Karen:(continues walking) why'd you stop we're almost there
Mark: (eyes watery) Shit nah It's just that if something happened to him...(shakes his head)Fuck it let's just go
Karen:(hold on to Marks arm and walks around the corner. There are police standing everywhere and ambulances carrying people inside)(shocked) Markus what happened?! Why are so many people hurt?!
Mark:(looking around with red eyes) I told you...there were a lot of guys and try just stared shooting everywhere...I got out but fuck...(looks around the club)
Police Man:(sees Karen and Mark and walks over to them) I recommend you guys to keep your distance, they gang that this is still not caught...not even one...they might still be here...we checked inside after receiving a call of hearing shooting and a lot of people were injured...you teens should go home (turns around about to walk away)
Karen:(calling the police) Hey! Wait!
Policeman:(turns around) Yes?
Karen:(looks at Mark and then the police) Our friend was here and he hasn't answered our all we'd like to know if you guys have found him or like if he's in one of the ambulances...his name is Brandon Rowland
Policeman:(sighs) alright stay here (walks back to the other policemen)
Mark:(turns to Karen) He better be there with just a scratch and not a shot
Karen:(puts her hand on his shoulder) Its okay...Just think positive
Policeman:(walking back) We don't have a identified Brandon Rowland but there's a few people we haven't identified yet so your free to check
Karen:(looks at mark) alright (they walk over to an ambulance)
Policeman: do you recognize any of them?
Mark: no..
Policeman: these two were the only ones not identified and they are unconscious...and there's also two bodies but they were identified so your friend isn't here...you should probably try his cell again
Karen: yeah sure thanks (grabs marks arm pulling him towards the alley) He's not here, now where do we look...I mean where else can he be
Mark: what if his phone died and that's We he hasn't responded
Karen:(sighs) just call him again but mean while let's walk over to his house and see if he's there
Mark:(starts walking with Karen and tries calling Brandon again) It's ringing...(suddenly they hear a phone ringing in the distance)
Karen:(looks at Mark)(whisper) do you hear that?
Mark:(looks at Karen confused) hear what?
Karen:(looking around) A phone
Mark:(confused) what?
Karen:(continues looking around) A phone...I hear it ringing (tries to hear but doesn't hear it anymore. Turns to mark)
Mark:(putting his phone down) He didn't pick up
Karen: wait...call him again
Mark:(sighs) I just did but alright (calls him again)
Karen:wait but this time listen without the phone on your ear
Mark:(confused) alright...(suddenly they both hear the phone ringing again)(with wide eyes) Omg...(starts running to where he heard the ring tone)
Karen:(running after him) Where's it coming from
Mark:(continuing to run) Down the alley its getting louder (starts running faster)
Karen:(trying to catch up with Mark) Mark wait I don't run as fast as you! Mark!(sees him turn around a corner and then stops running)(out of breath) Mark! (Hears the phone stop ringing)(starts walking faster) Mark? (Hears a yell) (scared) Mark! (Starts running as fast as she could)
^^Marks pov^^
Mark:(runs as fast as he could and hears Karen yelling at him from behind. He turns around the corner and then looks to his left and then his right. He almost falls when he sees him. He hangs up the phone call to stop the ringing)(horrified, yells) Noo!! (Falls to the floor and starts crying)
Karen:(catches up to Mark and turns. Opens her eyes) Omg...(feels a tear run down her cheeks) Brandon...

^^End of Chapter! Wooo Cliff hanger! Comment your thought an don't forget to vote!^^

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