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Narissa:(smiling) What do you mean 'what'?
Karen:(confused) Why would Brandon be jealous?
Narissa:(shrugs while smiling) Hmm maybe because he might actually have feelings for you? Or maybe he's gonna be more mad than jealous
Karen:(frowns) Wth no! Why would be mad? We were never anything serious
Narissa:(shrugs) Yeah but at times it would seem like if you were...and by mad I didn't mean he'd be mad at you...I mean he probably will be mad at Johnny like their friends and he's dating the girl Brandon's slept with before
Karen:(smirks) Okay well that's all in the past...Brandon has no right to be mad at Johnny
Narissa: Also had no right to be mad at Mark when he had sex with you but he did
Karen:(shakes her head) Stop! No! Brandon will just accept like why are we stressing about it when he hasn't reacted yet
Narissa:(laughs) Im not stressing about it, are you?
Karen:(sighs) I hate you Narissa (smiles and starts walking upstairs to her bed)
^^Next day^^
Karen:(using her phone in bed, sees a text message from Johnny)
^^text messages^^
Johnny: Good morning!!!😊♥️
Karen: 😂 😂
Karen:good morning Johnny 💓
Johnny: you barely woke up?
Karen: Yeah why?
Johnny: because I had texted u like an hour ago 🙄😂
Karen: oh my bad 😂😂
Johnny: 🙄❤️😂
Johnny: Aye so like I told Lauren I asked you out and she doesn't believe me!!
Karen: why? 😂
Johnny: Idk but she don't 😂
Karen: Oh 🐳 ...
Johnny: ^ wth 😂
Karen: oh well^^
Johnny: oohhhhhh!!! 😂😂😂
Johnny: aye are you doing something later?
Karen: yes
Johnny: oh
Karen: 😂😂😂
Karen: so dry^^ but like for reals I'm going to the hospital to heal my stitches
Johnny: oh😂
Johnny: I was going to tell you to come over but yeah go to the hospital instead 😂😊
Karen: Yeah I'll go to the hospital but then I'll go over to your house...convince Lauren maybe? 😂😂
Johnny: lol and okay 😂
Karen: alright then bye!! ❤️😊
Johnny: 😘
^^End of texts messages^^
Karen:(smiles and then puts her phone on her drawer and gets up to look for an outfit in her closet)

convince Lauren maybe? 😂😂Johnny: lol and okay 😂Karen: alright then bye!! ❤️😊Johnny: 😘 ^^End of texts messages^^ Karen:(smiles and then puts her phone on her drawer and gets up to look for an outfit in her closet)

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Karen:(^)(starts to head down stairs) Narissaaaa!!!!
Narissa:(from the kitchen) What!!!
Karen:(walks inside the kitchen) Today I can get my stitches removed right?
Narissa:(smiles) Of course...(getting her purse) we are leaving now right?
Karen:(smiles) Yes...)(they drive to the hospital and wait inside the room) ugh you boyfriend takes forever to come
Narissa:(laughs) He's not my boyfriend...yet (both laugh) I don't know what we are but it's more than just fuck buddies (both laugh again)
Dr.Erick: (walks inside and smiles awkwardly) Hey...so your back
Karen:(nods) Yeah but don't worry this will be my last time
De.Erick:(smiles) I'm not worrying...(feeling awkward) So uhh your getting your stitches removed right?
Karen:(nods) mhmm...yeah
Dr. Erick: alright then let's get started (he cuts Karen's stitched off and let's her stay inside the room for a while) Just leave when you feel less nauseous...it wasn't a pleasant view I know it's normal for you to feel sick...And umm excuse I've got a patient to attend in 15 minutes and I need to set the room up
Karen:(smiles) okay(she watches him leave and after about 5 minutes walks out the room) Why is he always weird and awkward? You two do it dirty or what? (Laughs)
Narissa:(laughs also) Hmm I'll leave you with the benefit of the doubt (both laugh and go inside the elevator)
Karen:(pushes the buttons to go to the 1st floor)(sighs) It kind of hurts
Narissa: Well just take a couple pain killers and you should be good
Karen:(nods and then remembers something) Omg I forgot I need to go get more pain killers
Narissa:(sighs) And you need the prescription...
Karen:(smirks) Ugh we have to go back to the third floor...(looking at the buttons) how do you go back up
Narissa:(shrugs) I don't know just wait till we get to the 1st floor and then push the button to go back to the 3rd floor
Karen:(sighs) Fine...
Narissa:(laughs a little) relax...(they reach the 1st floor and the elevator door opens)
Karen:(surprised)(thinking to herself)**O-M-G... The Rowland's**(feeling nervous looks at Narissa who was smiling at them)
Narissa:(smiling) Hey Christine, Hunter, Brandon, and Ashton...wow what a coincidence, seeing you all here...
Christine:(smiles back) Hey Narissa and yes very ironic...(steps inside the elevator) come in boys get inside the doors going to close
Narissa:(laughs a little) Yeah lets squish in (scoots over to make more space)
Christine: (stands next to Narissa on her left)
Hunter:(stands next to Narissa on her right) hey Miss Davenport
Narissa:(laughs) just call me Narissa...I'm just 22 okay like only 4 years older than you
Hunter:(blushes a little) Yeah (chuckles)
Ashton:(stands next to Hunter) Hey Narissa
Narissa:(smiles) Hey Ashton
Brandon:(the last to enter stands next to Ashton's right and left to Karen with a little space in between) (smiles at Narissa in a saluting way)
Narissa:(looks at him) Hmm are you okay? I mean like how are you doing?
Brandon:(watched the elevator door close) Well it hurts but I'm gonna survive (chuckles a little)
Narissa:(slightly laughs) All jokes but honestly I sympathize and I hope you heal fast...
Brandon:(smiles) Yeah thanks, and I prefer not to really think that I'm injured cause that's just shii (looks at his mom) uhh that just sucks but yeah...I also hope I heal fast (nudges Karen a little)
Karen:(turns to him and rolls her eyes)
Narissa: yeah it must really feel bad to have stitches on your chest and omg (shakes a little) damm how can you act so strong
Brandon:(laughs) I don't know I meam if I don't want to pass out I need to try not to right?
Narissa:(laughs) Yeah of course...(seed the door open)
Karen:(waits for it to fully open and then starts to head to the door and bumps Brandon with her shoulder wen heading toward it)
Brandon:(groans) Ahh(rubs his chest)
Christine:(looks at Brandon) Oh Brandon are you okay?
Brandon:(looks up at Karen while holding his arm) Yeah it just hurt badly right now
Christine:(frowns) Oh brandon lets go get yourself checked (walks outside the elevator with an arm around Brandon)(turns to Narissa who was behind her) bye Narissa see you around
Narissa:(smiles) of course
Brandon:(when walking past Karen looks at her with a confused face and mouths her the word 'what')
Karen:(ignored him) Narissa let's go get my prescriptions
Narissa:(nods and smiles at Hunter and Ashton as they left behind Christine and Brandon) Yeah sure (they walk towards the front desk and order the meds)(looking at Karen) Why?
Karen:(looks at her) Why what?
Narissa:(frowns) Why did you shove Brandon?
Karen:(smirks) I didn't shove him
Narissa:(rolls her eyes) Oh don't lie I saw when you shoved him and when he looked at you with a questioning face
Karen: he acts all weak and yet when you told him that he probably can't wait to get healed he nudged me
Narissa:(laughs) Oh wow...he was right about trying to pretend it lends hurt...it probably hurt him when he nudged you and yet he still did it (laughs) What a naughty boy
Karen:(rolls her eyes) You should listen to how stupid you sound
Narissa:(laughs) Okay fuck you...and let's go already the medicines are in the counter already
Karen:(laughs) Alright (they leave back home and then Karen calls an uber to drive to Johnny's house)(walks outside to wait for an uber and sees Brandon coming out of his car and look at her)(thinking to herself) **great...** (sees Brandon walking towards her so she starts to walk the other way)
Brandon:(following her) Hey! Karen wait!
Karen:(takes a deep breath and turns around) Yes?
Brandon:(smiles) Yes as in yes you did purposely shove me in the elevator against the wall?
Karen:(frowns) I didn't shove you against the wall!
Brandon:(gasps) You fucken liar! Maybe you don't know your strength or shit but you fucken pushed me hard and made my back hit against the wall!!
Karen:(trying not to laugh) Oh well my bad...(can see the uber driver from around the corner)(smiles) Yeah maybe your right I don't know my strength
Brandon:(chuckles) Yeah dats right you finally admit you were wrong
Karen:(rolls her eyes) Oh yeah feel special...(starts to walk to uber)
Brandon: where you going?
Karen:(opens door to the uber) To my boyfriends house (smiles and gets inside the car)
Brandon:(frowns and watches the car drive away) Boyfriend?....

^^End of chapter! Hadn't updated since idk when but yeah now I have :) don't forget to vote and comment your thought! Tanks fo reading!! 😘❤️❤️😊^^

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