Its fine

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Karen:(turns to the clock to see what time it is after mark closed the door and turned the lights off )(it was 10:37) **alright its kind of early I guess I'm finally gonna get some early sleep**(she heard the front door close)**so mark is now out of my house how nice**(she closes her eyes trying to sleep again but she hears the door of her room open)(rises up a little) Hello? Aunt is that you? (The lights turn on and standing next to the door was Brandon)(Karen surprised, covering herself with her sheets) Brandon?
Brandon:(smiles) I saw Mark leaving your house...
Karen:(confused of why he was smiling but ignored it) Okay?... I can be with whoever I want remember?
Brandon:(laughs) I didn't come so that you can give me and explanation wtf! It's fine...(laughs more) I just came to see if Mark was able to get with you, I was about to knock on your door when mark was leaving...(smiles) He answered my question (laughs again)
Karen:(confused) So then he just let you inside my nice of him
Brandon:(laughs) Your right!...I should have still knocked (shakes his head but then just laughs again)
Karen:(way more confused) Okay I still don't get why you are still here like if you already got your 'answer' then why don't you get the fuck out?
Brandon:(yawns) Cause I wanted to see your reaction when you saw me coming inside your room after you just made out with my best friend(laughs)
Karen:(realizing that she was still naked) Brandon can you leave so that I can shower and change? (Pauses) Correction...You NEED to leave because I'm going to shower and dress
Brandon:(smiles) if you want to put your clothes on then do it,
you don't need my permission
Karen:(smirks) I'm not asking for your permission I'm telling you to leave so that I can dress privately
Brandon:(yawning) I don't need to leave so that you can put clothes on...if anything I've already seen you everywhere (laughs more)
Karen:(loosing her patience)(rising on her bed still covering herself) Brandon you have two choices right now...You get out for like 10 minutes for me to just wash my body and then wear some pants and shirt or you just leave my house
Brandon:(rubbing his tired looking eyes) Trust me you can change with me here I can control myself...not like Mark
Karen:(confused) what about mark? You can't say you can't control yourself b/c you fell for me remember?
Brandon:(laughs sleepily) That one day? I fell for you purposely...I could have kept going much more longer but I never take too long to get in a girls jeans...I wanted you then so I wasn't in the mood to keep going in a game with no point when eventually I knew that we were still going to have sex
Karen:(confused) then why didn't you resist longer...(smirks) cause you couldn't
Brandon:(smiles) I will just let you think that
Karen:(rolls her eyes) I can't believe you Brandon...ugh now get out of my room and let me shower
Brandon:(yawning) Nah I'm really tired I honestly just wanted to see your reaction when you found out that I purposely set you and Mark up...I got what I wanted...I can go now...(rubs his eyes tiredly)
Karen:(surprised) what did you say!? You set us up?
Brandon:(laughs) of course! Why do you think I would stay quiet when y'all flirted? Why you think I called you over saying Mark wanted to see you? I mean he did but mainly cause I asked him if I should call you over (laughs) and I didn't really need to go to the groceries(smiles) I just wanted to leave you two alone...see how far y'all got...(laughs) Ahaha you fell for Mark (smiles dirtily) you fall for anybody...
Karen:(annoyed) Omg...And what are you trying to say?
Brandon:(yawning more) I'm trying to say that I set you up to see how slutty or good a player you are...I only be with some hoes...but I like better hard to get girls...Your too easy (laughs) Enjoy Mark...(starts walking out)
Karen:(mad) Wtf! How can you even say that? I don't sleep with any guy! I only sleep with guys I feel attracted to or that are just when I really need it... not just anybody
Brandon:(smiles) I'm a stranger to you and Mark both...and you slept with both of us in 3 days (laughs) I might be a player but fo' sho' but 'I need a rich bitch, not a cheap hoe' (starts walking out again)
Karen:(mad)You can call me player but not a cheap I look cheap to you?
Brandon:(turns around) okay maybe your rich but your personality is cheap...(notices Karen rise a little off the bed) I'm such a better player than you...
Karen:(lifts herself up still covering herself with her sheets trying to look seductive) You sure about that?
Brandon:(looks at her again and smirks) I'm sure about that (turns the lights off and closes the door behind him)
Karen:(sits back down and then throws her self on the bed again) **wtf Brandon!!! My aunt warned me about him and my dumbass actually thinks I had something with him..I should have known you can't really seduce a player...But I'm a player too...And I never really felt so seduced by Brandon...and Brandon just said he didn't really fall for me either... that's why he didn't care about Mark and me, he never really did try to seduce me right?...that's what he came to tell me... we are both the players of a game that was never over......correction, the game never started...**

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